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Catriona's Surrender
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Catriona’s Surrender
ISBN 9781419918438
Catriona’s Surrender Copyright © 2008 Amanda May
Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca.
Electronic book Publication October 2008
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Amanda May
Amanda May
Chapter One
Catriona knew she was not the most pious of Isolyte’s instruments. She was more
like a tender new plant, pale and apt to be crushed underfoot by her lovers. It took
coaxing for her to flower. Only careful touching—though it need not always be gentle—
made her petals unfurl. Some did it well. Others did not. Yet, as a devout priestess of
Isolyte, Catriona was tasked to surrender herself to all without question or protest.
No, she was not the most pious of instruments.
She curled her hands around the balustrade and looked down over the arriving
guests, her thoughts catching on that first time she’d shed her blood in ritual ceremony.
Her memories so often wandered there, every time she saw the man who’d deflowered
her, and that was nearly every day.
Stephen stood by the opal-encrusted entryway to the room of the moon and stars.
He wore a black doublet, which matched his hair, and a dark blue sash, which matched
his eyes. Stephen was but five years her senior, but had a wealth of experience she had
not. Back then, that was.
He was the one who’d taught her to love the touch of rope against her skin. He was
the one who’d taught her to take pleasure from pain.
Catriona was nineteen years old when she lost her maidenhood, a year older than
most Priestesses of Isolyte, although she’d been no stranger to the secrets of physical
love. Her academic training had begun at the age of seventeen, the year her foster
parents had suffered one too many winters filled with moldy potatoes and boiled river
water and could not afford to keep all their hungry mouths for another season.
She could still remember how cold it had been that day, how the wind had ripped
back her threadbare hood as she’d knelt before the Head Matron of Isolyte in the House
Catriona’s Surrender
of Midnight. She’d been so scrawny, her red hair cropped unfavorably close to her head
and her flesh paler than marble.
The Midnight Temple had almost not wanted her. She’d been old, much older than
they normally dedicated priests and priestesses into the service of Isolyte. She had
curled her hands into fists and bowed her head, praying, praying to her Mandan gods
that she would be found unsuited. If they accepted her, she’d planned to run as far as
she could.
Who was this Isolyte that She required Catriona’s body, her obedience, her
submission? Catriona hadn’t been born in the Great Isles under this Goddess’ strange
laws. She had been born in the south, in an entirely different country.
The Head Matron had laid a wrinkled hand on her head. It had felt warm and
oddly comforting. “Come into the light of Isolyte, my child. Give your body to Her
service in sacrifice,” she had intoned. Bitter tears had run down Catriona’s cheeks when
she raised Catriona’s head and the Head Matron had wiped them away.
Catriona had stayed long enough to be bathed, fed and clothed, though it made her
feel guilty. She could’ve walked right out the front door back then, but she’d been too
meek for that. Instead, in the dead of that first night, she’d opened a window and been
halfway out when Stephen had put a hand on her shoulder. “It is not so bad as all that,
girl,” he’d said. “If you leave you’ll be whoring on the street within a fortnight. Here
your work is sacred. Here your body is a holy instrument.”
He’d been right. She was no highborn young lady. She had no way to make her
way in life other than on her back. Catriona had stayed. She had learned to love the
Goddess Isolyte, though she’d never quite felt the devout submission in her heart that
the other priests and priestesses seemed to feel. Her Mandan blood prevented this,
perhaps. Perhaps it was the fact that here in the Great Isles the sexual act was
something ennobling and uplifting, especially when done in the temples. In the place of
Catriona’s birth, it was a thing done behind closed doors, quickly, and only for getting a
child on a woman. To take pleasure from sex was to sin, especially for women.
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