Virtual Instruments - Februari-March 2006.pdf

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WIN a Sonic Implants Symphonic Harp in our latest MUNGO GIVEAWAY!
Digidesign Pro Tools 7 gets serious about MIDI
King Idiot’s back!
MIDI Mockup
Philharmonik Miroslav
IK Multimedia
a classic is reborn
USA $4.95
CANADA $6.50
Bela D Media Giovani Voices of the Young •
Sonic Implants Symphonic Collection • Native
Instruments B4 II • Arturio Minimoog 5 •
“Guide to MIDI Orchestration” rev. 3
Invaluable tips - get the absolute most out of MOTU Digital Performer.
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go back to this column in our first issue last July. In it I
acknowledged a lot of people who made it possible to
launch this magazine—our talented core staff, our team of
the very best and most experienced writers around…and I
managed to leave out a very important person in the histo-
ry of this magazine: Paul Gilreath.
Paul called one day while doing research for the third
edition of his incredibly comprehensive book “The Guide
to MIDI Orchestration” (which Doyle Donehoo reviews in
this issue). We were talking about “the new sampling” and
how—along with virtual instruments—it had become a
whole new musical medium.
At the time, a lot of people who were augmenting or
even replacing their hardware-based rigs with computer-
based set-ups had been contacting me with questions.
How many computers would they need? What software
did it involve? And so on. I mentioned to Paul that I’d
actually considered writing a book about all this, but the
technology moves so fast that it would be hopelessly out
of date before I finished writing it.
That naturally led to the idea of a newsletter (it was
probably Paul’s idea, I don’t remember). The seed had
been planted, and the project took on a life of its own.
Since we were (and still are) in the midst of a serious
revolution, it was obvious that this was much too big for a
newsletter; the way to do it properly was to launch a real
magazine. The timing was just right—even a year before
would have been too early—and there was an obvious
need for it. Given my enthusiasm for the medium and my
decade of experience editing another magazine
(Recording) I felt like the right person to spearhead it.
Between a busy career and his family, Paul was way too
busy to continue with this project as it had ballooned. A
newsletter was one thing; this was a full-time undertaking.
But the rest is history. I then spent the next months put-
ting together a company to launch the magazine you have
in your hands. You wouldn’t be reading it if Paul
hadn’t called that day.
On a more mundane note, I’d like to apologize for the
extremely disheartening non-delivery problems that
plagued our first two issues. Hopefully the new postal
delivery service we’re using for this and the previous issue
will have solved the problem once and for all. Please let us
know if any of you subscribers aren’t receiving your issues
on time, and we’ll do some shouting on your behalf.
And please write to let us know what you think, what
you’d like to see, what the problems with your rig are or
aren’t, or anything else that’s on your mind. -NB
Editor/publisher : Nick Batzdorf
Art director : Lachlan Westfall/Quiet Earth Design
Ad/marketing manager : Carl Marinoff
Web designer : Denise Young/DMY Studios
Contributors : Jim Aikin, Peter Buick, David Das, Doyle Donehoo, David
Govett, Chris Meyer, Ashif “King Idiot” Hakik, Dave Moulton, Frederick
Russ, Bruce Richardson, Craig Sharmat, Lee Sherman.
Publishing consultant : Ross Garnick
Virtual Instruments is published bi-monthly
for $12.95/year, $20/two years (with occa-
sional add-on one-year promotions $9.95)
by Virtual Instruments, Inc., 3849 Ventura
Canyon, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-4710.
818/905-5434, 1-800/ViMagzn.
Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage
Rates is Pending at Van Nuys, CA, and at
additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER:
please send address changes to VIRTUAL
SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91423-4710.
Advertising contact: Carl Marinoff 818/590-0018.
Subscriptions/Address changes: 818/905-5434, 1-800/ViMagzn, . The best method is to subscribe
via our website: .
Letters to the editor:
Writing for Virtual Instruments Magazine: query or call 818/905-5434
Distributor: Rider Circulation Services, 3700 Eagle
Rock Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90065. 323/344-1200.
Bipad: 05792, UPC: 0 744 70 05792 5 01
Standard disclaimer: Virtual Instruments Magazine
and its staff can’t be held legally responsible for the
magazine’s contents or guarantee the return of
articles and graphics submitted. Reasonable care is
taken to ensure accuracy. All trademarks belong to
their owners. Everything in here is subject to interna-
tional copyright protection, and you may not copy or
imitate anything without permission.
© 2006 Virtual Instruments, Inc.
From the
T his is our fourth issue, believe it or not, but I want to
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