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Parts of Speech Practice Sheet
Identify the noun(s) in each sentence. Specify whether each noun is proper or common .
Ex. The ball was given to the coach. Common/Common
1. New York is my favorite city. __________________________
2. My aunt went to visit her mother. __________________________
3. Jim bought a new shirt for the Broadway show. __________________________
4. George lost his shoe on the subway. __________________________
5. The Sears Tower is 110 stories tall! __________________________
Identify the pronoun and its antecedent in each example. Specify whether the pronoun is
a personal, relative or indefinite.
Ex. Henry enjoys basketball. He plays every week at the gym.
1. This necklace was given to Alicia by her grandmother.
2. The store sells many items, but it specializes in fine jewelry.
3. Many flowers have started to bloom.
4. To whom were you speaking?
5. None of the dinner was eaten.
personal pronoun
Pronouns: (cont.)
Identify the pronoun(s) in each example. Specify if the pronoun/s are possessive,
interrogative or demonstrative.
Ex. The instruments were theirs.
1. Those were the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten!
2. The suitcase that was stolen in the airport was mine.
3. To whom did you address the package?
4. This chair has been in her family since before the Civil War.
5. Which card was given to that family?
Trouble with References:
Reword each sentence so the meaning of the sentence is clear for the reader.
Ex. To begin each morning, she writes the day’s schedule on the board.
To begin each morning, the teacher writes the day’s schedule on the board .
1. Brian remembers placing the book on the table, but it disappeared.
2. I do not like to do that.
3. The team scored the goal, but it didn’t win the game.
4. That was so much fun to play on!
5. The trash can made the kitchen smell so it was thrown away.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Correct the following sentences so the pronouns agree with their antecedents.
Ex. No one put their jacket on the coat rack.
No one put his or her jacket on the coat rack.
1. The child played with their toy in the playpen.
2. All the dogs ran to his cages.
3. Neither Tom nor Kevin could find their math book.
4. The candies were covered in its proper wrapping.
5. Anyone is allowed to type their paper in the computer lab.
Identify the verb. Specify whether it is active or passive.
Ex. The ball was thrown by him. Passive _____________
1. The man gives blood four times a year.
2. The windshield was cleaned by the repairman. ____________________
3. The cake was eaten by the baker’s daughter. ____________________
4. Did Henrietta go to the movies on Saturday? ____________________
5. To prepare for the road trip, Bob packed his bags. ____________________
Identify the verb(s). Specify which tense of the verb (present, past, future, present
perfect, past perfect, future perfect).
Ex. He slept during his economic class. past
1. She had never seen the ocean until she won a trip to New Jersey.
2. Stanley drives to the store every week to buy his groceries.
3. When we finally pick her up, Sarah will have practiced basketball for three hours.
4. After a long day at work, it felt good to relax with some friends.
5. David has practiced karate for fifteen years!
6. Teddy will go to the picnic after the recital.
7. He went to the zoo to see the chimpanzees.
8. By tomorrow, I will have bought enough flowers to finish the decorations.
9. Steven likes to fix old cars in his free time.
10. I have worked as a teacher for seven years.
11. I will buy my wedding dress after the fitting.
12. She bought the camera for her sister.
13. Matthew went to the store before he finished making his list.
14. The duck swims in the pond every morning.
15. The mail carrier has delivered our mail for many years.
Identify the adjective(s) in each sentence.
Ex. The peaceful waterfall relaxed my nerves.
1. The brown, shaggy dog lives three doors away.
2. The science book is difficult to understand.
3. The tiring practice lasted four hours.
4. He lives in the new development on the west side of town.
6. The white tailed deer raced through the densely wooded area.
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