Characteristic features of:
a) company (spółka kapitałowa):
· the most important element in company is its capital
· the capital is changlable,
· legal entity
· the company as a whole is responsible for company`s debts and obligations
b) partnership (spółka osobowa)
· no legal entity
· partners represent their partnership
· partners make input
· partners are jointly liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership without limit to the extent of his/Her entire property
Types of partnership under Polish law:
A) Partnership companies:
1) *Civil partnership (spółka cywilna – sp.c.)
2) ^Registered partnership (spółka jawna – sp.j.)
3) ^Limited partnership (spółka komandytowa- sp.k.)
4) ^ Limited joint-stock partnership (spółka komandytowo – akcyjna - S.K.A.)
5) ^Professional partnership ("spółka partnerska" or "partner / partnerzy" - sp.p.)
B) Capital companies:
6) ^Joint stock company = corporation (spółka akcyjna S.A.)
7) ^Private company = limited liability company (spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp. z o.o.
*under Civil Code
^under Commercial Code
Rodzaje spółek
spółka cywilna - civil partnership
spółka jawna - registered partnership
spółka komandytowa - limited partnership
spółka komandytowo-akcyjna - limited joint-stock partnership
spółka partnerska - professional partnership
spółka akcyjna - joint-stock company
spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - limited liability company
Civil Partnership
Run a small business.
Must be established by at least two persons.
Minimum capital
Partners` input (cash or contribution) creates partnership’s capital.
PIT Declaration - Personal Income Tax
Establishment process
Sign the deed of partnership, which shall be performed in writing, upon which each partner shall be entered into the Commune Office register as an entrepreneur conducting a business in the form of a civil partnership Entry in the Business Activity Register. Civil Partnership can be established for unlimited period of time or limited period of time in order to realize specific undertaking.
Representation of a partnership
Each partner has right to represent a company
Registered Partnership
Established for the purpose of operating business on a larger scale.
A minimum of two individuals or legal persons
Not applicable
PIT Declaration - Personal Income Tax; or CIT - Corporate Income Tax; each partner pays tax separately.
The partnership deed shall be performed in writing under the pain of nullity, upon which a registered partnership shall be entered into the National Court Register (KRS), and therefore a partnership shall come into being upon entry into the register.
Each partner has right to represent a company. Registered partnership may also be represented by a proxy.
Limited Partnership
Operating under its own business firm
Must be established and conducted by at least two individuals or legal persons.
At least one partner is liable to the creditors for the debts and obligations of the partnership without limitation (the general partner) and at least one partner has a limited liability. However, if a business name of a limited partnership includes a name or a business name of a limited partner, this partner is liable for obligations of a partnership without any limitation.
PIT Declaration - Personal Income Tax, or CIT - Corporate Income Tax; each of the partners pays taxes separately.
The deed of a limited partnership shall be made in the form of a notarial deed, then a partnership shall be entered into the National Court Register (KRS); a limited partnership shall come into existence upon entry into the register.
Partnership may be represented exclusively by a general partner. A limited partner may represent a company only as a plenipotentiary.
Limited Joint-Stock Partnership
Operating under its own business firm, for larger business activity (i.e. large family companies).
50,000 PLN
At least one partner (general partner) has unlimited liability towards creditors and at least one partner is a shareholder; the shareholder shall not be liable for the company obligations
PIT declaration - Personal Income Tax, or CIT - Corporate Income Tax; each partner pays taxes separately.
The deed of a limited joint-stock partnership shall be made in the form of a notarial deed and shall be signed by at least all general partners, upon which a partnership shall be entered into the National Court Register; a limited joint-stock partnership shall come into existence upon entry into the register.
Representation/organs of a partnership
Limited joint-stock partnership may be represented exclusively by a general partner. A shareholder may represent a company only as a plenipotentiary. In limited joint-stock partnership a Supervisory Board may be optionally appointed.
Professional Partnership
Practise of a liberal profession by shareholders/partners in a partnership running an enterprise under its own business firm
At least 2 natural persons authorised to practise a liberal profession.
The deed of a professional partnership shall be made in the form of a notarial deed, upon which a partnership shall be entered into the National Court Register (KRS); a professional partnership shall come into being upon entry into the register.
Each partner has right to represent a company, unless deed of partnership states otherwise. In a professional partnership Management Board may be optionally appointed. Professional partnership may be represented by a proxy.
Joint-Stock Company
Established for the purpose of running business on a large scale. Capital may be obtained through issue of stocks
May be established by one or more persons; exception: it may not be established solely by a single-member limited liability company.
500,000 PLN
CIT Declaration - Corporate Income Tax
In the same manner as a limited liability Company.
1. The Company deed must be formed in a notarial deed form before a notary in Poland.
2. Registration in the National Court Register (The application for the registration in the National Court Register should be filed by the management board. The application must be signed by all members of the management board. The application for registration should be filed on the form KRS- W4.)
3. Registration within the Central Statistics Office (The registration is based on the application filed by the entrepreneur on the form RG - 1. That is a unified form applicable within the whole country). - Entrepreneurs are required to have a REGON statistical number.
4. Opening of a bank account
5. Registration in tax office in order to obtain Taxpayer`s Identification Number and report/application for VAT
6. Registration in Social Security Office
Joint-stock Company in Poland is obliged to keep account books.
Organs of a company
Superior authority of a company is General Assembly. Joint-stock company is represented by a Management Board (consisting of at least three persons) according to principles laid down in company’s statute. In a joint-stock company, Supervisory Board must be obligatorily appointed. Joint-stock company may also be represented by a proxy.
Limited Liability Company
For conducting business activity and for any other legitimate operation
May be established by one or more individuals or legal persons. However, it may not be established solely by another single-member limited liability company.
50,000 PLN.
Established process
2. Registration in the National Court Register (The application for the registration in the National Court Register should be filed by the management board. The application must be signed by all members of the management board. The application for registration should be filed on the form KRS- W3.)
Superior authority of a company is Shareholders Meeting. Company is represented by a Management Board (consisting at least of one person) according to principles laid down in a company deed or a company charter. In limited liability company a Supervisory Board may be optionally appointed. A company may be represented by a proxy.
A teraz trochę po polsku, żeby było jaśniej:
Spółka cywilna:
Spółka cywilna jest najprostszą formą spółki. Aby ją zawrzeć wystarczy umowa pomiędzy wspólnikami. Dla celów dowodowych umowa spółki cywilnej powinna być sporządzona na piśmie. Oczywiście umowa ustna również jest wiążąca ale ze względu trudności w ewentualnym udowodnieniu jej postanowień nie polecam stosowania formy ustnej w myśl zasady "werba volant, scripta monet" czyli słowa powiedziane ulatują, słowa napisane pozostają.
W obecnym stanie prawnym spółka cywilna jest już tylko umową pomiędzy zawierającymi tę spółkę podmiotami. Spółka cywilna nie jest osobą prawną. Spółka cywilna nie ma podmiotowości prawnej. Spółka cywilna nie jest już przedsiębiorcą. Przedsiębiorcami są wspólnicy spółki cywilnej w zakresie wykonywanych przez nich działalności gospodarczej. Spółka cywilna działa poprzez wspólników, którzy są stronami umowy spółki cywilnej.
Spółkę cywilną mogą zawierać osoby fizyczne jak i osoby prawne. Wspólnikami spółki cywilnej mogą być osoby fizyczne i osoby prawne jednocześnie.
Każdy wspólnik spółki cywilnej będący osobą fizyczną musi prowadzić indywidualną działalność gospodarczą.