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Microsoft Word - lesson_70
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Text 1
Who's who in the office
Exercise 1
Read the conversation and then fill in the diagram with the names of the people who work in the office.
(Przeczytaj rozmowę i uzupełnij diagram poniżej osobami, które pracują w biurze.)
Alice James: I think I'd better take this opportunity to explain to you exactly who's who in the company.
You'll need to know who to go to if you want to contact a particular manager. Let's start
right at the top: James Pratt is the Managing Director and his Personal Assistant is Ann
Buxton. The company is divided into four departments: Production, Personnel, Marketing
and Finance. OK?
Karen Milton: I see.
Alice James: Right. Let's deal with each one in turn. Jacob Jinn looks after Production, and his title is
Production Manager, and Mark Mart works as Personal Assistant in the Production
Department. Then there are two secretaries. Is that clear?
Karen Milton: Yes.
Alice James: Moving on to Personnel, we've got Betty White, and her title is Personnel Director. Maria
Horst works for Betty White as Personal Assistant. And then there are two secretaries in
the department. OK?
Karen Milton: Yes, fine.
Alice James: As you know, I'm the Marketing Manager and for the next two months you are going to
work as my Personal Assistant. Jane Thornton and Patricia Welsh, the two secretaries in
the department, will report to you. Is that clear?
Karen Milton: OK.
Alice James: And finally, John Smith is responsible for the Finance Department. His Personal Assistant
is Hanna Bright. And then there are three secretaries in the department. You've met one
already, I think. So that's a brief overview of the structure of the company. Do you have
any questions?
Karen Milton: No, everything is clear.
Name: ...................
Title: Managing Director
PA: Ann Buxton
Name: Jacob Jinn
Name: Betty White
Name: ..................
Name: John Smith
Title: ..................
Title: ..................
Title: Marketing Manager Title: ..................
PA: Mark Mart
PA: Maria Horst
PA: Karen Milton
PA: Hanna Bright
2 secretaries
2 secretaries
2 secretaries
3 secretaries
Exercise 2
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Decide if the sentences below are true or false according to the conversation in Exercise 1. Put TRUE or
FALSE into the gaps. (Zdecyduj czy zdania poniżej są prawdziwe czy fałszywe według rozmowy a
ćwiczenia 1. Wpisz TRUE albo FALSE w luki.)
1. Karen Milton is going to contact the managers of the company.
2. The managing director has two secretaries.
3. There are five departments in the company.
4. Ann Buxton works under Jacob Jinn.
5. Mark Mart works for Jacob Jinn.
6. Maria Horst is a secretary in the Personnel Department.
7. Betty White has got two Personal Assistants.
8. Karen Milton is under Alice James.
9. Patricia Welsh works for Karen Milton.
10. There are five people in the Finance Department.
Text 2
Company Description
Exercise 1
Read the text and choose the best answer for the questions below. (Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz najlepsze
odpowiedzi do pytań poniżej.)
Mirage is a highly profitable software company, with a workforce of over 1,000 and an annual turnover of
$300 million. Its main products are applications programs for industry as well as for educational
institutions. Its many customers include small and mediumsized companies, government departments
as well as students.
The company was founded in Santa Maria, California, in 1988. The original founders, Kate Pullman and
Leon Cheng, were still students when they went into business. Their idea was only to earn some extra
money. Mirage began to grow rapidly and by 1990 turnover was over $4m.
Initially the company worked in the area of Software Consulting. However, in 1992 Pullman and Cheng
introduced the first version of the WordFast word processing programme. It was an immediate success.
Students liked it because it was easier to use than other programs on the market.
In 1995 Leon Cheng left Mirage and set up his own company, Intermark. Kate Pullman is still Company
President and thinks that Mirage has a bright future. The company has ambitious plans. Later this year it
will launch a new version of its MirData database program. There are also plans for a joint venture with
Saito, the leading Japanese computer firm.
1. Mirage is a company which:
a) makes a lot of money
b) is an educational institution
c) is a government institution
2. The company employs
a) less than 1000 people
b) 1000 people
c) more than 1000 people
3. The founders of Mirage:
a) were very rich people
b) were very young people
c) wanted to earn a lot of money
4. They started to make a lot of money:
a) after two years
b) in 1988
c) before 1990
5. At the beginning the company:
a) produced computers
b) developed computer programmes
c) gave advice on computer software
6. Their first computer programme
a) was easy to use
b) revolutionized the market
c) was cheaper than other programmes on the market
7. Leon Cheng:
a) still works for Mirage
b) is going to set up a joint venture with a Japanese computer company
c) manages another company
8. Mirage will make
a) modern computers
b) other computer programmes
c) Kate Pullman its Company President
Exercise 2
Use the expressions from the text in Exercise 2 to complete the gaps. (Wykorzystaj wyrażenia z tekstu w
ćwiczeniu 1, aby uzupełnić luki)
AMG Workshops (1) ................................. in Reinheinm, Germany, in 1964. Originally the company
manufactured household goods, but nowadays its (2) ................................. are office furniture and
equipment. The group's service division offers a wide range of business services from cleaning
to waste disposal. The current (3) .................................. Roland Gustaff, is the son of the founder. He
has (4) ................................. for AMG. For example, the company is going to put a new range of
ergonomicallydesigned furniture (5) ................................. early next year. Mr Gustaff is also negotiating
a (6) ................................. with Dutch electronics giant Philips.
Exercise 1
Match the names of departments and their functions. Put the letter of the function into the gap. (Dopasuj
nazwy działów i ich funkcje. Wstaw literkę funkcji w lukę.)
1. sales
a) is responsible for manufacturing goods
2. purchasing
b) deals with recruiting new staff
3. planning
c) deals with invoices and payments
4. research & development ..........
d) handles advertising and new product launches
5. quality control
e) buys in products and services
6. production
f) tries to develop new products
7. personnel
g) makes sure that standards are maintained
8. finance
h) persuades people to buy the company’s products
9. distribution
i) sets out a strategy for the company’s future
10. marketing
j) transports goods to different places
Exercise 2
Match the office equipment and its function. Put the letter of the function into the gap. (Dopasuj nazwy
wyposażenia biurowego i ich funkcje. Wstaw literkę funkcji w lukę.)
1. word processor
2. photocopier
3. puncher
4. calendar
5. glue
6. file
7. computer
8. fax
9. stapler
10. scissors
11. ruler
12. correction fluid
13. paper clip
14. dictating machine
a) record spoken texts
b) stick one piece of paper to another
c) fix pieces of paper together
d) make holes in paper
e) erase mistakes
f) make copies of documents
g) store and process information
h) keep documents in order
i) cut paper
j) draw straight lines
k) hold pieces of paper together
l) send documents over the telephone line
m) record appointments
n) display the text on the screen and edit it
Exercise 3
Choose the correct preposition to fill in the gap. Then choose the answer by writing its letter into the
space provided. (Wybierz odpowiedni przyimek, aby uzupełnić lukę. Następnie wybierz odpowiedź
wpisując jej literę w podane miejsce.)
1. Was it difficult to break ......... (into / up / down) the Japanese market?
2. Did the company lay .......... (out / away / off) any staff?
3. Are you looking forward .......... (for / to / on) your visit to the Far East?
4. Have you run .......... (down / away / out) of brochures?
5. Did you find .......... (up / in / out) what time the train leaves?
6. Did you look .......... (down / on / up) her phone number?
7. Has your company been taken ......... (over / out / away)?
8. Did they look .......... (for / after / on) you well?
9. Did you go .......... (by / through / with) a difficult period?
10. Have you taken .......... (on / in / with) a new assistant?
11. Can we put .......... (out / off / away) our meeting today?
12. Has she set ........... (off / up / down) her own company?
a) Well, OK but I really must see you before the end of the week.
b) Yes, but she wasn't in the phone book.
c) Yes, but things are much easier now.
d) Yes, everyone was very kind and helpful.
e) Yes, I must order some more from the printers.
f) Yes, it's a very competitive market.
g) Yes, it's going to be an interesting trip.
h) Yes, she was tired of working for other people.
i) Yes, she's going to start work next week.
j) Yes, they told me it leaves at 2 o'clock.
k) Yes, thirty people lost their jobs.
l) Yes, we are owned by General Motors now.
Vocabulary from Lesson 38
opportunity – okazja
particular – poszczególny
personal assistant (PA) – asystent(ka) dyrektora
divide – dzielić
deal with – zajmować się
in turn – po kolei
title – stanowisko
department – dział
brief – krótki
overview – przegląd
profitable – przynoszący zysk
annual – roczny
turnover – obrót
application – program użytkowy
industry – przemysł
found – założyć
rapidly – gwałtownie
initially – początkowo
word processing – edycja tekstu
immediate – natychmiastowy
set up – założyć
bright – świetlana
launch – wypuścić na rynek
leading – główny
household – gospodarstwo domowe
division – dział
waste – odpady
disposal – pozbywanie się
sales – sprzedaż
purchasing – zakupy
research – badania
puncher – dziurkacz
glue – klej
stapler – zszywacz
scissors – nożyczki
ruler – linijka
correction fluid – płyn korekcyjny
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin