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Microsoft Word - Diagnosed With Cancer.doc
Natural Strategies to Kill Cancer
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3
THE UNDERLYING CAUSES OF CANCER .................................................................... 4
OVERVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE STRATEGIES ............................................................ 5
Kill cancer cells without harming your body ......................................................................................5
Low levels of cellular Oxygen breed cancer.......................................................................................6
Acidic pH Levels lead to cancer .........................................................................................................8
Lack of Methylglyoxal causes cancer .................................................................................................9
A weakened immune system leads to cancer ....................................................................................11
Candida & fungal infections may lead to cancer ..............................................................................11
How toxins can lead to cancer ..........................................................................................................12
How Free Radicals promote cancer by damaging DNA ...................................................................15
Low levels of enzymes always found in cancer................................................................................15
Cancer cells have low subtle energy vibrations ................................................................................17
Psychological stress leads to cancer..................................................................................................18
What the Medical Industry won't tell you .........................................................................................19
Cancer Strategy #1: Kill Cancerous Cells With Zeolite .................................................... 21
Cellular Zeolite - The Liquid, Activated Zeolite...............................................................................22
Cancer Strategy #2 - Fight Cancer By Increasing Cellular Oxygen Levels .................... 29
Oxy E - Cellular Oxygen Enhancer ..................................................................................................29
MSM .................................................................................................................................................31
Life Support ......................................................................................................................................32
UltraCeps ..........................................................................................................................................32
CoQ10 and CoQ Qinol......................................................................................................................33
EAQ10 ..............................................................................................................................................33
Organic BioSprouts Flax Seed Sprouts & Cottage Cheese...............................................................34
Cancer Strategy #3 - Raise pH Levels to Reduce Body Acidity........................................ 34
Elemental pH ....................................................................................................................................35
AFA Blue Green Algae.....................................................................................................................35
pH Rescue .........................................................................................................................................36
pH Plus Alkaline Drops ....................................................................................................................36
Betaine HCl and Ionic Potassium Concentrate or HCL Activator ....................................................36
Active Ionic.......................................................................................................................................37
Healthy Coffee..................................................................................................................................37
Cancer Strategy #4 - Get MethylGlyoxal Into Your Cells ................................................ 38
SSR Super Quinone, Koch TMT and MG Concentrate ....................................................................38
Cancer Strategy #5: Boost The Immune System................................................................ 42
Get Healthy Aloe MPS .....................................................................................................................43
Medicine Man Tea ............................................................................................................................45
U-Fn 35% U-Fucoidan Extract ........................................................................................................47
Immuno C3 .......................................................................................................................................49
Whole Cell Beta-1,3D Glucan ..........................................................................................................50
AFA Blue Green Algae.....................................................................................................................50
Defense .............................................................................................................................................52
Black Cumin .....................................................................................................................................53
Tsi-Ahga ...........................................................................................................................................53
Muscadine Grape Seed .....................................................................................................................53
Seasonal Rescue................................................................................................................................54
Carnivora ..........................................................................................................................................54
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Native Flora ......................................................................................................................................55
Goji, Mangosteen, Acai Berry Powder .............................................................................................56
Ellagic Acid Formula with Graviola .................................................................................................57
AHCC ...............................................................................................................................................60
Power3 Algae....................................................................................................................................61
Estrogen Defense and Progesten Specialist ......................................................................................62
Goji Pomegranate Concentrate .........................................................................................................62
Cancer Strategy #6: Kill Candida & Other Fungal Infections ......................................... 63
Total Immune Booster ......................................................................................................................63
Cancer Strategy #7 - Reduce Levels Of Toxicity ............................................................... 64
Glutathione PleoLyposome...............................................................................................................64
Maximum Digestion .........................................................................................................................65
Para Cleanse & Colon Booster..........................................................................................................66
Magnetic Clay Detox Bath Kits ........................................................................................................66
Heavy Metal Screening Test Kit .......................................................................................................68
Photo Catalysis Air Purifier ..............................................................................................................68
5 Elements Shampoos, Conditioner and Scalp Detoxifier ................................................................68
Coral White ToothPaste....................................................................................................................69
The Hideous Hiatus Hernia Video ....................................................................................................69
Cancer Strategy #8 - Free Radical Scavengers .................................................................. 69
Super Oxide Dismutase with Catalase ..............................................................................................69
DHLA Nano-Plex .............................................................................................................................70
Protein 8 in 1 Greens.........................................................................................................................70
Chocolate Powder - Raw and Organic ..............................................................................................71
Vitamin D Forte Emulsified..............................................................................................................71
Green Tea Extract (And Black Tea Extract) .....................................................................................72
Cancer Strategy #9 - Enzymes and Digestion..................................................................... 73
Hi-Pan Enzymes ...............................................................................................................................73
PhytoBio Enzymes............................................................................................................................73
Neprinol ............................................................................................................................................74
Catabolic Wasting Protocol ..............................................................................................................74
Probiotics ..........................................................................................................................................75
Ultra Blend........................................................................................................................................76
Cancer Strategy #10 - Raise Your Vibratory Energy Level ............................................. 77
Primordial M-Water..........................................................................................................................77
Other Ways to Energize Water .........................................................................................................78
Quantum Touch ................................................................................................................................78
Cell Phone Neutralizer ......................................................................................................................79
EarthCalm Immune System Regenerator..........................................................................................79
Cancer Strategy #11 - Get a Handle On Stress .................................................................. 80
The Sedona Method ..........................................................................................................................80
Transformational Breathing ..............................................................................................................81
Final Words on Cancer Treatments.................................................................................... 83
Review of the Top Tier Cancer Fighting Products ............................................................ 87
5 Step Game Plan..............................................................................................................................91
Resources for Beating Cancer...........................................................................................................91
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The information you need to beat cancer is here - available to you for free. You won't
have to download a report or buy any book. In fact, some readers have said that this
report is better than the ebooks, and they had bought every one. Here you will find
information your doctor can't tell you or doesn't know - including information on one
product where 51 out of 65 stage 4 cancer patients became cancer free while using it.
Other readers say that this report gave them the most understandable information they
found about cancer. You'll learn about the underlying causes of cancer, and what to do
to counteract those causes. This information applies to all types of cancer. Lung,
prostate, breast, colon, ovarian, cervical, liver, pancreatic, bone, bladder, stomach,
testicular, thyroid, kidney, throat, brain, mouth, uterine, esophageal, rectal and more.
The fundamental causes of these cancers are the same, so the same strategies work for
all of them.
Thousands before you have used these strategies to beat their cancer and now live happy
normal lives. Here are a couple of testimonials to read before we get started:
"In 2003 my husband was told he had a pancost tumor on his upper left lung. He began
6 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. On April 1st, 2004 he went thru a 10
hour surgery to remove the upper left lobe, parts of his ribs and the tips of the T3, T4 &
T5 vertebrae.
"In May 2005 he was informed the cancer had returned in the lower left lung and on his
spine causing compression fractures of the C2, T3, 4, 5, & T6 vertebrae. He refused
chemo and radiation therapy. We studied the information on your site and began a
regiment of detoxing, cleansing, and using several of the products and a complete life
style change.
"The recent CT scan, PET scan, blood work and MRI came back cancer free. Thank
God. He still has the issue with his back, but no cancer: We will continue taking the
holistic approach using your products. Just to name a few: Oxy E, MSM, AFA Blue
Green Algae, Ellagic Acid with Graviola, Elemental pH and more. Faith and prayer
does work cause without it I would not have found you, many thanks. Our future looks
brighter. Thank you." - Patrick and Olga - August 1st, 2005
"Hi. I will never be able thank you enough. 8 months ago my boyfriend, Pete, was given
a few months to live- melanoma was spreading rapidly through his body and was
proclaimed to have settled in the lymph nodes and liver. "Doctors" wanted to strip his
lymph nodes and cut out a section of his liver, and then chemo him, again. I found your
website, printed out all the info on cancer, and presented it to Pete. He agreed to follow
the advice and refused conventional treatment, [Editor’s Note: We are not advising that
you refuse conventional treatments.] and immediately began a regiment of supplements
to detoxify, cleanse, oxygenate, alkalinize and support. He also made changes in diet
and in mind-set. 8 months later he is free of cancer, as indicated in the recent PET
scan! He has energy abound, no longer sleeps half the day, and is looking forward to
living instead of preparing to die. Your information is well-presented, logical, factual,
and in language a person can understand, AND, it saved a man's life." - Leslie R.
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Even if you are taking the standard medical treatments, you can safely improve their
effectiveness by using the natural supplements covered in this report. Many people have
done so.
Cancerous cells are always being created in the body. It's an ongoing process that has
gone on for eons. So parts of your immune system are designed to seek out and destroy
cancer cells.
Cancer has been around as long as mankind, but only in the second half of the 20th
century did the number of cancer cases explode. Contributing to this explosion are the
excessive amounts of toxins and pollutants we are exposed to, high stress lifestyles that
zap the immune system, poor quality junk food that's full of pesticides, irradiated and
now genetically modified, pathogens, electromagnetic stress, lights, and just about
everything that wasn't here 200 years ago.
All these weaken the immune system, and alter the internal environment in the body to
an environment that promotes the growth of cancer.
Cancer is not a mysterious disease that suddenly attacks you out of the blue, something
that you can't do anything about. It has definite causes that you can correct if your body
has enough time, and if you take action to change the internal environment to one that
creates health, not cancer, while at the same time attacking cancerous cells and tumors
by exploiting their weaknesses.
Cancer tumors begin when more cancerous cells are being created than an overworked,
depleted immune system can destroy.
Constant exposure to tens of thousands of manmade chemicals from birth onward,
chlorinated and fluoridated water, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides and other toxins,
leads to the creation of too many free radicals and excessive numbers of cancerous cells.
Alone this would be enough to raise cancer levels, but combined with an immune
system weakened by a diet of refined and over processed food, mineral depleted soils,
and too much exposure to artificial light at night, the immune system at some point no
longer is able to keep cancer in check, and it starts to grow in your body.
DID YOU KNOW? Research shows that the immune system needs 9 1/2 hours of sleep
in total darkness to recharge completely -- the authors of the book Lights Out explain.
When was the last time you had this much sleep?
Because of this stress and the overload of toxins, you end up with a malfunctioning
immune system, and a body that is not capable of destroying the excessive numbers of
cancerous cells that develop. Some, sooner or later, survive and multiply. And then you
have cancer. Of course, our diets loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates don't
help. Refined carbohydrates digest so fast they act like sugar, and cancer cells love
sugar. They have about 8 times more receptor cells for capturing sugar than healthy
Overcoming cancer is a process of reversing the conditions that allowed the cancer to
develop, and going after and killing cancerous cells.
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The exact causes don't have to be known, though certainly the more varied the
approaches taken to correct those conditions, the more likely you are going to hit on
what works best in a particular case. What you need to do is to strongly and
dramatically interrupt and reverse the cancer-causing conditions in your body so that it
becomes healthier, and stops breeding cancer.
The more cancer there is, the more serious the condition -- meaning much more has to
be done -- fast. It may be too late, or it may not. No one knows where that cutoff point
is as sometimes people given only a few days to live have pulled through and conquered
cancer when they applied these strategies.
What you will be reading in this report isn't about a cure for cancer. It isn't medical
advice. It is sort of like information from the National Cancer Society that one of the
most important things you can do for your health is to eat five servings of fruits and
vegetables a day. Only it is telling you about food supplements and minerals that are
much more potent. You'll understand as you read on.
Kill cancer cells without harming your body
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy tries to kill the cancerous cells. Unfortunately, they
often harm your body in the process. There are natural supplements that do a good job
of killing cancerous cells, but won't cause harm to your body. A few supplements do
have potential to be toxic to the body, and should probably just be used in conjunction
with a naturopath or alternative doctor. These include cesium, artemisia, and B17. In
this report you will learn only about completely safe cancer killers that can be used with
no supervision.
You may well ask why , if a safe and natural product is able to kill cancer, doesn't your
doctor recommend it. There are two main reasons.
First is the nature of the medical/drug industry. Doctors, by and large, will just use and
recommend drugs that are approved as drugs in a process that costs hundreds of millions
of dollars. So the drug companies only make drugs that can be patented. That way they
can sell it for huge mark-ups and have no competition. Natural substances must be
modified in order to be patented.
Unfortunately, modified, synthetic substances usually aren't healthy for your body. Even
synthesized vitamins. They just don't work well in the body. So no company would ever
take an unpatented product through the drug process, and the healthy natural
supplements aren't approved as drugs. As they are not proven, doctors, or at least most
doctors, won't use them, and many don't even know about them.
Secondly, cancer is complex and tough. One single product is not often going to be
enough on it's own. So your doctor can dismiss as hype the take this supplement and it
will cure your cancer approach.
But if your doctor was not tied in and blinded by the medical/drug industry, he might
see that a comprehensive approach using powerful supplements that kill cancer, makes
sense, and if he were to try this approach, might find it much more successful than only
using drugs and other treatments that harm the body as they try to kill cancerous cells.
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