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Campaign Workshop:
Crafty Villains
By Cal Moore F illustrations by Mathias Kollros
Sometimes you need a last-minute villain for your upcoming game. Or maybe you have
a sudden power vacuum created after your adventurers defeated their current foes.
Whatever your situation might be as a Dungeon Master, you might ind the two villains
below a boon. They are leaders of their respective groups, yet they can be played as
servants of a greater power. Tulka Deathrattle, an orc death shaman, would be a good
opponent for characters in the lower heroic tier, while Scarlet Jax is a half-elf rake
who would be a itting enemy for characters in the upper heroic tier.
T ulka D eaThraTTle
“Faster, my vipers! Pull the stones away before the bright-
eyed priests of the temple know we’re about. And watch
your hands! Otar’s final resting place will be trapped to
protect his knowledge!”
The orc warriors hurried their efforts at her words,
though some looked toward the nearby temple eagerly,
obviously wishing for just such a fight. Tulka watched
them widen the hole they had created through the mor-
tared stones of the outer crypt wall, knowing that their
time was limited.
“Quickly now! The master will be pleased if we find
the tome of lasting death, and he is generous when he is
pleased. Torok and Korg, pull those stones away and let us
see if Otar was as smart as he thought he was.”
The sound of large, wooden doors creaking open halted
the orcs’ frenzied activity. A handful of temple soldiers
and one of the Raven Queen’s priests emerged and began
hustling toward the gravediggers, drawing weapons as
they approached.
“So be it then! Let us fight,” Tulka commanded. “Vipers
up front to handle those runts with the pigstickers. I’ ll take
care of the priest.”
Tulka watched the temple guards move forward in a tight
group; they obviously thought they would easily mow down a
troop of orcs. She smiled as she eyed the priest, who stayed too
close to the front ranks of his more armored fellows. Well, they
would get more than they bargained for. Lifting her totem, a
wooden staff carved with the head of a viper, she circled it in
front of her as she called out to her spirit companion.
Even as the bone rattle within the totem slowed its eerie
spinning, a vaporous form rose from the ground and slith-
ered as a mist among the temple guardians, coalescing into
a semitranslucent, skeletal snake. Perhaps the priest will
enjoy the spirit viper’s caress, thought Tulka as she gave the
command to her troops.
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Campaign Workshop: Crafty Villains
Tulka’s History
Occasionally, one of the proud orc shamans of the
barrens will come into conf lict with the primal order,
delving into the secrets of necromancy or falling
under the sway of a necromantic power that warps
the shaman’s wisdom. This act is an affront to nature
and sees the shaman banished from the tribe, if not
killed. But because of the strength it brings to such a
leader, these “death” shamans sometimes find follow-
ers who enjoy what the association can bring them, or
in rare cases, assert control over a war chief and con-
vince the tribe to follow new ways of power.
In Tulka’s case, a human necromancer of great
power named Lorvald captured her during a raid.
Rather than experiment on her or kill her, he cor-
rupted her and her connection to the primal world
through a powerful necromantic ritual. The ritual
replaced the f low of primal energy in her with the
necrotic power of death and created a servant who
would do his bidding without question.
With the transformation, Tulka walked hand in
hand with death rather than life. Her spirit compan-
ion f led her and was replaced by an undead death
viper—a skinless, decaying, semitranslucent skeletal
snake whose bite brings death. To match her changed
disposition, Tulka began painting her face to resemble
a skull and took up a new implement: a staff carved
as a viper and covered in dead snake skins, with a set
of fangs protruding from its head and a snake’s rattle
embedded within it that sounds whenever she calls
upon her power.
Death Shaman Lore
nature or Religion DC 10: Death shamans are
primal spellcasters who have been perverted by the
powers of necromancy. They are an abomination to
the primal order.
nature or Religion DC 15: A death shaman can
still command the power of nature, but that power is
corrupted with necrotic energy. Though such activ-
ity is considered an affront by any normal shaman, a
death shaman will employ the use of undead.
nature or Religion DC 22: The strongest death
shamans have the power to conjure terrible spir-
its from the Shadowfell as companions. The death
shaman does still have a link to these perverted spir-
its and can be hurt when they are destroyed. Not all
death shamans chose to become what they are.
Tulka Deathrattle Tactics
Tulka prefers to lead her followers from the back. She
has collected a group of orc warriors that don’t mind
Tulka Deathrattle Level 5 Elite Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, orc
XP 400
Minor Actions
Call Viper (conjuration, implement , necrotic, poison) F
Effect: Tulka conjures an undead spirit viper in an unoccupied
square within 10 squares of her. The viper lasts until it is
destroyed, until Tulka drops to 0 hit points, or until she dis-
misses it as a minor action. The viper occupies its square.
Enemies can’t move through its space, but allies can. When
Tulka takes a move action, she can also move the viper up
to 6 squares. If the viper takes 10 damage or more from a
single attack, it is destroyed and Tulka takes 10 damage; the
viper is otherwise unaffected by attacks. Tulka can have only
one undead spirit viper conjured at a time. In addition, the
undead spirit viper can make the following attack.
Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to the viper.
Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (the triggering enemy);
+9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 4 necrotic and poison damage.
M Spirit Strike (necrotic, poison) F At-Will (1/round)
Effect: Tulka commands her undead spirit viper to make the
following attack.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 4 necrotic and poison damage.
Skills Arcana +9, Nature +11
Str 16 (+5)
HP 122; Bloodied 61
Initiative +3
AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 19
Perception +6
Speed 6
Low-light vision
Resist 5 necrotic
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Standard Actions
m Staff (necrotic, weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 4 necrotic damage.
M Viper Strike (implement, necrotic, poison) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 2 poison damage. The target is slowed and takes
ongoing 5 necrotic and poison damage (save ends both).
C Deathrattle Burst (implement, necrotic) F Recharge 5 6
Attack: Close burst 1 centered on Tulka or her undead spirit
viper (enemies in the burst); +8 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d6 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened until
the end of Tulka’s next turn. In addition, one ally in the burst
gains 5 temporary hit points.
Dex 12 (+3) Wis 19 (+6)
Con 13 (+3)
Int 15 (+4)
Cha 15 (+4)
Alignment evil
Languages Common, Giant
Equipment robe, staff
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Campaign Workshop: Crafty Villains
the abomination of her death magic because of the
power and wealth she has brought them; they call
themselves the viper clan. While her “vipers” are out
in front, Tulka uses call viper to summon her spirit
companion, then uses move actions to get it to a posi-
tion where it can make opportunity attacks against
enemies, or she can use spirit strike against enemies
adjacent to it. She waits for the best opportunity to use
deathrattle burst to hurt as many enemies as possible
while healing her allies.
S carleT J ax
“Are you Master Porthios?” Scarlet Jax asked brightly.
“Why yes, my dear, I am. My, what a lovely sight you
are. How can I help you?” The elderly man was so gaunt
that his dark eyes seemed to hide within recessed sockets.
“You have quite the silver tongue, don’t you, Master
Porthios? Well, you can ‘help’ me by handing over what you
have in that locked strongbox behind the counter. I know
someone who will pay very well for it.” Jax’s bright smile
widened even further with these words.
“What . . . who are you? I will do no such thing.
Leave now before I call the guards!”
I’ve utterly f lustered him, Jax thought. I love it when
they underestimate me. Smiling her most winning smile,
she assessed the stupid merchant of arcane antiquities.
He probably had a surprise or two up his sleeve for protec-
tion, but so did she. Plus, she had brought friends to this
‘exchange of goods.’
Whistling, Scarlet Jax quickly spun, whipping her scar-
let cloak about her as she drew her rapier and pointed it at
the old man all in one f luid motion.
“Now that would be a bad idea, Porthios!” Jax cau-
tioned. “Boys, come say hello to the nice old man; he’s got
some wonderful toys in here.”
The merchant’s eyes widened as he saw a gang of ruffians
enter his store, but he was more concerned with the rapier
pointed at his neck. “You’re Scarlet Jax!” he blurted out.
Jax nodded slightly, never taking her eyes off him. The
merchant, now truly afraid, slowly reached down for the
strongbox with a defeated sigh.
Scarlet Jax’s History
Scarlet Jax, a charismatic, half-elf rake known for
her red hair and scarlet cloak, has always been an
opportunist. Even as a youth on the shores of a large
port town full of scoundrels, she found ways to suc-
ceed. She learned that lying, cheating, and killing
were the best ways to gain wealth and power, and
she has been following those lessons ever since. As
she gained experience as a mercenary, she learned
that it is better to be the one leading the gang rather
than just a soldier in the gang. To that end, she has put
together a group of ruffians that she calls her “boys,”
and she has so far had a successful career robbing and
stealing from anyone she can. She is willing to sell the
gang’s services to the highest bidder . . . and to take
on a job that sounds like fun.
Tulka and her vipers make good opponents as ser-
vants to a greater power, whether that greater person
is Lorvald or some other master. The characters could
encounter her while she’s searching a tomb, a barrow,
or some other place of death looking for necromantic
knowledge for her master. Or perhaps she and her
vipers are trying to set up a base near a small town or
village to bring new recruits or victims to her master.
In addition to her vipers, she’s likely to surround
herself with unintelligent undead as a further line of
defense. One interesting aspect to Tulka is that she
was made into a death shaman against her will. Per-
haps some remnant of her soul still resists the ritual
that changed her, and she could be redeemed by a
group of observant heroes.
Scarlet Jax’s Lore
Streetwise DC 12: Scarlet Jax is the leader of a
ruthless gang of robbers who will steal, cheat, and kill
to get what they want. She is as dangerous with her
rapier as she is charming. She calls the members of
her gang her “boys.”
Streetwise DC 17: Scarlet Jax is a mercenary who
can be hired out for special thefts or as muscle if it
pleases her. Named for her red hair and cloak, Scarlet
Jax is an elusive leader who has escaped the clutches
of the law many times.
Streetwise DC 25: Many stories say that Scarlet
Jax is a dirty fighter and an expert liar. She often
works for powerful and dangerous masters, and she
knows many of the secrets of the local area’s crime
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Campaign Workshop: Crafty Villains
Scarlet Jax Level 9 Elite Skirmisher (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, half-elf XP 800
HP 192; Bloodied 96 Initiative +10
AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 20 Perception +10
Speed 6
Scarlet Jax Tactics
Scarlet Jax attacks with surprise when possible,
choosing the time and place of an encounter. She
uses double attack to make dirty fighting attacks, which
can leave her enemies dazed for her allies to target.
Throughout a fight, Jax continually moves around the
battlefield. She uses scarlet f lourish to move away from
a dangerous enemy, crossing over or through difficult
terrain to make it more difficult for enemies to follow.
Scarlet Jax uses hard to follow to isolate enemies for her
allies or to escape, overturning items and throwing
objects in her path as she moves (or dropping caltrops
from a pouch). Outright lie can be an effective way to
gain temporary combat advantage, if Jax has no other
way to gain it.
About the Author
Cal Moore joined Wizards of the Coast in 2000 as an editor
for the Showdown line of sports TCGs. He has contributed
to a wide range of trading card games, miniatures games,
Avalon Hill games, and Dungeons & Dragons ® games,
books, and articles..
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Combat Advantage
Scarlet Jax deals 2d6 extra damage against any creature grant-
ing combat advantage to her.
Standard Actions
m Rapier (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage.
r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 7 damage.
M Dirty Fighting (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
Scarlet Jax’s next turn.
M Double Attack F At-Will
Effect: Scarlet Jax uses dirty fighting twice.
Move Actions
Hard to Follow (zone) F Encounter
Effect: Scarlet Jax moves up to 6 squares. The squares through
which Scarlet Jax moves become a zone that lasts until the
end of the encounter. Squares in the zone are difficult terrain.
Triggered Actions
Outright Lie F Encounter
Trigger: Scarlet Jax makes a Bluff check.
Effect (Free Action): Scarlet Jax gains a +5 bonus on the check.
Scarlet Flourish F Recharge 5 6
Trigger: An enemy hits Scarlet Jax.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Scarlet Jax shifts up to 4 squares.
This shift ignores difficult terrain.
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +11, Bluff +13, Streetwise +13
Str 14 (+6) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 12 (+5)
Con 16 (+7) Int 15 (+6) Cha 19 (+8)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Equipment leather armor, dagger, rapier
Scarlet Jax and her boys are very good at what they
do—causing mischief, robbing merchants, hatching
plots, and defying the law. She looks for whatever
opportunity will bring her the best reward, but as a
mercenary for hire, she often serves other masters
who pay well and appreciate her skills. The charac-
ters might be hired to hunt down her gang for their
crimes, or might come across her as part of an adven-
ture in a city. Initially, they might encounter Scarlet
Jax alone when she’s acting as an agent involved with
one of their adventures. In this case, she uses her abil-
ity to lie to fool even the most perceptive characters.
Only later will they realize that she has been manipu-
lating events. Being an opportunist, she surrenders
if that works in her favor, and she might give up her
master if it will save her life (if doing so would be
worse than death, though, she keeps her mouth shut).
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