(ebook - martial arts) kung fu movements.rtf

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Xiao Hong Quan


A Shaolin traditional set brought to you




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Xiao Hong Quan 


1. Opening.


Both feet stand side by side with both hands hang-

ing down naturally. The head and body are up-

right. Feet ar e joined. Look straight forward,

breath natural






2. Holding the moon in arms


The left foot takes an half-step left with both toes

grasping the ground. The distance between the feet

is the same as the width of the shoulders. Both

arms are bend and both palms overlap before the

belly with the palm-centers facing up. The right

palm is above the left one. Square the shoulders

and withdraw the belly. The tongue is pressing the

upper jaw. Look forward and take a deep breath.






3. White cloud over the head


Feet don’t move. Left ram moves to the lower

back until it is straightly along the outside of the

left buttock with the palm facing back. The right

palm fends up, palm facing up the fingers pointing

leftward. The force is directed on the p alms, the

arms are slightly bent. The head turns left, look left

with intensity .




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4. Pushing the left palm in 堵ong bu・


The body turns 90 degrees left. The left foot takes one step for-

ward to form a left 堵ong bu・ Both palms move in the same

time : the right one move by the outside of the left arm toward

the lower to draw to the waist with the palm facing up, the left

one moves to the upper right and at the inside of the right arm 

chan ges into an  straight p alm to p ush forward with the force di-

rected into the p alm heel. The fingers ar e at the same height as

the mouth. Look forward and expire.


5. Erecting an arm, shrinking the body


The left foot doesn’t move. The r ight leg bends. The r ight palm

moves downward  then to the upper front with palm facing up.

Left palm moves to the right until it erects before the right arm-

p it with the p alm facing right. 


Then the body turns 90 degrees right. The left foot goes to the

middle inside of the right foot  with the tiptoes only touching

the ground, both legs squats to form a left 泥ing bu・ At the

same time the right p alm chan ges into a fist and the right fore-

arm er ects before the right shoulder. The left palm changes into

a fist and rush straightly downward with the side of the fist

close to the upper outside of left ankle. Look left and expire.


6. Pushing the left palm in 敵ong bu・


The body turns 90 degrees left. The left foot takes one step for-

ward to form a left 堵ong bu・ Both hands open into palms and

move in the same time : the right one move by the front of the

chest and the outside of left arm, moves toward the lower right

to draw to the waist with the palm facing up, the left one moves

to the upper right and, at the inside of the right arm, changes

into a straight palm to push forward with the force directed into

the p alm heel. The fin gers ar e at the same h eight as the nose. 

Look forward and expire.



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7. Turning the body and crushing



The upper body turns 180 degrees right to form a

right ・Gong bu・ At the same time the left p alm

draws to the waist with the palm facing up. The

right ar m turns inside, the right palm crushes for-

ward with the p alm facin g back,  fin ger  at the same 

level as the eyes. Look at the right hand and ex-







8. Pushing the left palm while

taking one step forward.


The left foot takes one step forward to form a left

ong bu・ The right palm moves left by the out-

side of the left shoulder and ar ms toward the lower

right until it draws to the waist with the palm fac-

ing up . At the same time, the left p alm moves 





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