Haarlock's Legacy 2 - Damned Cities.pdf

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Damned Cities
Lead Developer
Ross Watson
Production Manager
Gabe Laulunen
Written by
Alan Bligh and John French
Managing RPG Developer
Michael Hurley
Patrick Rollins
Christian T. Petersen
Dark Heresy Designed by
Owen Barnes, Kate Flack, and Mike Mason
G ames W orkshop
Graphic Design & Layout
Kevin Childress and Mark Raynor
Licensing Manager
Owen Rees
Cover Art
Clint Langley
Licensing & Acquired Rights Manager
Erik Mogensen
Interior Art
John Blanche, Adam Burn, Victor Corbella,
Simon Eckert, Imaginary Friends Studio, Aaron Panagos,
Aaron Kokarev, Igor Kieryluk, Erich Schreiner, Mark Smith,
Theo Stylianides, Tiernan Trevallion, and Kev Walker
Intellectual Property Manager
Alan Merrett
Head of Legal & Licensing
Andy Jones
Art Direction
Zoë Robinson
Special Thanks
“No Guts No Glory” Sean Connor with Mathieu Booth,
Nick Hodge, Karl Lloyd, and Stephen Pitson, “Bring the
Noise” James Savage with Dave Gallacher, Tommy Ryan,
and Stewart Strong, Benn Williams with Matt Fuller, Chris
Lancaster, Rebecca Williams, and Eric Young
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Games Workshop Limited 2009. All rights reserved. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, the Warhammer 40,000 logo, Warhammer
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ISBN 978-1-58994-551-7 Product Code DH08 Print ID: 696OCT09
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Introduction ............................................................. 4
Game Master’s Brieing .......................................... 4
The Structure of the Adventure ............................. 5
Plot Overview ......................................................... 5
Mystery, Murder, and the GM ............................... 6
The Path of the Adventure. .................................... 6
Game Mastering Damned Cities ........................... 7
Vital Leads and Useful Clues ................................ 7
Investigating the Sinks .........................................42
The Friends of Bal Grey. ......................................44
The Late Juvinal Priator .......................................44
The Rag Court ......................................................45
On the Run ............................................................46
Death in the Clockwork Court ...........................46
State of Turmoil—Boiling Point. ........................49
Before the Storm ...................................................49
The Enforcer General ...........................................49
Unvarnished Truth ................................................50
The House of Amorite ..........................................50
Planetary History ..................................................10
The Powers That Be .............................................11
Sinophia Magna ....................................................13
District I (Prime) ...................................................13
District III (The Commercia) ...............................13
District VII (The Shadow Manses) .....................15
District X (The Saint’s Wash) ..............................15
Districts V & XIII(The Sinks) ..............................15
Flavius Starport ......................................................16
The Clockwork Court . .........................................16
The Sanctum ..........................................................16
The Turning Hand ................................................17
The Celestine Wharf. ............................................17
Haarlock’s Folly .....................................................18
State of Turmoil—Mayhem ................................52
Endgame .................................................................54
A Final Betrayal ....................................................54
The Broken Tower ................................................54
Interview with the Daemon .................................55
Resolution ..............................................................56
Major NPCs ...........................................................58
Spectre Cell 17 ......................................................61
The Masses ...........................................................63
Appendix II: Player Handout ..............................67
The Haarlock Legacy Campaign. ........................70
A Legacy of Terror ................................................70
The Haarlock Legacy Campaign. ........................70
A Legacy of Terror ................................................70
Sinophia Magna ....................................................20
Key Dramatis Personae. ........................................23
The Daemon in the Mirror ..................................23
Colchis Skarmen ...................................................24
Xiabius Khan—Enforcer General .......................24
Margrave Cal Sur’Maywroth ..............................25
The Sagacity Eupheme Tassel. .............................25
The Masters of the Undertow .............................26
Lynan Yantra—the Witness .................................27
Biologis-Adept Lecto Talanis ..............................27
Spectre Cell 17 ......................................................27
The Shattered Mirror ............................................28
Who Has the Mirror Fragments? ........................28
The Nature of the Shard Fragments ...................30
The Bloody Tide of Disorder ..............................31
The State of Turmoil ...........................................31
Adventure Prologue .............................................32
A Sudden Change of Orders ..............................32
Part I: Death in Sinophia Magna ........................33
The Opening: A Rainy Arrival. ...........................33
Getting into the City ............................................35
Dead in the Water .................................................35
Haarlock’s Folly .....................................................36
Location Details ....................................................36
A Late but Welcome Reception ...........................38
An Interview with the Marshal ...........................39
On the Slab. ...........................................................40
The Corpse of Bal Grey .......................................40
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“The death of a wanted heretic is only the beginning of our holy task,
not the end. For the heretic can be found, can be killed—but in his
wake, he may scatter ten thousand seeds in the fertile soil of human
weakness that grow to strangle the future.”
and inighting caused by long-simmering tensions and
brought almost to the boiling point by the very mysterious
murders they are investigating, the Acolytes are free to pursue
their own investigations based on the clues they uncover and
the suspicions they form. Because of this luid situation, the
GM is required to respond to the players’ decisions and shape
the unfolding story and its outcomes accordingly. d amned
C ities in no small part has been designed with this in mind,
and also features a detailed gazetteer of the city and world
where the action is set, detailed background and character
descriptions to help in this regard, as well as advice on running
mysteries and open-ended investigations in your games.
d amned C ities opens with the Acolytes assigned (or
suddenly being reassigned—see page 33) to investigate a
series of gruesome murders in the city of Sinophia Magna.
These killings have maleic overtones, and their consequences
for the world are far-ranging enough to provoke direct
Inquisitorial involvement into what would normally be a local
matter. Once their investigation gets under way, the Acolytes
rapidly ind themselves in an invidious position in which
to attempt to carry out their mission. Although oficially
sanctioned, they are effectively friendless and unaligned
to any particular faction. This situation is compounded by
the rapidly escalating cold war between Sinophia’s criminal
underworld, its decadent nobility, and their corrupt agencies
of control. Against this dark background of social unrest,
urban decay, and growing turmoil, the Acolytes must steer a
path between clashing factions to solve the mystery behind
the killings, their cause and culprits—whilst the true power
behind the murders gets ever closer to its goal.
Can the Acolytes save the damned cities? It’s up to their
actions and skills to decide.
–Lord Inquisitor Caidin, Eulogies Vol. VI
for the d ark H eresy roleplaying game. This
adventure features a number of different game styles,
from survival horror, to intrigue, to investigation and desperate
action. d amned C ities can be played on its own without
dificulty, but is intended to form the second installment of the
modular Haarlock Legacy Campaign arc, and its use as part of
this campaign should only serve to deepen and improve the
experience both for players and the GM.
D amned C ities is a murder-mystery adventure set
against the darkness of the blighted world of Sinophia
and in the decaying and corrupt city of Sinophia
Magna amidst its viperous rivalries and festering hatreds. It
brings the Acolytes face to face with murder, spite, greed,
treachery, and warp-spawned horror, and ultimately reveals
the lengths that the late Erasmus Haarlock was willing to go
to achieve his terrible ends.
In format, the adventure itself is not precisely linear, but
rather unfolding events depend on the course the Acolytes
take against a backdrop of a steady escalation of the intrigues
transpiring on Sinophia. Set against an increasing civil unrest
D amned C ities is part of the Haarlock Legacy Campaign
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