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New Casebooks
Shakespeare’s Romances
Edited by Alison Thorne
New Casebooks
WILLIAM BLAKE Edited by David Punter
CHAUCER Edited by Valerie Allen and Aries Axiotis
JOHN DONNE Edited by Andrew Mousley
SEAMUS HEANEY Edited by Michael Allen
PHILIP LARKIN Edited by Stephen Regan
DYLAN THOMAS Edited by John Goodby and Chris Wigginton
VICTORIAN WOMEN POETS Edited by Joseph Bristow
WORDSWORTH Edited by John Williams
PARADISE LOST Edited by William Zunder
AUSTEN: Emma Edited by David Monaghan
AUSTEN: Mansfield Park and Persuasion Edited by Judy Simons
AUSTEN: Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice Edited by Robert Clark
CHARLOTTE BRONT ¨ : Jane Eyre Edited by Heather Glen
CHARLOTTE BRONT ¨ : Villette Edited by Pauline Nestor
EMILY BRONT ¨ : Wuthering Heights Edited by Patsy Stoneman
ANGELA CARTER Edited by Alison Easton
WILKIE COLLINS Edited by Lyn Pykett
JOSEPH CONRAD Edited by Elaine Jordan
DICKENS: Bleak House Edited by Jeremy Tambling
DICKENS: David Copperfield and Hard Times Edited by John Peck
DICKENS: Great Expectations Edited by Roger Sell
ELIOT: The Mill on the Floss and Silas Marner Edited by Nahem Yousaf and
Andrew Maunder
ELIOT: Middlemarch Edited by John Peck
E.M. FORSTER Edited by Jeremy Tambling
HARDY: Jude the Obscure Edited by Penny Boumelha
HARDY: The Mayor of Casterbridge Edited by Julian Wolfreys
HARDY: Tess of the D’Urbervilles Edited by Peter Widdowson
JAMES: Turn of the Screw and What Maisie Knew Edited by Neil Cornwell and
Maggie Malone
LAWRENCE: Sons and Lovers Edited by Rick Rylance
TONI MORRISON Edited by Linden Peach
GEORGE ORWELL Edited by Byran Loughrey
SHELLEY: Frankenstein Edited by Fred Botting
STOKER: Dracula Edited by Glennis Byron
WOOLF: Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse Edited by Su Reid
(continued overleaf)
BECKETT: Waiting for Godot and Endgame Edited by Steven Connor
APHRA BEHN Edited by Janet Todd
REVENGE TRAGEDY Edited by Stevie Simkin
SHAKESPEARE: Antony and Cleopatra Edited by John Drakakis
SHAKESPEARE: Hamlet Edited by Martin Coyle
SHAKESPEARE: Julius Caesar Edited by Richard Wilson
SHAKESPEARE: King Lear Edited by Kiernan Ryan
SHAKESPEARE: Macbeth Edited by Alan Sinfield
SHAKESPEARE: The Merchant of Venice Edited by Martin Coyle
SHAKESPEARE: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Edited by Richard Dutton
SHAKESPEARE: Much Ado About Nothing and The Taming of the Shrew
Edited by Marion Wynne-Davies
SHAKESPEARE: Romeo and Juliet Edited by R. S. White
SHAKESPEARE: The Tempest Edited by R. S. White
SHAKESPEARE: Twelfth Night Edited by R. S. White
SHAKESPEARE ON FILM Edited by Robert Shaughnessy
SHAKESPEARE IN PERFORMANCE Edited by Robert Shaughnessy
SHAKESPEARE’S HISTORY PLAYS Edited by Graham Holderness
SHAKESPEARE’S ROMANCES Edited by Alison Thorne
SHAKESPEARE’S TRAGEDIES Edited by Susan Zimmerman
JOHN WEBSTER: The Duchess of Malfi Edited by Dympna Callaghan
POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURES Edited by Michael Parker and Roger Starkey
New Casebooks Series
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ISBN 0–333–71702–3 hardcover
ISBN 0–333–69345–0 paperback
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Introduction, selection and editorial matter
© Alison Thorne 2003
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shakespeare’s romances/edited by Alison Thorne.
p. cm. – (New casebooks)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0–333–67974–1 – ISBN 0–333–67975–X (pbk.)
1. Shakespeare, William, 1564–1616 – Tragicomedies. 2. Tragicomedy.
I. Thorne, Alison, 1959– II. New casebooks (Palgrave Macmillan (Firm))
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