If imperative, 1st conditional.doc

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If + imperative

If + imperative

to give instructions or advice, use if + present simple, imperative.

If you’re tired, go to bed.

If you receive a gift from an Indian person, don’t open it in front of them.


Match the sentences beginnings 1 -8 with the endings a – h.

1.      If you go to Madrid,                                                                      a) go to sleep early the night before.

2.      If you want to find some information,                            b) go to Camden Market.

3.      If you want to learn more words,                                          c) visit the Prado museum.

4.      If you can’t swim                                                                      d) breathe slowly.

5.      If you want to try traditional British food,                            e) tell her I’ve got her book.

6.      If you like action films,                                                        f) see the new James Bond film.

7.      If you like shopping,                                                                      g) go on the internet.

8.      If you are very nervous,                                                        h) take lessons.

9.      If you see Kate,                                                                      i) visit the castle.

10.  If you go to Edinburgh,                                                        j) look at the adverts in the paper.

11.  If you feel sad,                                                                      k) have fish and chips.

12.  If you have an exam,                                                                      l) keep a vocabulary notebook.

13.  If you need a holiday job,                                                        m) watch this film. It’s very funny!


Write sentences using if. You will sometimes need to use the negative.

Ø      have a headache / take an aspirin

Ø      be tired / go to bed late

Ø      can’t understand a word / use a dictionary

Ø      like pop / listen to this CD

Ø      travel to the UK / forget an umbrella

Ø      want to have a great time / come to my party



Read the text about Brighton. Then read about the interests of these people and give them advice.

Things to do in Brighton!

- Go to the Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.

- Visit the Lanes. There are a lot of fantastic small shops.

- Eat a pizza at Al Duomo. They are the best!

- Try fish and chips at Bardsley’s fish and chips shop!

- Take a walk on the historic Brighton Pier.

- Go to the beach and try jet skiing.


1. James likes Italian food.

2. Chris loves shopping.

3. Julie is interested in history.

4. Ewa wants to try traditional British food.

5. Andrew enjoy water sports.

6. Emma is interested in art.


Complete the sentences:

1.      If / When you feel hungry,…

2.      If / When you have finished your homework,…

3.      If / When you feel angry,…

4.      If / When you apply for a job,…

5.      If / When it’s rainy,…

6.      If / When you have a visitor from abroad,…

7.      If / When you go to a friend’s family for a meal,…




The 1st conditional

We use an if-clause to refer to a possible future action.

If he doesn´t study more, he´ll fail his exam.

We can change the order of the clause

If it is cold, we`ll stay at home OR We´ll stay at home if it is cold.



If Mary doesn’t compare herself with her friends, she will be happier.


If Mary compares herself with her friends, she won’t be happy.


How will Mary feel if she compares herself with her friends?


Find examples of the 1st conditional.

Put the verbs in the correct tense. Which sentences do you agree with?

1.      If the school __________ (ban) mobiles, pupils ____________ (concentrate) better in lessons.

2.      There ___________ (not be) so much crime in the school if pupils ____________ (not take) mobiles to school.

3.      If pupils ___________ (not have) mobiles with them, their parents ___________ (worry) about them more.

4.      If the school __________ (ban) mobiles, a lot of pupils ___________ (break) the rules.

5.      Life ___________ (be) easier for teachers if there ____________ (not be) any mobiles in school.



Complete the sentences:


  • You will be ill if you ______________ (eat) so much.
  • If you wait he __________________ (come)
  • If you ____________ (ring) the bell, the servant _____________ (come)
  • If the children ______________ (be) good, they can stay up late.
  • If the beggar _______________ (ask) for money, you ___________(give) him some.
  • If you _______________ (buy) that big house, you ___________ (need) a lot of money.
  • If you _______________ (put) the parcel on the table, the boy __________ (post) it for you.

If you take more exercise, you _________ (feel) better.

They _________(not/play) the match if it _________(rain).

If you _________(go) to bed late, you _________(be) tired in the morning.

I _________(help) her if she _________(want).

We _________(not /tell) them if _________ (not/ be) absolutely necessary.

If he _________(study) hard, he _________(pass) all the exams.

If you _________ ( come) to my house, you _________my new puppy.


Put the words in the right order and make any necessary changes to the verbs.

  • She / Susan / you / if / see / to / speak / you /
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • He / it / if / come / be / nice / very
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • You / be / ill / if / not go / you / school / to
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • They / if / not leave / not finish / alone / me / I / homework / my



Comment on the situations. Use if+ the present tense + will/can.             


>      It might rain. If it does, everyone can eat inside.
// it rains, everyone can eat inside.

>      The children mustn't go near Nick's dog. It'll bite them.
If the children go near Nick's dog, it'll bite them.

1        Rachel might fail her driving test. But she can take it again.

2        United might lose. If they do, Tom will be upset.

3        The office may be closed. In that case Mark won't be able to get in.

4        Nick may arrive a bit early. If he does, he can help Tom to get things ready.

5        The party might go on all night. If it does, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.

6        Emma may miss the train. But she can get the next one.

7        Is Matthew going to enter the race? He'll probably win it.


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