Aubrey Ross - Enemy Embrace 03 - Replicant.PDF

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Enemy Embrace, Book Three
Determined to move beyond his decadent past, Matt, the infamous Toymaker,
embarks on a journey of self-discovery. He once created pleasure aids and sexual
companions and is now a “replicant” himself. Though primitive and superstitious, the
Perrlain Tribe holds the secret to his survival, or at least his sanity.
After Serena’s highly erotic ascension to spiritual healer status, she grows
uncomfortable surrendering herself to sexual release. The tribe’s high priestess sees an
opportunity for Matt and Serena to help each other. Matt will reintroduce Serena to
carnal pleasure and she will balance his soul stream.
Matt and Serena’s attraction soon transcends physical pleasure, but mutual enemies
reveal that Matt is a “soulless machine”. Serena has been taught that technology is evil,
but her heart refuses to believe. Now she’s faced with an impossible choice, honor the
sacred teachings or betray her tribe so she can be with the man she loves.
Ellora’s Cave Publishing
ISBN 9781419932007
Replicant Copyright © 2011 Aubrey Ross
Edited by Mary Moran
Cover art by Dar Albert
Electronic book publication March 2011
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Aubrey Ross
Gathering her waist-length hair into a tight twist, Serena wrapped the heavy mass
around the crown of her head and held it there as the high priestess lowered a snug
headdress into place. “I’m the only acolyte ascending tonight. Everyone will know who
I am.”
Hyalee didn’t argue. “Every aspect of the ceremony is designed to focus our
attention on the ascension. Nothing must distract us from the changes the Deity is about
to work in you.” They had already ringed her eyes with soot and used the deep red
juice of the tersatta plant to stain her lips. The high priestess secured a mask across the
upper half of Serena’s face and stepped back to look at her.
Few ever witnessed the ascension of an acolyte. It was the holiest of all Perrlain
rituals. Serena had awakened this morning to a troubling combination of excitement
and dread. Everyone had tried to soothe her, but all of Hyalee’s vague assurances
hadn’t eased the tension gripping Serena’s belly.
Though diminutive in stature and build, the high priestess exuded authority. She’d
swept her honey blonde hair away from her face and worked it into a simple braid.
“You still seem uncertain. No one ascends unless they’re ready.”
“I am ready.” Serena took a deep breath and let the words ring through her mind.
This is what she’d waited for her entire life. So why couldn’t she shake the trepidation?
“You have a great capacity for divine energy. I’ve sensed this for some time. Do you
have any idea which gift the Deity is going to release within you? Your mother was
having dreams long before her ascension.”
Serena shook her head. “I only feel as if my life will never be the same after
Hyalee studied her for a long silent moment. “All acolytes, male and female, are
expected to refrain from sexual expression during their training. Some, like you, will
experience intercourse for the first time during their ascension, but most have
experimented with carnal pleasure in one way or another long before that time. Are you
frightened by that aspect of what is about to happen?”
“Of course not.” Most Perrlain rituals included some sort of sexual expression.
Carnal hunger was an elemental and enjoyable part of adult life. Still, Serena wanted
her sacrifice to be special. She’d suppressed her desire as best she could and
compromised only by relieving the tension with her own touch. “I’m anxious to express
my sexuality, but…” Serena released a shaky sigh. “I’m not sure what’s bothering me.”
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