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Microsoft Word - lesson_65
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Read the text and do the exercises below (Przeczytaj tekst i zrób ćwiczenia poniżej).
When the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain in the 5th century A.D., they brought with
them their language: Old English. Examples of Old English words are: sheep, dog, work, field,
earth, the, is, you. Two hundred years later, when St. Augustine brought Christianity to Britain in
the 7th century, hundreds of Latin and Greek words were adapted into Old English: words such as
hymn, priest, school, cook. In the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries, the Viking invaders added their own
Norse words: gel, wrong, leg, want, skin, same, low.
When the Norman Duke William won the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and became King
William I, French became the language of the educated classes for the next two or three centuries.
This meant that there was no conservative influence on the English language, which was spoken
mainly by uneducated people, and so the Middle English period (11501500) was characterized by
great changes. Most of the complicated grammar of Old English disappeared, and word order
became very important, as it is in modern English; at the same time: there was a massive transfer
of French words into English. Latin, however, was still the language of the church and of
education, and this mixing of Latin, French and native English is the reason why there are so many
synonyms today in the English language, e.g. ask (English), question (French), interrogate (Latin);
time (English), age (French), epoch (Latin).
The introduction of the printing press at the end of the 15th century created the need for a
standard, uniform language that could be understood throughout the country. Modern English
probably began in about 1500, and the most important influence on the language was William
Shakespeare, who said in Love's Labour's Lost, that 'pure' English was the language in which
Englishmen best expressed themselves.
English was exported to Britain's growing number of colonies, which by the 19th century
contained one quarter of the world's population. In the 20th century, even though Britain's role as a
world power decreased a lot, the power of the USA gave the English language the status of a
world language. It is estimated that one in five people in the world speak English and this number
is growing.
Exercise 1
Choose the best answer according to the text (Wybierz najlepszą odpowiedź według tekstu)
1. Old English came to Britain:
a) in the 5 th century
b) in the 7 th century
c) in the 8 th , 9 th and 10 th centuries
2. Vikings brought:
a) Greek
b) Latin
c) Norse
3. King William I:
a) won the battle of Hastings
b) was the first Norman king of Britain
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c) brought Christianity to Britain
4. The French language was spoken by:
a) uneducated people
b) educated people
c) conservative people
5. Middle English grammar became:
a) easier
b) more difficult
c) the same as French
6. There are so many synonyms in English because:
a) Latin, French and English mixed together
b) William Shakespeare created them
c) the church created them
7. Modern English was:
a) created by William Shakespeare
b) influenced by William Shakespeare
c) created by the printing press
8. In the 20 th century English was a very important language because:
a) the USA became the most powerful country
b) it was used in the British colonies
c) everybody liked this language
Exercise 2
Match the words and their translations (Dopasuj słówka do ich tłumaczeń)
a) adapted ............. 1) w całym
b) priest ............. 2) jednolity
c) added ............. 3) prasa drukarska
d) meant ............. 4) przystosowane
e) order ............. 5) wyrażali się
f) Latin ............. 6) ksiądz, duchowny
g) printing press ............. 7) podane w przybliżeniu
h) uniform ............. 8) porządek
i) throughout ............. 9) zmniejszył się
j) expressed ............. 10) pomimo tego że
k) growing ............. 11) łacina
l) contained ............. 12) zawierały
m) even though ............. 13) oznaczało
n) decreased ............. 14) dodali
o) estimated ............. 15) rosnący
English language
Practice 1
Match the examples and the parts of speech (Dopasuj przykłady do podanych części mowy).
a) Nouns ............. 1) she, it, them, our
b) Verbs ............. 2) the, a, an
c) Adjectives ............. 3) table, news, sugar
d) Adverbs ............. 4) sad, short, safe
e) Prepositions ............. 5) always, slowly, suddenly
f) Pronouns ............. 6) say, sit, break
g) Articles ............. 7) from, in, at
Practice 2
Match the words and their translations (Dopasuj słówka do ich tłumaczeń).
a) auxiliary verb ............. 1) stopień najwyższy przymiotnika
b) comparative ............. 2) przedrostek
c) compound ............. 3) przyrostek
d) conjunction ............. 4) stopień wyższy przymiotnika
e) countable ............. 5) liczba pojedyncza
f) object ............. 6) czasownik posiłkowy
g) phrasal verb ............. 7) czasownik złożony
h) plural ............. 8) dopełnienie
i) prefix ............. 9) podmiot
j) singular ............. 10) policzalne
k) subject ............. 11) niepoliczalne
l) suffix ............. 12) spójnik
m) superlative ............. 13) złożony
n) uncountable ............. 14) liczba mnoga
Practice 3
Use the words or expressions from Practice 2 to complete the sentences (Wykorzystaj słowa lub
wyrażenia z Practice 2, aby uzupełnić zdania).
1) A / An ............................ is a verb which forms part of the verb phrase. There are three verbs
like that in English: ‘be’, ‘do’ and ‘have’.
2) A / An ............................ noun is a noun which cannot have a plural form (e.g.: rice, water,
3) A / an ............................ is a part of a word put in front of another to form a new word, e.g.: dis,
re, anti.
4) A / An ............................ noun is a noun which can have both singular and plural forms, e.g.:
cat / cats, woman / women, game / games.
5) A / An ............................ noun is a noun made up of more than one word, e.g.: a notebook, a
hair drier.
6) A / An ............................ is a noun or pronoun that comes directly after the verb or preposition,
e.g.: In the sentence: ‘The man killed the fly.’ The word ‘fly’ is the object of the verb ‘killed’.
7) A / An ............................ is the form of an adjective or adverb which shows comparison
between two things, e.g.: slimmer, more expensive.
8) A /An ............................ is a word which links different parts of a sentence, e.g.: but, and,
9) A / an ............................ is a noun or pronoun which usually comes before a verb and shows
the person or thing that does the action expressed by the verb, e.g.: In the sentence: ‘The man
killed the fly.’ The word ‘man’ is the subject of the verb ‘killed’.
10) A / An ............................ noun is a noun which expresses more than one, e.g.: chairs, children,
Revision of grammar (questions)
Choose the correct word or expression to complete the questions (Wybierz prawidłowe słowo lub
wyrażenie, aby uzupełnić pytania).
1. What ....................... (the names are / are the names / do the names) of the nine planets?
2. What ....................... (do / is / does) CD stand for?
3. Who ....................... (did write / did wrote / wrote) Hamlet?
4. Who ....................... (lives / does live / live) at No. 10 Downing Street?
5. When ....................... (did Japan attack / Japan attacked / attacked Japan) Pearl Harbour?
6. Who ....................... (Juan Peron was / was Juan Peron / did Juan Peron)?
7. What European language ....................... (spoken is / does speak / is spoken) in Algeria?
8. Who ....................... (does celebrate / is celebrated / celebrates) the fourth of July?
9. How many legs ....................... (have spiders / spiders have / do spiders have)?
10. Which member of the Beatles ....................... (killed / was killed /did kill) in New York?
11. What country ....................... (did Hong Kong belong to / Hong Kong belonged to / did Hong
Kong to belong)?
12. What ....................... (you have lost / have you lose / have you lost)?
Revision of grammar (prepositions)
Put the missing preposition into the gap. (Wstaw brakujący przyimek w lukę).
1. I put the books ............... the table.
2. The butter is ............... the fridge.
3. We saw them ............... the bus stop.
4. I left my book ............... school.
5. We visited our family ............... Easter.
6. I worked for a newspaper ............... the Gulf War.
7. We celebrate our Independence Day ............... 11 th November.
8. I’ve been in the army ............... I was eighteen.
9. I booked a table in the restaurant ............... next Saturday.
10. I never get up early ............... Sunday mornings.
Vocabulary from the unit
adapt – przystosować
add – dodawać
adjective – przymiotnik
adverb – przysłówek
article – przedimek
auxiliary verb – czasownik posiłkowy
comparative – stopień wyższy przymiotnika
comparison – porównanie
compound – złożony
conjunction – spójnik
contain – zawierać
countable – policzalny
decrease – zmniejszać
estimate – podawać w przybliżeniu
even though – pomimo tego że
express – wyrażać się
field – pole, łąka
growing – rosnący
latin – łacina
link łączyć
made up of – stworzony z
mean – oznaczać
native – rdzenny
noun – rzeczownik
object – dopełnienie
order – porządek
phrasal verb – czasownik złożony
plural – liczba mnoga
prefix – przedrostek
preposition – przyimek
priest – ksiądz, duchowny
printing press – prasa drukarska
pronoun – zaimek
singular – liczba pojedyncza
subject – podmiot
suffix – przyrostek
superlative – stopień najwyższy przymiotnika
throughout – w całym
uncountable – niepoliczalny
uniform – jednolity
verb – czasownik
Lesson 33 – answer key
Exercise 1
1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 b, 6 a, 7 b, 8 a
Exercise 2
a) 4, b) 6, c) 14, d) 13, e) 8, f) 11, g) 3, h) 2, i) 1, j) 5, k) 15, l) 12, m) 10, n) 9, o) 7
Practice 1
a) 3, b) 6, c) 4, d) 5, e) 7, f) 1, g) 2
Practice 2
a) 6, b) 4, c) 13, d) 12, e) 10, f) 8, g) 7, h) 14, i) 2, j) 5, k) 9, l) 3, m) 1, n) 11
Practice 3
1) A / An auxiliary verb is a verb which forms part of the verb phrase. There are three verbs like
that in English: ‘be’, ‘do’ and ‘have’.
2) A / An uncountable noun is a noun which cannot have a plural form (e.g.: rice, water,
3) A / an prefix is a part of a word put in front of another to form a new word, e.g.: dis, re, anti.
4) A / An countable noun is a noun which can have both singular and plural forms, e.g.: cat /
cats, woman / women, game / games.
5) A / An compound noun is a noun made up of more than one word, e.g.: a notebook, a hair
6) A / An object is a noun or pronoun that comes directly after the verb or preposition, e.g.: In the
sentence: ‘The man killed the fly.’ The word ‘fly’ is the object of the verb ‘killed’.
7) A / An comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb which shows comparison between
two things, e.g.: slimmer, more expensive.
8) A /An conjunction is a word which links different parts of a sentence, e.g.: but, and, although.
9) A / an subject is a noun or pronoun which usually comes before a verb and shows the person
or thing that does the action expressed by the verb, e.g.: In the sentence: ‘The man killed the
fly.’ The word ‘man’ is the subject of the verb ‘killed’.
10) A / An plural noun is a noun which expresses more than one, e.g.: chairs, children, boxes.
Revision of grammar (questions)
1. What are the names of the nine planets?
2. What does CD stand for?
3. Who wrote Hamlet?
4. Who lives at No. 10 Downing Street?
5. When did Japan attack Pearl Harbour?
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