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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Job, by Sinclair Lewis
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Title: The Job
An American Novel
Author: Sinclair Lewis
Release Date: May 15, 2008 [EBook #25474]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by K Nordquist, Jacqueline Jeremy and the Online
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material from the Google Print project.)
Made in the United States of America
The Job
Copyright, 1917, by Harper & Brothers
Printed in the United States of America
Published February, 1917
My Wife
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• Page
• Part I 3
• Part II 133
• Part III 251
[3] Part I
CAPTAIN LEW GOLDEN would have saved any foreign observer a great deal of trouble in
studying America. He was an almost perfect type of the petty small-town middle-class lawyer. He
lived in Panama, Pennsylvania. He had never been “captain” of anything except the Crescent
Volunteer Fire Company, but he owned the title because he collected rents, wrote insurance, and
meddled with lawsuits.
He carried a quite visible mustache-comb and wore a collar, but no tie. On warm days he appeared
on the street in his shirt-sleeves, and discussed the comparative temperatures of the past thirty years
with Doctor Smith and the Mansion House ’bus-driver. He never used the word “beauty” except in
reference to a setter dog—beauty of words or music, of faith or rebellion, did not exist for him. He
rather fancied large, ambitious, banal, red-and-gold sunsets, but he merely glanced at them as he
straggled home, and remarked that they were “nice.” He believed that all Parisians, artists,
millionaires, and socialists were immoral. His entire system of theology was comprised in the Bible,
which he never read, and the Methodist Church, which he rarely attended; and he desired no system
of economics beyond the current platform[4] of the Republican party. He was aimlessly industrious,
crotchety but kind, and almost quixotically honest.
He believed that “Panama, Pennsylvania, was good enough for anybody.”
This last opinion was not shared by his wife, nor by his daughter Una.
Mrs. Golden was one of the women who aspire just enough to be vaguely discontented; not enough
to make them toil at the acquisition of understanding and knowledge. She had floated into a
comfortable semi-belief in a semi-Christian Science, and she read novels with a conviction that she
would have been a romantic person “if she hadn’t married Mr. Golden—not but what he’s a fine
man and very bright and all, but he hasn’t got much imagination or any, well, romance !”
She wrote poetry about spring and neighborhood births, and Captain Golden admired it so actively
that he read it aloud to callers. She attended all the meetings of the Panama Study Club, and desired
to learn French, though she never went beyond borrowing a French grammar from the Episcopalian
rector and learning one conjugation. But in the pioneer suffrage movement she took no part—she
didn’t “think it was quite ladylike.” ... She was a poor cook, and her house always smelled stuffy,
but she liked to have flowers about. She was pretty of face, frail of body, genuinely gracious of
manner. She really did like people, liked to give cookies to the neighborhood boys, and—if you
weren’t impatient with her slackness—you found her a wistful and touching figure in her slight
youthfulness and in the ambition to be a romantic personage, a Marie Antoinette or a Mrs. Grover
Cleveland, which ambition she still retained at fifty-five.
She was, in appearance, the ideal wife and mother—sympathetic, forgiving, bright-lipped as a May
morning.[5] She never demanded; she merely suggested her desires, and, if they were refused, let
her lips droop in a manner which only a brute could withstand.
She plaintively admired her efficient daughter Una.
Una Golden was a “good little woman”—not pretty, not noisy, not particularly articulate, but
instinctively on the inside of things; naturally able to size up people and affairs. She had common
sense and unkindled passion. She was a matter-of-fact idealist, with a healthy woman’s simple
longing for love and life. At twenty-four Una had half a dozen times fancied herself in love. She had
been embraced at a dance, and felt the stirring of a desire for surrender. But always a native
shrewdness had kept her from agonizing over these affairs.
She was not—and will not be—a misunderstood genius, an undeveloped artist, an embryonic leader
in feminism, nor an ugly duckling who would put on a Georgette hat and captivate the theatrical
world. She was an untrained, ambitious, thoroughly commonplace, small-town girl. But she was a
natural executive and she secretly controlled the Golden household; kept Captain Golden from
eating with his knife, and her mother from becoming drugged with too much reading of poppy-
flavored novels.
She wanted to learn, learn anything. But the Goldens were too respectable to permit her to have a
job, and too poor to permit her to go to college. From the age of seventeen, when she had graduated
from the high school—in white ribbons and heavy new boots and tight new organdy—to twenty-
three, she had kept house and gone to gossip-parties and unmethodically read books from the town
library—Walter Scott, Richard Le Gallienne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mrs. Humphry Ward, How to
Know the Birds , My Year in the Holy Land , Home Needlework ,[6] Sartor Resartus , and Ships that
Pass in the Night . Her residue of knowledge from reading them was a disbelief in Panama,
She was likely never to be anything more amazing than a mother and wife, who would entertain the
Honiton Embroidery Circle twice a year.
Yet, potentially, Una Golden was as glowing as any princess of balladry. She was waiting for the
fairy prince, though he seemed likely to be nothing more decorative than a salesman in a brown
derby. She was fluid; indeterminate as a moving cloud.
Although Una Golden had neither piquant prettiness nor grave handsomeness, her soft littleness
made people call her “Puss,” and want to cuddle her as a child cuddles a kitten. If you noted Una at
all, when you met her, you first noted her gentle face, her fine-textured hair of faded gold, and her
rimless eye-glasses with a gold chain over her ear. These glasses made a business-like center to her
face; you felt that without them she would have been too childish. Her mouth was as kind as her
spirited eyes, but it drooped. Her body was so femininely soft that you regarded her as rather plump.
But for all her curving hips, and the thick ankles which she considered “common,” she was rather
anemic. Her cheeks were round, not rosy, but clear and soft; her lips a pale pink. Her chin was
plucky and undimpled; it was usually spotted with one or two unimportant eruptions, which she
kept so well covered with powder that they were never noticeable. No one ever thought of them
except Una herself, to whom they were tragic blemishes which she timorously examined in the
mirror every time she went to wash her hands. She knew that they were the result of the indigestible
Golden family meals; she tried to take comfort by noticing their prevalence among other girls; but
they[7] kept startling her anew; she would secretly touch them with a worried forefinger, and
wonder whether men were able to see anything else in her face.
You remembered her best as she hurried through the street in her tan mackintosh with its yellow
velveteen collar turned high up, and one of those modest round hats to which she was addicted. For
then you were aware only of the pale-gold hair fluffing round her school-mistress eye-glasses, her
gentle air of respectability, and her undistinguished littleness.
She trusted in the village ideal of virginal vacuousness as the type of beauty which most captivated
men, though every year she was more shrewdly doubtful of the divine superiority of these men.
That a woman’s business in life was to remain respectable and to secure a man, and consequent
security, was her unmeditated faith—till, in 1905, when Una was twenty-four years old, her father
§ 2
Captain Golden left to wife and daughter a good name, a number of debts, and eleven hundred
dollars in lodge insurance. The funeral was scarcely over before neighbors—the furniture man, the
grocer, the polite old homeopathic doctor—began to come in with bland sympathy and large bills.
When the debts were all cleared away the Goldens had only six hundred dollars and no income
beyond the good name. All right-minded persons agree that a good name is precious beyond rubies,
but Una would have preferred less honor and more rubies.
She was so engaged in comforting her mother that she scarcely grieved for her father. She took
charge of everything—money, house, bills.
Mrs. Golden had been overwhelmed by a realization[8] that, however slack and shallow Captain
Golden had been, he had adored her and encouraged her in her gentility, her pawing at culture. With
an emerging sincerity, Mrs. Golden mourned him, now, missed his gossipy presence—and at the
same time she was alive to the distinction it added to her slim gracefulness to wear black and look
wan. She sobbed on Una’s shoulder; she said that she was lonely; and Una sturdily comforted her
and looked for work.
One of the most familiar human combinations in the world is that of unemployed daughter and
widowed mother. A thousand times you have seen the jobless daughter devoting all of her curiosity,
all of her youth, to a widowed mother of small pleasantries, a small income, and a shabby security.
Thirty comes, and thirty-five. The daughter ages steadily. At forty she is as old as her unwithering
mother. Sweet she is, and pathetically hopeful of being a pianist or a nurse; never quite reconciled
to spinsterhood, though she often laughs about it; often, by her insistence that she is an “old maid,”
she makes the thought of her barren age embarrassing to others. The mother is sweet, too, and
“wants to keep in touch with her daughter’s interests,” only, her daughter has no interests. Had the
daughter revolted at eighteen, had she stubbornly insisted that mother either accompany her to
parties or be content to stay alone, had she acquired “interests,” she might have meant something in
the new generation; but the time for revolt passes, however much the daughter may long to seem
young among younger women. The mother is usually unconscious of her selfishness; she would be
unspeakably horrified if some brutal soul told her that she was a vampire. Chance, chance and
waste, rule them both, and the world passes by while the mother has her games of cards with
daughter,[9] and deems herself unselfish because now and then she lets daughter join a party (only
to hasten back to mother), and even “wonders why daughter doesn’t take an interest in girls her own
age.” That ugly couple on the porch of the apple-sauce and wash-pitcher boarding-house—the
mother a mute, dwarfish punchinello, and the daughter a drab woman of forty with a mole, a wart, a
silence. That charming mother of white hair and real lace with the well-groomed daughter. That
comfortable mother at home and daughter in an office, but with no suitors, no ambition beyond the
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