Hine,John Yang Tai Chi Chuan 1992.pdf

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Yang Tai Chi Chuan
A & C Black • London
First published 1992 by
A & C Black (Publishers) Ltd
35 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4JH
© 1992 John Hine
ISBN 0 7136 3576 2
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A CIP catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library.
All photography by Sylvio Dokov.
Typeset by CG Graphic Services,
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Whitstable Litho Ltd,
Whitstable, Kent
Preface 5
Introduction 7
What is tai chi? 11
Chi 13
Chi and the martial arts 16
The three internal martial arts 17
The history of tai chi chuan 19
Tai chi and health 22
How to practise tai chi 25
Warm-up 31
Stances 39
The tai chi solo form 46
Pushing hands 134
Meditation 148
Chi kung 152
Self-defence applications 162
Tai chi double-edged sword form 176
Index 223
The author
Master John Hine has studied the martial arts and mental disciplines of the Far
East for the last 30 years. In that time he has trained under several fine masters
and experts, both at home and in the Far East. Prominent among these teachers
was master K. H. Chu, one of the three heirs of the Yang style of tai chi taught by
grandmaster Yang Shou Chung. The author has also trained with master L. H. Lo,
a direct descendant of the famous Yang family, especially skilled in the use of tai
chi weapons.
John Hine is currently the Chief Instructor of the United Kingdom Tai Chi
Chuan Association and a founder member of the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain.
The United Kingdom Tai Chi Chuan Association has produced a VHS video of the
tai chi long form taught in this book. For details on how to obtain this video and
for more information on classes, courses and seminars run by the United
Kingdom Tai Chi Chuan Association, please send a S.A.E. to the address below.
J. Hine Productions Ltd
P.O. Box 159
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