Marie Harte - Blackthorne’s Light.pdf
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Blackthorne’s Light
Blackthorne’s Light
Marie Harte
© copyright June 2004, Marie Harte
With a husky groan the shadowed figure continued to feed, his mouth moving hungrily over the
smooth white neck of the limp woman he held tightly in his arms, his body primally thrusting into
hers, hungry and ecstatic to feed on both her blood and her sexual essence.
He groaned as he sucked at her neck, his teeth keeping her veins open as his tongue laved her
lifesblood like cream. His hard body drew moans and gasps of delight from her, even though she
surely knew she would not survive this night. Her red hair swung like a bloodied scarf from her wan
features, her eyes half-closed in ecstasy, her lips pale and trembling under the constant pleasure-pain
of his touch.
And as he climaxed, drenching her womb with his fiery passion, he drained the last drop of bright red
blood from her body as she found her own fulfillment. He released her and watched as the sated
woman cried out for more, needing his body in hers like a starved addict. But he could only watch as
her body suddenly lost its golden glow of life and faded under the inky blackness of her dark soul.
Like a flickering light, he watched as she passed into the world beyond, where those better than he
would judge her. His eyes darkened in pain but not regret. He knew his course in this world, and only
prayed he would gain enough redemption to save himself such misery in the next life.
Chapter One
"Ms. Vansant? This is what you wanted, right?" the young woman asked in a husky voice as she
cracked her gum. She handed Adara a leaflet showcasing the hottest club in town.
Adara glanced at the page and smiled, then handed the desperate young woman a twenty and left the
small porn shop where she’d been doing some of her research. Now won’t this make a fantastic article,
she thought to herself as she narrowly avoided tripping over a homeless man lying on the sidewalk.
She tossed a bill out of her pocket to him with a small shake of her head and quickly moved out of
this section of town. She didn’t exactly scorn the nightlife, but anyone stupid enough to foray around
this area of Rathan after dark was begging for trouble.
She glanced up at the glimmering moon, taken with the dark blue blanket of sky fading to black, the
indigo clouds racing with the wind in the chill October air. Shaken out of her contemplation of the
night sky by a few lewd propositions, Adara quickly hopped into her car and drove towards her home.
She had enough material to start this new journalistic endeavor and felt a strange excitement. She had
a feeling that this story would definitely cap all the others.
As Adara passed several better neighborhoods, she sighed at the disregard that had caused the western
part of Rathan to fall to shambles. A good-sized suburb just north of Philadelphia, Rathan had both its
good and bad sections of town.
Adara lived in the nice section, the part of town where the middle-class lived comfortably and longed
to join the wealthy in Society Hill. Unfortunately, layoffs and business closings had contributed to the
neglected western half of town, the half that lately had been attracting a very dark element.
She pursed her lips as she drove down her street, a quiet neighborhood of smaller houses catering to
singles and newly married couples. Adara left her car and unlocked her front door, bitterly aware that
no one awaited her return.
She grabbed the mail that had collected on the ground under her mail slot and shuffled through the
bills and advertisements with a huff.
"Nothing," she told her dark haired reflection in the mirror above a small wall table. She tossed the
mail on the table, replayed her answering machine and managed a small grin at Maria’s message.
"Your article idea seems interesting. Go for it," her editor’s voice grumbled. "But let me know if you
find anything out there that leads to better orgasms. Quite frankly, I’m getting tired of Herb."
Maria and Herb had been married for over twenty years, and happily so, Adara thought enviously. Yet
it was Maria’s quirky sense of humor and candid speech that had made her an instant friend. Maria
had taken to Adara upon first meeting her and the business they did together blossomed as quickly as
their friendship. Maria edited for Chic Ventures, a racy woman’s magazine that had begun undertaking
more serious topics of late.
Maria, however, maintained that as long as Chic Ventures continued to talk about sex, sex, and more
sex, the magazine would never go out of print.
Adara threw a frozen dinner into the microwave and tossed her satchel on the kitchen counter. As she
waited for the meal to cook, she eyed the newspaper article that had sparked the interest for her next
story. She read again the news that a fourth woman had turned up missing in the past two weeks,
making that now sixteen women in the last four months in the lower southeastern corner of
Pennsylvania that had disappeared.
Apparently the few ties the women had were that all of them were quite beautiful, and none of them
were particularly well-liked or behaved in life. Several of the lewd women, some prostitutes, drug
users and a few alleged criminals had mysteriously vanished, no trace of their bodies ever found. The
author of the article had nicknamed the case The Evils of Beauty, and the police had no leads on the
The microwave beeped and Adara grabbed the hot tray with a muttered curse. She ate hungrily,
resolving tomorrow not to skip lunch and settled down at the table. She had tossed the idea around in
her head several times. Most of these missing women had been speculated to visit the seedier side of
life. Since Adara and most of the women she knew rarely ventured into the dark worlds of sex and
eroticism, she thought she might generate a bit of interest in the subject with her article.
Good girls weren’t supposed to engage in sex without a relationship presumably leading to marriage.
Adara smiled grimly to herself. But then, good girls didn’t always get Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome
all wrapped up with marriage in a bow. Sometimes Mr. Handsome slept with your best friend.
Sometimes his complaints about boring sex with his fiancée sounded because he was too tired from a
previous fling with said best friend earlier that day.
Adara swore again just thinking about how blind she’d been. Today she felt more than glad that she’d
found out about Marci and James’s defection. Her sex life hadn’t been all that great with James but
she had thought, naively, that with time they would grow closer.
She wondered again about her article. Maybe the ‘bad girls’ in life had it right. They played by their
own rules and didn’t get hurt as much, well, with the exception of the missing women. But, she
thought wryly, it’s not as if she planned on robbing or killing anyone. And who was to say that
enjoying one’s body was a bad thing anyways? She grabbed her notebook out of her bag off the
counter and stared again at the leaflet she’d been handed.
She had a list of several well-known nightclubs but this one, she tapped the red paper, this one had a
reputation all its own. Known for its Goth-dressing patrons, vampire hopefuls and no-holds-barred
sexual dalliances both in the bar and in the back rooms behind it, Vampland had become the new
underground hot spot for singles wanting sizzling, steamy sex and few strings attached.
Adara nodded. Yes. This would definitely be a piece that drove her readers wild. After all, it took a lot
of guts and very little fear to enter into a world where anything was allowed.
* * * *
Trey surveyed the moon outside his window and smiled, his teeth bright and white as he grinned in
appreciation of the clear October night sky. He didn’t grin much lately, his job wearing on his weary
mind and soul. He figured the least he could do to lighten his burdens would be to appreciate the
beauty of this world.
He sighed and sat back in his office, watching through several monitors the gyrating bodies fleshed
out on the dance floor like cattle being led to the slaughter. A knock at the door sounded and he called
out for John to enter.
His young manager smiled and nodded towards the large monitor in the wall Trey had been studying.
"Isn’t it great, boss? I mean, Trey, this place is jumping with people! Ever since you introduced this
new Goth theme, we’ve been all over the map. In fact," he leaned towards Trey, his blue eyes
sparkling with mischief, "We’ve got several more keys awaiting your interest," John said and threw
them down on Trey’s desk.
Trey merely sighed and shook his head. "Give them back or keep them, I don’t care which." He
gestured for John to grab them.
John merely shook his head as he eyed his boss in confusion. At twenty-eight, John considered
himself a prime catch. He had an athlete’s build, stood over six-two and had a handsome face to match
his charm and keen wit. He never suffered for female companionship, but Trey? Man, he’d never seen
a guy get more offers for sex than his boss. And Trey never seemed to accept them.
He knew the guy had to be getting sex from somewhere, but Trey was as mysterious about his sex life
as he was about his comings and goings. John covertly studied the man’s face as Trey stared into the
monitor overlooking his bar.
He looked like he belonged in this place, John thought, a lot more than John did with his boy-next-
door good looks. John’s last date had said that his boss reminded her of a vampire with his dark hair,
black eyes and white skin. But as John studied him, he thought Trey’s skin looked more golden than
white, his eyes more brown than black.
Trey glanced over at him with a quizzical expression and John flushed, grinning as he grabbed the
keys and left. Not only did Trey have a great face that the women loved to watch, but he also had a
frame that most guys labored at the gym to build. And John knew Trey didn’t work out. He didn’t
need to. Good genes, he thought with a shrug and rejoined the madness around him.
Trey waited until John had departed down the stairs before he clutched at his head and sunk into the
bleak darkness that threatened to overwhelm him did he not heed its call. He searched within himself
looking for peace, but found another awaited him. He felt revulsion that he looked forward to the task
and berated himself for falling deeper into the blackness that awaited his soul. Trey looked again at the
monitor before him, seeing now what he hadn’t wanted to see earlier.
A woman in the corner danced with several friends, her long blond hair flying around her as she
bounced to the music. Hungrily, he noted her slim body with full breasts bared almost fully through
the low dress that she wore. She didn’t have too much height and he noticed that though she danced
with the others, the black aura that engulfed her didn’t drift to anyone else but stayed directly over her
The night passed rather swiftly for him as he waited for her to leave. She stayed until the very end and
he smiled grimly, glad at least that his club had given her vast entertainment before she had to meet
her end.
He locked himself in his office and separated himself
from his flesh, moving his spirit through the air on wings of purpose. He hovered over her, attracted
to the darkness of her soul. He watched her as she left with one of the men dancing with her. Then
Trey moved back with the couple to an apartment to study the blond woman.
Once inside the apartment, she immediately moved in on the man, teasing him with her body, not the
least surprised or hurt when he slapped her harshly and pushed her around, looking as he if were
taking her by force.
He watched as the man ripped her clothing from her body and plunged into her with haste, his frenzy
further exciting the woman. Then he watched as she waited for the right moment.
The minute the man climaxed, she brought a large rock down upon his head with a solid thump. Then
she kicked him off of her, running a finger over his bloody head and licking it with a shudder than
made Trey hungry to take her now.
The woman moved quickly through the house, grabbing anything she deemed of value, finally
stripping the unconscious man of his wallet and watch. She straightened her clothing, put a new shirt
on that she slipped out of her bag, and left the house. She walked down the street and caught a cab.
Trey followed her to the address, made a note and returned to his body.
Chapter Two
Meg answered the door on the second knock. A man clad in black and looking almost unreal stood
there in the darkness, staring at her without words. Amazed at her luck and not questioning the
oddness of such a handsome stranger at her door, she grinned and moved back, inviting him inside. He
smiled at her and she blinked, thinking he had a tremendously bright smile. He closed and locked the
door behind him, staring at her with an absorption that bordered on fanaticism.
"You want me," he said bluntly, his deep voice flowing over her like honey. "Tell me what you want."
Meg cleared her throat, her pale eyes fixed to the burning blackness of his gaze. She had never seen
this man before in her life. She could never have forgotten such a face. And yet she answered him.
"I want you to take me hard," she said breathlessly, the words torn from her lips by something she
couldn’t explain. "I want it rough and I want to feel you ripping through my virginal flesh," she said
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