02-Approaching Without Rejection.pdf

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part 2 f 8
of the Pandora’s Ph.D.
Strategy Series
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Written by
Brian Burke
guys who struggle is that the successful guys don’t get upset when they
get “rejected.” If they approach a woman, and she is not interested, they don’t
see it as a big deal – it’s her loss. So before you can even begin to think about
technique is to wrap your mind around the fact that you WILL have to face
some rejection from women if you are going to be approaching them.
The key is to keep going, and not shut down. Experience trumps any fancy
technique. Also, if you are scared of getting rejected, you will repel women
with your insecure body language and nervous energy.
When applying the following techniques, you must understand that it can
be a challenge – and often requires months of experience - before you can
MindRead her type on the approach. Therefore, it’s likely you will use an
opening line or technique that is not perfectly suited to her type. That’s OK
– as along as you have the universal fundamentals of approaching down, you
won’t do anything too unattractive.
The skill you must develop is fast calibration to each type. To keep things
simple, remember that her Time Line is most important on the initial approach,
and what kinds of dates you go on. Her Sex Line is most important in terms
of the amount of sexual tension you create, and how fast you try to escalate to
more intimacy. Her Relationship Line is most important regarding the content
of conversation, and what types of compliance she gives you.
T he biggest difference I see between guys who are good with women and
You always have a 50% chance to calibrate to her personality factor – she’s
either an N or T, J or D, I or R. If you do something wrong, adapt. That’s the
great thing about dealing with women – the instant you adapt and exhibit
attractive cues, they respond instantly. Imagine a woman instantly growing
larger breasts or becoming more pretty instantly – you would be attracted
without thinking. The same thing works in reverse, only you aren’t changing
in your appearance, but in your personality (stemming from your thoughts).
When it comes to approaching, you really only have to be concerned with her
Time Line – whether she is a Tester or iNvestor. So we will explore the ideal
ways to approach Testers and iNvestors, how to gauge which she is, and how
to adapt if you make a mistake.
When teaching men how to approach, I use three categories of environments
where you will see women. The names may sound technical but they are
really easy to understand, and you’ll see why these categories are important to
This is a situation where you and the woman are in a place for an extended
period of time. There’s no rush and very little movement. For example, let’s
say you ind a seat in a café after getting your coffee, and you notice a woman
sitting at a nearby table working on her laptop. This is static, because you are
both going to be there for awhile – there’s no rush.
Other examples:
-Sitting in a park during your lunch break (and she is clearly on her break
as well)
-You’re both sitting at a bus stop, or on a bus/train sitting next to each other
-Work or class (this is the ultimate static situation and any attempt at
courtship should be drawn out over the course of several weeks/months,
depending on the situation)
In static situations, it’s best to use a situational comment or question to start a
conversation. Notice what she is doing or focusing on, and ask her a question
about it. Or make a comment – if you see her reading a book, you can make a
comment about the book.
If you say something very direct (e.g. telling her she’s beautiful and you want
to meet her), it will come off as too intense and socially awkward. A genuine
compliment about her choice of clothing is also a good choice, but make
sure to use a light, relaxed tonality. This is not the time for a direct, intense
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