X-Men - The Official - ign.pdf

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Taking place between the time of the X-2 and X-3 movies,
X-Men The Official Game tells the story of three very
distinct mutants; Wolverine the enraged brawler, Iceman
the master of freezing water, and Nightcrawler, the
teleporting self-proclaimed pacifist. All three will partake in
missions that are rather unique in style from one another,
each with their own moves, powers, and abilities to call
This sure does sound confusing, and when adding in the
Sentinel Tech pieces and the Weapon X files, this can
make for a fairly overwhelming gaming experience,
leading to much wailing and gnashing of the oh so perfect
teeth. However, there is hope in this world that mutant
and homo sapiens, the ability to achieve a peace and live
side by siÈ errÈ However, IGN has stepped up, learning
all there is to know about this game, lending their mad
gaming skills to help solve the bad elements that look to
change the world in their favor!
Look inside the guide for:
X-Men : A bio of each playable X-men character and description of their powers.
Walkthrough : A detailed description of how to beat the game
Unlockables : Find out what secrets you can access here.
Guide by: Brian ÐBlinks SO FastÑ Sulpher
This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the
consent of IGN Entertainment will result in legal action.
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Wolverine (Logan)
This old man of an undeterminable age spent many years wandering through the wilderness and hinterlands of Canada,
surviving through brawls and feats of strength. The only link to his seemingly forgotten past is the dog tag ÐWolverineÑ
from the Canadian Army.
Wolverine has an innate healing ability that will recover damage during a battle, and he can augment that by focusing all
of his energy when not in battle into recovering all lost energy. Wolverine also has Adamantium Claws (toughest metal in
existence) as well as a skeleton grafted with more Adamantium, making him a brutal fighter who can take a lot of
punishment and rip through almost any material with ease.
Wolverine also possesses a great anger, which can be channeled into a Fury when his Fury Meter fills up. While in this
mode, he attacks with brutal aggression, able to ignore enemy defenses while inflicting great damage, healing himself
by landing blows upon the enemy.
Iceman (Bobby Drake)
Iceman is a younger student in XavierÓs school who has progressed enough to be pressed into service with the results of
X-2 the movie still being felt. Iceman comes from a nice family who turned their back on him once he revealed his
mutant abilities to him, so his family is with the fellow students, teachers, and Rogue, all at XavierÓs school.
Iceman has the ability to take moisture from the air and freeze it in a myriad of ways, bending it to do his will. Whether
he is flying through the air by sliding along the ice path he creates, using his Icebeam to freeze things or extinguish fires,
creating a Frost Shield to deflect attacks, or using the mighty hailstorm attack to destroy targets, Bobby can handle
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himself well.
Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)
A former circus performer in Germany, Nightcrawler suddenly burst into the lives of the X-men when he was foiled in an
assassination attempt upon the President of the United States of America (though it was later revealed he was under the
control of the diabolical William Stryker, a man dedicated to destroying the mutant population). Now unsure of where he
came from, Kurt seeks to find himself, whether his path lies with the X-Men or does it lead elsewhere.
Nightcrawler is a strange looking creature, but his acrobatic skills are augmented by his incredible mutation that allows
him to poof out of existence in one spot and fly to another spot close by, able to pass through solid walls, people, and all
sorts of dangerous objects. In fact, he can use this ability to position himself in spots where he will be able to attack an
enemy without warning, landing multiple hits before the enemy realizes where the attack is emanating from. Though
weak in strength, his ability to keep hopping around the area of the fight in seamless fashion will keep him from taking
much damage, allowing him to pick apart the opposition.
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Lady Liberty (Wolverine)
Novice: 1
Hero: 1
Superhero: 1
Start out by attacking Sabretooth in this Danger Room simulation, using the dodge when Sabretooth rears back to
attack. After running through the various moves that are indicated, Wolverine can knock Sabretooth off the ledge,
followed by him healing before hopping down after his arch foe. However, not long after landing, Sabretooth will leave
Wolverine to deal with the Rifle troopers that appear, so make use of Quick Attack combos and charging attacks to
quickly neutralize foes, advancing around the base of the Statue.
After reaching Sabretooth, use the same attack patterns of Quick Attacks and Heavy Attacks, remembering to roll out of
the way when he attacks. When Wolverine achieves a full meter for his Fury Attacks, make use of his Quick Attack
combos to really inflict damage on Sabretooth, which will also heal him as he lands his hits. Keep on Sabretooth, as he
too possesses naturally healing abilities, lowering his health to nothing to end the mission!
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Liberty Island (Iceman)
Novice: 1
Hero: 1
Superhero : 1
Now Bobby (Iceman) is up next in the Danger Room, and he will be flying high above the water around the Statue of
Liberty. Start off by practicing at his unique ability to create pathways of ice to slide along, passing through the various
nav points set up by the computer while listening to Wolverine. After passing through all the points at tree level, one last
nav point must be passed through near Lady LibertyÓs face, so angle upwards and speed boost to get there quickly.
Bobby must next go to the burning buildings and make use of his Icebeam ability to extinguish the fires, but be sure to
fly by the targets while putting them out, also remembering to use the brake to slow down the approach to get more time
to fire upon the burning structures. Next up for Bobby is to go take down the enemy who started the fire, making use of
the lock on button and Hailstorm to land accurate and deadly blows, downing the waves to Jet Troopers. After getting
some practice in with this new fighting X-Man, fly through the final nav point when indicated by Wolverine to end the
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