Vampire - The Requiem - Ventrue - Lords Over the Damned.pdf

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To W.H. ––
– From your most devoted servant:
Many years have passed, since you irst charged me with this task, and I fervently
hope that time has dulled somewhat the distressing mystery you have endured. The
work has been long and uncertain, and for many months it seemed we’d ind no
Lord willing to speak to us, no stories willing to be told. I owe you some kind of
explanation of what has gone into the work you now hold – and why I have kept it
from you for so long.
Men and women have died. At least one of our Kindred has met a inal end as the
result of this work, but surely others have, as well. How many more have been (or
will be) hidden away, punished, broken, or ruined for telling their tales? It depends
on what you intend to do with these pages, I suppose. I’ve wondered.
I must confess that, many nights, I question whether I should abandon the work.
I must confess that I thought of not sending it. I know this means that I considered
dying, inally and truly, to be done with it. In the end, Nicodemus convinced me
that this was not really my work to
control, and that too much of us has been lost because too many of us
refused to share our tales. For all that our secrets protect us, night after night, so
too are they slowly smothering us.
At least one helot was released from a prison of blood during our search for these
words, however, and at least one childe was reunited with a sire who she long loved
and long sought, so I can’t say the work has solely caused misery.
The protection that we can uphold, without sacriicing our history and our leg-
endry, is allusion. Only if we share our stories with our kin, do we have some hope
of keeping our pasts with us and knowing real
immortality. With enough of our history kept in mind, we can continue to leave
letters to our childer and to our future selves, and speak through allusions that the
living and unmasked cannot see for what they are. Otherwise, we continue with-
holding our own history from each other, and from ourselves, out of fear of being
overheard; that path brings only
ignorance and diminishment of who we are.
Thus, in the name of knowledge and the spirit of the Masquerade, I have made
much of this work an allegory, like our own history. I have changed some names
to protect people and places from being revenged for their help, should this work
reach hands other than your own. Those
modiications aside, I have done what you asked, and found the face of the modern
Much of what follows is factual. All of it is true.
Semper Servus,
– V.T.
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W. H. –
– From your most devot ed serv ant:
Sir, I am h onored to be a part of thi s work .
– From your most devot ed serv ant:
I kept this all this t ime but I don ’t
want to think so muc h about the p ast
anymore. You should k eep this, tho ugh.
It feels like part of the work to m e.
I kept this all this t ime but I don ’t
want to think so muc h about the p ast
anymore. You should k eep this, tho ugh.
It feels like part of the work to m e.
I’m p leased to rep ort to you th at I al ready have p eople seeking out i nter
in tervie ws and accou nts fo r the p roject . It’s b een m y expe rience that t he age and se crecy
o f our k ind ha s lead to qui te a fe w writ ers am ong u s. Seve ral of my ag ents co me fr om a
ti me wh en let ters an d pen mansh ip wer e not h obbie s, as yo u can imagin e.
Expec t at lea st a do zen b odies t o be at work for us befor e the y ear is out. O bvious ly, the
M . will s low us a bit, but I t rust m y peo ple to be disc reet.
I antici pate se veral years’ worth of int erview s will b e nece ssary to get the vo lume of
ma terial we’ll n eed fo r anyt hing r esembl ing an accur ate sur vey of the m odern cultu re.
We ’ll be w orkin g agai nst ha bits of secrec y, year s of il l-infor med a ssump tions, and th e
sla nder o f rumo rmon gers, I ’m sur e. Loc ating m anusc ripts m ay be possib le for gettin g an
im age of ages p ast, bu t I exp ect on ly irs t-hand accou nts an d obse rvation s of o ur mo dern
Kin dred w ill ge t us an authe ntic se nse of the m odern night .
It seems to me that the wo rk wil l benei t if I can es tablish a base to op er
ope rate fr om so mewhe re I c an stor e note s, reco rdings , corre spond ence, a nd
arti facts c ollecte d in p ursuit of the work. I ima gine w e’ll acc umula te eno ugh p aper th at
reta ining an arc hivist of som e sort is pro bably a good idea. C an yo u reco mmen d some one
for the ta sk, or should I cond uct m y own search ? I’ll a dmit that I’ m not sure w here t o
beg in, and my c onnect ions d on’t ye t exte nd ver y far i nto th e right corne rs of a cadem ia or
ant iquity.
Th is is e xciting . It’s s uch a s hame to thi nk this hasn’ t been attem pted e arli
earl ier, or more often. May I ask w hat’s in spired you t o purs ue this so ge ner
gene rously ? Wha t are y our go als fo r the w ork o nce it is com plete?
If at any time I may be of s ervice to you or yo ur fam ily, yo u kno w I wi ll help as I c an.
Sem per Se rvus,
– V.T .
In an effort to ensure that this material is understandable and of the maximum usefulness
to you, I have put together a quick summary of its contents, as well as a lexicon of terms com-
monly used by the Ventrue of tonight’s Danse Macabre.
Semper Servus,
In an effort to ensure that this material is understandable and of the maximum usefulness
In an effort to ensure that this material is understandable and of the maximum usefulness
In an effort to ensure that this material is understandable and of the maximum usefulness
In an effort to ensure that this material is understandable and of the maximum usefulness
to you, I have put together a quick summary of its contents, as well as a lexicon of terms com-
to you, I have put together a quick summary of its contents, as well as a lexicon of terms com-
to you, I have put together a quick summary of its contents, as well as a lexicon of terms com-
to you, I have put together a quick summary of its contents, as well as a lexicon of terms com-
monly used by the Ventrue of tonight’s Danse Macabre.
monly used by the Ventrue of tonight’s Danse Macabre.
monly used by the Ventrue of tonight’s Danse Macabre.
I kept this all this t ime but I don ’t
want to think so muc h about the p ast
anymore. You should k eep this, tho ugh.
It feels like part of the work to m e.
In an effort to ensure that this material is understandable and of the maximum usefulness
to you, I have put together a quick summary of its contents, as well as a lexicon of terms com-
to you, I have put together a quick summary of its contents, as well as a lexicon of terms com-
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