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What do you get:

Various options normal to any trainer, the world's simplest speedometer, either in KM/H or MP/H or both, 60 Teleporting options, that can be customized using the trainer.ini, 12 vehicle spawning options assigned to hotkeys,  which also can be customized using trainer.ini, all other car models can be spawned by using the menu. A dirt simple option to change to a desired radio station using one button . (the default station can also be customized using trainer.ini). In addition to this one button change option, you can also force a default station in each vehicle you enter, or when using the mobile radio, both configurable in game and using the trainer.ini Further you can change the player model using either CTRL+ F7 or CTRL+ Q to toggle between a total of 20 different models. (models are also configurable using trainer.ini) Other models have to be changed using the menu. Trainer now supports GTAIV, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony.

It also features time and weather options, and a bunch of car options, including the very handy teleport to saved car option.  Finally it features an open map option, which will open all islands with a press of a button,  a save everywhere option, and a save coordinates option to be used for teleporting customization. Also any predefined teleport slot can be customized in game, overwriting the predefined values. 60 objects can be spawned using the menu, the objects that are spawned can be customized using trainer.ini. Further 3841 objects can be spawned by browsing through 8 lists depending on starting letter of the object, or by using the extra objects menu. If using these object spawn options, you can preview the current selected object by holding the X key. Any object can also be spawned in game, by entering the decimal model hash in the object menu.

The trainer also includes bodyguard /ped spawning, any model can be spawned, any weapon can be given (including episodic weapons), defaults in trainer.ini, these can also be altered using the bodyguard menu in game. In additional to bodyguards, also drivers, combat peds and peds and drivers that attack the player can be spawned. Normal peds can be given a total of ten tasks. You can assign the same tasks to the last spawned ped. You can set the bodyguards to follow you in a car.

The trainer includes the mobile radio, which works outside of the car, all features that are available with the normal radio, also work with the mobile radio. The trainer features a gravity gun, this gun will work on peds vehicles and spawned objects (for objects to work, you need to change the target in game). The trainer features a grab function, a bit rough but will work. The trainer features a speech and voice menu for both player model and for the last spawned bodyguard/ped. This enables you to play speeches that are assigned to the model (all speeches that are in the game can be played from here) You will be presented with a list to choose from. The speeches on this list are depending on either the model which you used when entering the speech menu, or depending on the voice, if you actually have set a specific voice (via the voice menu) for the model. Also 10 slots are provided to save and load specific speeches. A subway simulator has been added to the trainer, allowing you to drive the subway.

Trainer.ini contains the defaults section, where you can set certain settings to be enabled on game start. (for TLAD this file is trainertlad.ini and for TBOGT it's called trainertbogt.ini) Below you will find a list of all these settings, first I will list the settings that can be changed in-game and that also will be written to trainer.ini if you select the save settings function in game, this way if you want to change any of these settings, you can simply set it in game, and select the save settings function, there is no need to set these specifically by editing trainer.ini  (but of course you can still do that if you wish).

Settings that are supported by the save  settings function in game:

Never Wanted, No Reload, Unlimited ammo with reload, Always God, Always CarGod,  display of Speedometer in KM/H, display of speedometer in MPH, display the in-game clock,  Do Not Warp (specify whether the player is warped into the car when you spawn vehicles using the menu), Never Tired,  Airbreak Speed,  Airbreak up speed, the default radio station feature can be enabled and the default radio station can be set, if enabled this will set the radio to the desired station on all vehicles that you enter.  This also applies to the mobile radio. Further the seatbelt option can be enabled, hide hud and radar, Phone sleep mode, Mobile radio, Super jump up and Super jump forward speed can be set, as well as object move speed and object rotation speed.
Also the weather can be locked on startup to the weather type set in trainer.ini. You can enable real time duration or freeze time on startup and set the time as well.  Also sync time can be enabled on game startup. You can disable the display of ingame messages for options you use with keycombinations.  The Gravity Gun Parameters can be set, (GravityPickup, GravityCarX, GravityCarY, GravityCarZ, CarTargetRadius, GravityPedX, GravityPedY, GravityPedZ, PedTargetRadius, GravityObjectX, GravityObjectY, GravityObjectZ, ObjectTargetRadius), The same applies to the parameters for apply force to player. (GravityPlayX, GravityPlayY, GravityPlayZ), You can also add a blip for cars you spawn, however this also disables auto deletion of spawned cars, which might lead to performance issue when a large number has been spawned. (it is disabled by default). You can enable the Special God mode, Load car near player can be set, You can enable the under car neons, Object spawn distance, Keybindings disabled,  SetBehind to Set the Camera behind player for Airbreak, Roman Sorrow Reverse, NoPeds, NoCars, Display Coordinates, CarNitro, Display Info on Screen, No Ragdoll Whilst Falling, Radius for Clear Area, Disable alarm when stealing, Lock Camera behind vehicle, LowerCarForce can be set for the lower car function, this function can also be enabled using Lowercar. Finally the settings for Special Car God (CarGod, CarGDamage, CarGVisual, CarGTyres, CarGDrag, CarGWind, CarGShot, CarGBullet, CarGFire, CarGExplosion, CarGCollision, CarGMelee and CarGTotal).

The following settings are not saved when you use the save settings function, but they can be set in-game using their own specific submenu:

The menu color, the menu highlight color, the menu font and the under car neon lights color. Also settings related to the parachute smoke are saved by using the parachute smoke menu.

The following settings still need to be set by editing trainer.ini:

EnableOnStartup, enables the trainer on startup, DLC (this enables the DLC bikes), SpeedUpSlow can be set, this value (in KM/U) specifies the speedup value for the Car Speed Up slow option, the menu scroll speed can be set, default is 50ms, Freezebomb value can be set, 0 to not freeze the car after the bomb is set, 1 to freeze the car. Skipbomb can be set if the bomb model causes crashes. SkipBombAnim can be set if you don't want the whole planting of the bomb animation, The spawning of episodic weapons can be enabled by setting the episodic value to 1, display of digits for the speedometer (Digits),  fast run can either be the old - key hold down, or it can be a toggle option, where when you run, you go very fast, You can specify whether the sit down function should only attempt to sit down on valid objects or everywhere, The upper limit for car colors can be set beyond the standard 133, in case you added car colors in the car color file, the maximum speed for the subway can be set, and whether or not the metric system should be used to display speed and distance for the subway simulator. HydraulicForce can be set to adjust the force used for hydraulics. VehicleComponents can be enabled, this way the trainer is using the stock car and maps all the components that are known. SaveStatistics, this will not update the saves made statistics, ScrollTimeMP, this is for the menu scrolltime in MP, Modelhats, this will disable the trainer mapped hats and glasses (and wrist items), you will be presented with 9 possibilities per model. Finally the following settings are relevant to the special god mode (CarSeatbelt, BikeSeatbelt, Dragged).


In-Game Menu

Options, Most of the options are in here, the toggle options will have real time information as to whether or not these are enabled. (2 pages) .

Car Options, all car related options can be found here. (2 pages), it includes a color menu and a Car Component menu. On the 2nd page you can enable a special car god mode, for which a total of 11 options can be set, if you enable the special (custom made) car god mode, be sure to switch off the normal car god mode. Total car god mode is a feature if you set the special car god mode to enable total car god mode, all others settings are disregarded. Lock radio station is also located here, as it is relevant to cars, but of course also to the mobile radio. You can also save and load 20 cars, the colors, components, locations and health are saved, they will load at the same location where you saved them, or near the player. TBOGT trainer features Nitro for all cars and bikes, the effects have been updated for all vanilla vehicles, a few didn’t seem to have an exhaust, if that happens, the trainer uses a generically placed effect.

Bodyguard/Ped Spawning, all available models can be spawned, you can select the weapon that is given (including a random weapon option, that will randomize the weapons when you spawn a bodyguard/ped), and whether or not god mode is enabled. Health can be customized for all peds (including bodyguards) so that you can set the health higher than the default 200 and don't have to enable godmode.  You can also spawn peds that attack the player, spawn drivers, random bodyguards and a ped that can be given tasks, also two combat peds can be spawned, they will fight each other.  Finally a attacking driver + attacking ped can be spawned.

For bodyguards you can set if a drive by weapon is given. (disable this if you want to assign a weapon that is less powerful then the MP5 (like baseball bat, or unarmed, otherwise they will use the MP5 to fight) . Weapon and health selection applies to all bodyguards and peds, model  selection only applies to the non random spawns. You can give the spawned driver the task to drive to waypoint. Also you can enable/disable blips for bodyguards and peds that you spawn. You can also give the random ped and the specific ped a total of 10 tasks when you spawn them, default task can be set in trainer.ini, other task can be set in game. The car that is spawned using the random driver/ped can also be set, both in trainer.ini and in game.  In addition you can set the color for that car. Also the option dead ped drop weapon can be set. Finally drive to waypoint can be set to automatic in trainer.ini (also in game), so that each time you set a new waypoint, and you have a driver in the car, the ped will drive to waypoint. The speed and driving style for the driver can be set in game. You can change the clothes and related things for the last spawned ped, you can move the latest spawned ped, and you can make the ped say things via de bodyguard/ped speech menu, you can also change the voice of the last spawned ped using the bodyguard/ped voice menu, finally the walk type can be changed for the last spawned ped using the bodyguard/ped walkstyle menu. It also includes an animation menu, where you can choose 6373 animations for the last spawned bodyguard/ped. (on TLAD 8011, and TBOGT 9184). You can save and load clothing options for the bodyguards. Also you can give tasks to the last spawned ped. You can set bodyguards to follow you using cars. The speed they use to follow you can be set in game and is the same speed as the speed for the drivers.

Trainer.ini contains a separate bodyguards section, where settings relative to bodyguard/ped spawning can be set, also the save settings function (that saves relevant settings to defaults.ini) will also work for the following bodyguards settings, and these are saved to the bodyguard section of trainer.ini: PedModel, Weapon, GodMode, DriveByWeapon, DrivingStyle, DrivingSpeed, PedHealth, AddBlip, DefaultTask, DefaultCar, DropWeapon, AutoDrive, DefaultCarColor, PedMoney, FollowDriver. The following settings cannot be set in game and need to be set in trainer.ini: AttackDistBehind, RandomMin, RandomMax.

Car Spawning, all available vehicle models can be spawned, 5 pages, the last page includes the DLC bikes (for these to spawn correctly, you need to have the DLC unlocked mod enabled. Also you need to set DLC=1 in the defaults section of trainer.ini see: (not applicable to TLAD and TBOGT).

You can change both the name on the menu and the text that is displayed in game, using the Car menu section of trainer.ini.

Also there is the  ability to spawn added cars (see

new section Addedcars, in this section there are 40 slots (20 in TLAD and TBOGT), you can set each slot to enable (Enable1=1, Enable2=1),

set the model name that is used to spawn the car (ModelName1=Ferrari, ModelName2=Porsche) and the displayname, used on the menu which is car spawn menu page 5 (DisplayName1=Ferrari, DisplayName2=Porsche).

Because of this, the numeric values used for the key carspawns have been changed to use the model name, so if you upgrade from previous versions and you intend to keep trainer.ini, copy that section over, as the keyname also has changed, to prevent crashes when still using an old trainer.ini. This way you can also use the added car for the 12 keyspawns slots. Please note that added cars are disabled in MP, also any model  that you try to spawn using the 12 keyspawns slots, will not work if the model spawned is an added model. Also added cars will not be loaded when using the random car spawn keys in MP.

The car spawning menu also contains a subway spawn menu, you can select any of the 4 lines, and start at any station, you will be warped to the station and into a subway, to start your journey press L (leave station), use the Numpad + key to speed up, Numpad - to slow down, B to stop, you can set the train not to automatically stop at each station by pressing Q, you can open the right doors with the right arrow, left doors with the left arrow, you can also switch between a total of 9 views:  one game supplied view (Num 0, which also provides a few additional views by using the V key)  and 9 additional views: Cockpit (Num 1), Interior 1 (Num 2), interior 2 (Num 3), interior 3 (Num 4), Side 1 (Num 5), Side 2 (Num 6), Roof (Num 7), Front (Num8), and Back (Num9). To rotate the 9 additional views press R (counter clockwise) or X (clockwise). The roof view can also be moved forward (W), Back (S) , Left (A) and Right (D). You can use enter to skip to next station, and F to leave the train. Some things to note: if stop at stations is enabled (which it is by default), the subway runs in a semi automatic mode, you need to use L to leave a station, this will also automatically close the platform side doors (and will prevent them being closed whilst at the station), also this will make the subway stop automatically at each station. (and opening the platform side doors) If stop at stations is disabled this automatic behavior doesn't occur. Disabling it at a station has no effect at first, as you still need to use L to leave the station, but after you've left the station, the game will not stop at the next station, nor will you have any use for L (until you enable stop at stations again). When using the enter key to skip to next station you will be put somewhere along the tracks, if the doors not open (whilst stop at station is enabled) this means the train has not reached the exact starting position, if that happens, just press L and the train will go to the exact start position, press L again to leave the station again this is only applicable when stop at stations is enabled. When using enter (to skip to next station), the total distance display will not be accurate anymore, the game somehow doesn't record the statistics correctly if that happens.

In MP you can also enter a subway that is spawned by another player, to use this just select enter train, you can try to enter both subway cars, but may need to go to the other side of the train to actually be able to enter it.

Mission Help, for all the lazy people out there, you can teleport to first valid mission marker, which saves you having to drive, but this can also be used to keep up  with persons you have to chase,  also in this menu is blow up cop car/chopper, if you are wanted, the blips that are displayed on the map, are used to blow the police cars and choppers that are "near". The ultimate mission helper is kill ped attached to blip, this will simply kill the ped that is attached to a blip, to only kill the peds that are attached to the enemy blip, use kill enemy ped function (works also on police officers), some missions can be passed by just using the teleport to valid destination marker and kill enemy ped functions. The first option will also let you win all 9 races, just by holding num 5 when the option is selected, by going to each checkpoint including the finish . If you enabled the car blips, the teleport to spawned cars will let you cycle between the first three cars that you spawned. Finally blow up car attached to valid destination marker might be useful in missions. The Mission select menu, will enable you to play all the story line missions, and view all the cut scenes without having to start a mission. Also the friends missions are included. The following missions will only display a cut scene, as the mission script doesn't run properly: The Cousins Bellic (Roman), Easy As Can Be (Brucie),  Photo Shoot (Playboy X), Lure (Francis), Buoys Ahoy (Bernie). The mission First Date (Michelle) will crash when you actually enter the bowling alley. Some of the Roman mission only work correctly if you start a new game.  Mr & Ms. Bellic (both Deal and revenge) have been changed a bit, don't go into the blip before the church, when you are near the church, the proper cut scenes will be played automatically. Actions Speak Louder Then Words (Gerald) might not finish as you need Gerald's phone number to activate the bomb. Finally the two end missions are depending on a variable, that determines which mission to play, unfortunately I cannot change this variable (without an epic crash to desktop), so I actually choose to run the revenge mission, and only play a cut scene for the other mission, there is however a way to play Dimitri's Mission when you actually have chosen the deal in a save game, you can select it by playing the revenge mission. Please be aware that selection and playing mission in this way is not a replacement for the normal mission that you start by playing the game, as some things will not happen if you play missions in this way. Also if you are playing a mission via the mission select menu, be sure not to step into game created mission markers, as that would start a game mission whilst you are already on a mission. For TLAD and TBOGT some missions also cannot be started, again a cutscene is played and then a message is displayed that the mission cannot be started.

Model Spawning, all models (including CS even though they  are not usable to play with) on 12 pages. You can press num 5 multiple times to change appearance on most of the models. Also the clothes menu (last option on the first page) can be used to change the clothes of models. 5 slots can be used to save clothing options, and load them at a later time. You can also make the player say things using the speech menu, all speeches that are available in speeches.rpf are in the trainer, this means that each model (or voice, if you changed the voice using the voice menu) will have their very own set of speeches, all of these speeches will work. Additionally ten voice slots are provided. (which can also be loaded using the menu  or using RShift+1 through to RShift+0. There is also a random voice key combination that will say a random speech for the current model, or  voice if you set the voice for the model.
You can also change the voice of the player using the voice menu, and change the way the player walks using the walk style menu. Finally an animation menu, allows you to choose 6373 different animations for the player character. (on TLAD 8011, and TBOGT 9184). You can also save the last played animation to a total of 5 slots, you can load these either by using the menu, or using RALT+1 through to RAlt+5. ...

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