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Although I had stayed in England for over a year, it was
difficult for me to understand the British mentality. Traveling
to the office everyday by train, I watched people concealing
their faces behind newspaper. They rarely conversed with
each other, occasionally lifting their eyebrows to look at their
fellow passengers. But when I started a conversation under
the pretext of the weather I found many had a natural gift for
Mentality: Mind
To conceal: To hide
To converse: To talk
Occasionally: Seldom, rarely
To lift: To raise
Pretext: Excuse/ false reason
Gift: Talent, skill
Gossip: Friendly chat
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words
defined above
1. Maggie crossed the room,..................the lid of the pot and sniffed
at the contents .
2. Under the ...................of wanting to return a pen which she had
left behind, I visited her.
3. It turned out that Jane had inherited a natural...................for music.
4. They were.................. intimately, opening up their private problems to
each other with a freedom well beyond the usual.
5. Paul confesses his doubts such as he would have.................... from
anyone he did not trust absolutely.
1. The writer was quite surprised............
A) as he could understand the British mind
B) because almost noone on the train was talking to each other
C) since most people were reading newspaper
D) after he saw people traveling by train
E) when he saw the British way of life.
2. Using the excuse of the weather
A) doesn't work all the time
B) is how one can get the British to talk
C) is good for gossiping about nature
D) requires natural gift for gossip
E) makes it easy to change the subject.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that
A) people in England cover their faces with a newspaper
B) .the British do not look at anybody in the train
C) the British are in fact have a tendency to talking
D) Englishmen always read something
E) the writer wanted to stay for another year.
1. Unlike young people.
A) old people are not reasonable in their fear of death
B) most old people are not afraid of death
C) old people are always sad
D) old people are cheated of best things
E) human joys are not experienced by old. people
2. Young people are right.........................
A) because they didn't have, best things
B). to trouble the old people
C) as they are always J" ~L.":
D) for not having a reason for their fear
E) for their fear of death
3. Although they have experienced almost everything life will
offer ...................
A) all the old people fear death
B) most young people are not ready to die in battle
C) some old people are still affected by the idea of death
D) young people feel sad because they will be .old,someday
E) old people get sad when they think of those happy days .
Doole was in business, in fireplaces. But he would often go
for a stroll in the afternoon between two and three. "Nobody
comes back from lunch till three, you might as well not have a
telephone", so he often said to himself. Doole took out his
watch and checked the time. Nearly half an hour before he
need think of the office. "What a wholly delightful day!" he
contemplated. Indeed, the varied colorful flowers in the park
shone very brightly in that September light.
To go for a stroll: To go for a walk
To check: To confirm
Wholly: Completely, entirely
To contemplate: To think
Varied: Various, mixed
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words
defined above
1. After breakfast I take a .... around the base checking that
all the daily tasks have been completed.
2 ..... for signs of damage and only store those in perfect
condition in paper sacks in a cool, dark place.
3. In alternate weeks the auction is .... devoted to domestic
buyers or to foreign buyers.
4. He .... balloon-travel and a journey to the North Pole.
5. Team sizes can be .... but they are always made up of an
odd number of competitors.
1. We understand from the passage that.
A) employees in the office always go to the park
B) people return to the office at about three o'clock
C) nobody telephones the office
D) Doole prefers to be near the fireplace
E) Doole does not like to eat out
2. It's obvious in the passage that Doole.
A) only goes out if it is fine
B) has his lunch at three o'clock
C) does not call at the office
D) works alone in the office
E) enjoys walking in the park
3. We can infer from the passage that-----
A) it was a fine autumn day
B) the weather was very cold
C) it was a beautiful summer day
D) Doole preferred to be in a different place.
E) nobody goes to that park
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