Cheryl Dragon - Catcalling Catherine.PDF
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Catcalling Catherine
Catcalling Catherine
Cheryl Dragon
Call it a compliment. Call it offensive. The whistles and shouts of hot, young
construction workers have become Catherine’s latest sexual obsession. To protect her
professional reputation, Catherine uses a service to fulfill her blue-collar fantasy and the
two men hired for the job, complete with hard hats and hard-ons, do it just right.
Problem solved—or so she thought.
One fantasy isn’t enough for Tony. Catherine failed to recognize him as part of the
crew who remodeled her office. After the best sex of his life, he wants more—their
combined fantasies with no services, no secrets. Anywhere, anytime and anything she
wants, if she can handle a little reality in her fantasy life.
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Catcalling Catherine
ISBN 9781419929892
Catcalling Catherine Copyright © 2010 Cheryl Dragon
Edited by Shannon Combs
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book publication October 2010
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Cheryl Dragon
Catcalling Catherine
Chapter One
Walking back to her office building with her lunch, Catherine enjoyed the warm
summer sun. New York had fabulous weather today and she ignored the noisy traffic
and construction. Luckily she wasn’t walking with a judge or legal colleague. It was
The hooting and whistling from the construction workers began as soon as she was
in sight and continued after she’d passed by. Catherine had worked hard to make
partner at the prestigious old law firm Archibald and Whitney. At forty-four she’d
achieved her career goals and wasn’t about to let harassing men keep her from a nice
day. Still, she’d learned not to conduct any work walking by construction workers.
She simply pressed her lips together and looked away. Ice queen, an unoriginal
nickname around the firm, but she took pride in it. The only female partner, she hadn’t
slept her way to the top. She’d won her cases and worked hard. Professional was
professional and anything personal remained completely separate. When in doubt, she
did what a man would do and beat them at their own game.
When she entered the building, Catherine relaxed a bit. Once in her thirtieth floor
office, she felt in charge again. The dark wood and marble desk, the huge windows and
the legal admins who feared her…this was her element.
Still the dirty comments of sweaty and muscled men hung in her mind. Her body
reacted completely opposite to her mind. The tingling of arousal had to be ignored in
favor of work.
Unwrapping her sandwich, Catherine spotted her admin peeking in the slightly
open door. Catherine waved Sara in. “It’s beautiful outside. Go get some air.” The only
downside of her office was the huge windows didn’t open.
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