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VIP LESSON 006 - Super Slang
Phrases and Vocabulary Used:
Retarded - This is an extremely common slang term in the English language. It
basically means "stupid". You will hear this word a lot amongst friends or in
movies. It is a sensitive term because it can actually refer to people who have a
real mental disability. It's used in spoken English a lot for fun without this thought
in mind.
You can describe people and/or things as retarded.
You are a retard.
He is such a retard.
That movie was retarded.
I shouldn't have gone to that party last night. It was so retarded.
Moron - This slang term basically means "idiot". You can only refer to people as
morons. Things can't be morons.
She is such a moron. Why are you listening to her advice?
Don't be so gullible! Only a moron would believe something like that.
Gay - according to the dictionary it means “happy”, but it doesn’t really mean
that anymore. It often means anything that is unmanly. It can also be a boring or
uncool ideal.
I can’t believe you are wearing that tight pink shirt. It looks so gay.
If you tell your friend that you want to just stay in and watch a movie on a
Saturday night, your friend might say, that’s so gay.
trash talk - Trash talking is most often used when athletes or friends, try to make
their opponent lose confidence before or during a competition. A lot of NBA
basketball players do a lot of "trash talking" on the court during the game.
talking trash - Talking trash is just talking nonsense. Sometimes people talk a
lot about nothing, especially when they are drunk.
Don't worry about anything he said last night. I know him. He always talks trash
when he's drunk.
I'm not even listening to you. You are just talking trash.
dork - A dork is a very uncool and unpopular person. They wear unfashionable
clothing, look awkward, and often have a hard time getting a girlfriend. They
aren't bad people, they are just socially awkward. Boys are referred to as "dorks"
more often than girls are.
nerd - A nerd is quite similar to a dork. Nerds often have the stereotype of being
VIP LESSON 006 - Super Slang
good in school, or being "book smart" associated with them.
geek - A geek is similar to a nerd and a dork. Nerds and geeks, aside from
being book smart, are often very thin, wear glasses, and are not good at any
sports. They lack social confidence. People make fun of them all the time.
jock - Jocks are people who are good at sports and often poor academically.
Jocks are almost always guys. Jocks usually have an easier time finding
girlfriends in high school than geeks or dorks. Although they might not be as
A very warm welcome to the VIP section of, and a very
warm welcome to you as well Add. Great, yeah, thanks a lot.
Andrew, a warm welcome to you… I should return the favor I think…I don’t even
know what we're talking about here, but we have a phenomenal lesson today,
which is not a surprise…but this is a really good one… and Add before we get
into that lets chat a little bit about what we've been doing…. got up very early
today. Unusually early to watch the NBA playoffs… Cavaliers against the
Orlando Magic. Terrible, terrible, terrible, game… ahh…right, Lebron James
didn’t really step it up did he?…He totally sucked, and the game was terrible. I
kind of regret waking up so early, but I did make up for that with an afternoon
nap, so feeling pretty good now. Ah, right, yeah we've been watching a lot of TV
lately because the sporting events have been amazing really…yeah sporting has
been great…we are watching the French Open, might go to the bar later…I’m
trying to cut down on my drinking… might have a juice Add…right, maybe a
couple cocktails… virgin ones I guess…Alright Add, anyway, before we get…you
know, chatting for hours here….I’m sure they want to learn something and
today's lesson is a little bit unusual. We have done this style before, we’re gonna
do it again…and the title is “Super Slang”… and it's a lot of slang terms that I
literally pulled out of TV and the speech that Add and I and our friends literally
say to each other…so this took awhile to actually pull out slang words that we
haven't talked about before and really get into depth with these because it's
really hard to learn slang in a foreign language. If you’re just reading it from a
book, because you don't really know the meaning… and you kind of translate into
your own language…. you don't know when to use it…it just sounds stupid…ah
right…yeah, you ‘ve been carrying around your notebook and jotting things down
so thank you for that… you're very welcome Add. First word here, first slang
term…and this… this is great term to understand to know when and when not to
use it…You probably won't learned it in school because schools, let's face it
suck. And they really…well they don’t suck…I mean a lot of them do…I think this
is a bit of a school right over here in the VIP room…this is a school…and the
thing about schools is they’re often afraid to really teach words that aren't very
"smart" they are often fun and confident.
VIP LESSON 006 - Super Slang
nice…so, the problem is you know, when you’re learning a new language you
want to learn the entire language the way people actually use it. But I find often
in schools, or students who study only in school, or from books…they have this
different language that they use that doesn't really sound like what we use
because we’re not….let’s face it, we’re not always such a nice people here.. and
the language isn't….well we’re not always saying nice things Add…well I guess
that's pretty much how you would say it…. so, what is the first one we’re talking
about…first word add, is retarded. Now this word literally can mean you're
talking about someone who can be born with a mental disability, so obviously
that’s… it's not their fault…It's not very nice if they have this… but the thing is...
When we…I think when we say this because it's used so often, you’ll hear it in
movies, TV and amongst friends. We don't think this way, we’re not thinking
about, you know, someone born with a problem. But for some reason this word
really got infused into our daily language…we don't really think about the direct
meaning of it…and we just kind of use it for fun, so if you hear it, or you want to
use it… that's really what we’re talking about… so it basically means stupid, and
a word that goes with retarded, or the root of the word Add, is retard…so you
could say, “you are a retard”. I often call you that I think…you do…he is such a
retard…. or you could say, that movie was retarded…now that doesn't even
literally make sense but again, it’s a slang term and this is how it's used. Or I
shouldn't have gone to that party last night it was so retarded… right in this sense
it just means the party sucked…it wasn't very fun…it was… the party did not
have a mental disability clearly, but it….the party sucked, you shouldn't have
gone to it… it's a negative…it’s always negative…if something’s retarded, it’s just
stupid…it sucks right…. and you can say she or he is retarded, or a retard.
That's the way to kind of grammatically use the phrase Add… right, or you're
being retarded…you’re not always retarded but sometimes you act this
way…right, so the idea is retarded. The thing you went to is retarded, or the
person is retarded….Now with retard…Only a person can be a retard… you can’t
say that party was a retard…. You have to say that party was retarded…and with
a person you can go either way… he is a retard, or he is retarded. Right,
good…I think that pretty much clears that one up…Yeah, next one, also not a
very nice one, but you know, we have to do what we have to do Add…moron…
Right, and this is a slang term obviously, and it basically means an idiot. Yeah,
so very similar. Right now, you can say he's a moron, what a moron…she, I
guess is a moron. You can't call things morons, or you can use the adjective
moronic. We use this less often…that was moronic, usually a person's idea. But
you can't say the party was moronic, or the movie was…right, the party was a
moron…definitely not that… this is just specifically with people being idiots
right…Exactly, yeah, so that's pretty much self-explanatory there now…so just
use a couple things. So, she is such a moron. Why are you listening to her
advice. You know, we all know people like this…. both guys and girls, or don't be
so gullible. We talked about that on one of our free casts Add… don't believe
things so easily…don’t be so gullible. Only a moron would believe something like
that… so a moron is a stupid person who gets tricked into things often..and you
really have stupid ideas Add…Yeah, so you don’t want to be called a moron, so
VIP LESSON 006 - Super Slang
realize if you do get called this, it’s not a nice thing…yeah, so call them a retard I
guess…ah, the next one we just added-in Andrew, you know, we were talking
about something and somehow this word came up… and we just decided to add
it in. So here it is… the word is gay… gay, yeah, last minute add in…and I'm
sure you've heard this, you know what it means. If you look it up in the dictionary
you’ll find that it means...It can mean happy…realistically in real life, it never
means happy…Never use it in this way…Nobody, I don't think in the past
hundred years has done so. And it doesn't always mean homosexual either…it
doesn't mean a man loving another man…we use…we overuse this word… we
use it a lot for fun…you know, you might think it's not very nice, it might not be
very nice, but again, when you're really understanding slang you have to kind of
understand how these words are used. So, you can use it as homosexual…
friends can joke around with each other… like a man who's wearing a tight pink
shirt….You can say, what are you doing that looks so gay…you know…that
shirt…you look really gay wearing that…right, you’re wearing some kind of a
piece of clothing that's not very manly, you can be called gay…Yeah, so it's very
unmanly kind of thing… or a boring, uncool idea can also be called gay… like
someone could say, hey, do you wanna just stay in tonight and watch a movie,
and the other person might be really excited to kind of go out on the town and
they’ll say something like oh come on it’s Saturday night…that’s so gay…no let's
….we have to go out and do something. Or if you’re guys and you're talking
about your feelings, someone might call you gay…someone might…I’ve been
called gay a lot for that because I like talking about my feelings but that's how it
goes…and it kind of goes well into the one
Here Add, it leads very well into trash talk, and trash talk is used a lot in sports,
especially amongst friends or it could be enemies, I mean in professional sports,
they do it a lot, and it's basically you’re trying to psych-out your opponent, or
you’re trying to make fun of them, and make them nervous or feel bad so that
they don't perform very well in the sport that they're going to do. And Add and I
play a lot of sports together and we trash talk each other… like we could say, if
you're playing basketball and you know just something like, you totally sucked
basically….Right, you’re gonna miss this shot because you stink…and you've
never hit it in your life. Yeah so just saying kind of negative things to the other
person about the sport, hoping that they're going to do poorly, is trash talking. A
lot of NBA players are well known for their trash talking abilities Add… right, and
they try to get the other players riled up so maybe they'll foul and maybe get
kicked out of the game even, something like this…yeah, exactly, next one, a
A word reversal here… it’s a slightly different meaning…talking trash…and this
one is just talking nonsense, and I'm using this term because I've heard a lot of
second language speakers say talking nonsense… so you probably know it
means …I don't think we really ever say this, talking nonsense…but we do…we
definitely do say talking trash… some people I guess say talking nonsense, not
as often, but you're really talking about nothing, it’s just kind of stupid garbage
that comes out of your mouth… often if you're drunk or something, so someone
could say, oh, don't worry about anything he said last night, I always know him,
he always talks trash when he's drunk… or, I’m not even listening to you right
VIP LESSON 006 - Super Slang
now, you are just talking trash…so you can kind of imagine what the
person…they’re just going on and on about garbage really…right, often they’re
just rambling and they have no real purpose to what they're saying…they just feel
like talking for some reason…right, Very good Add…Next three words here, they
describe people, very uncool people and they go together… these are often
terms that are used in high school or when you're younger you’ll get called
these…hopefully not…or call other people these…right, hopefully you didn't get
called these in high school, but if you did, well I guess that's what
happened…I've been called them a few times, not too many actually…but I have
felt the feeling, it’s not great…Anyway, first one Add, a dork….and a dork is a
very uncool and unpopular person, they wear unfashionable clothing, they look
very awkward, they have a hard time getting a boyfriend or girlfriend… they might
be smart, might not be, doesn't really say…they're probably bad at sports, they’re
just socially awkward. They’re not bad people, nobody thinks they're mean or evil
people…they’re just not very cool…Right, not very smooth or confident I would
say…Right, a nerd, is quite similar to a dork…it's not usually a good thing, but it
can be depending on the situation, cause they often have the stereotype of being
considered smart…so you could say, Bill Gates was a bit of a nerd, or he still is a
nerd…and it kind of means you’re really smart about something, you're really into
it but it also has the connotation or the feeling that you're not very cool
either…you’re probably not very good at sports, not that that really means cool,
but you’re just that type of person who’s always reading books and…right, but
again we're talking about things in high school right, so it's not really about adult
life…right, so being a nerd is… is a younger kid kind of a thing…you know,
having a harder time dating, these often seem to go with guys more than girls but
they can go both ways…the last one of this trio Add, this threesome here is quite
similar again…and you don't really even need to know the differences…I don’t
even think I really know the differences that clearly…these aren’t…dictionaries
define these words, but I don’t think they really know, because we're just using
them right…but anyway, the last one Add, Geek…Right, and a geek is similar to
a nerd or a dork, but nerds and geeks aside from being book smart are often very
thin, you know, wear glasses, and are not very good at any sports…right, so
geeks and nerds you can think of as pretty much the same thing….nerd is more
often the smart thing…a geek you can think of, very thin, they wear very thick
glasses, you know, high pants…just, they really suck, in terms of social
encounters, they get very nervous very easily…Right, and not stylish as you
mentioned before…right, very unstylish, kind of person, and often they get very
rich later on in life because they get a good job, they’re quite intelligent
people…just didn't have the social grace if you will…well hopefully they are… if
you're going to be a geek…hopefully, at least you're a smart one…yeah, or else
you're just a dork, and that's not fun…you didn’t do very well at all…but anyway,
forget about those…if anyone’s starting to feel bad, or think back to high school, I
know I've had a few of these ones…we all have Add…ah sure…had our
moments…ah the last one here on this slang agenda of ours is, Jock…and jocks
are people, usually guys, not always, who are good at sports, but often poor
academically, they don't have…they don't do very well in school and they usually
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