Guide to Gay Sex.pdf

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Guide to Gay Sex
Guide to Gay Sex
article is bit big but it is very informative. I uploaded this
article at HARDLUNDS' file section too for future reference,
following is the link:
So here is the text for your ready reference :
Sex Technique - Gay Male
1 - Masturbation
2 - Techniques of Masturbation
3 - Techniques of Masturbation with Another
4 - Related Masturbation Techniques
5 - The History of Fellatio
6 - Basic Fellatio Techniques
7 - Fellatio Techniques to Explore
8 - Body Positions during Fellatio
9 - Anal Intercourse
10 - Anal Intercourse Techniques
11 - Anal Intercourse Fears of Being Entered
12 - Anal Intercourse Performance Fears
13 - Postillioning
14 - Fist Fucking
15 - Rimming
16 - Group Sex, S&M, and other scenes
This file is about ways of sexual pleasuring with yourself and with
others, that use the hands and penis. This is masturbation (jacking
off), always popular, and surprisingly varied in the world of nature
and humanity.
Captive apes and monkeys, as well as other animals, have been seen
fondling their penis with hand or foot (or even taken into the
mouth). In one study, young male chimpanzees were noticed handling
each other's penis. Other limbs can be used to, such as with free-
living spider monkeys and baboons, who use their tails. And
elephants sometimes employ their trunks.
A curious scientist watches a porcupine:
His excitement was evidenced by...holding a long stick in his fore
paws and straddling it as a child does a broom-stick. The stick was
held so that his genitals were stimulated by the contact, and the
wood soon accumulated odor from the urine and glandular secretions
absorbed. In consequence, it was a natural source of sexual
Dolphins can be seen rubbing their erect penis against the tank
floor, and one individual had the habit of holding his in the jet of
the water intake. In addition, larger males will attempt
masturbation against the flanks of smaller ones. Perhaps the most
unusual way of masturbating is found among red deer:
This act is accomplished by lowering the head and gently drawing the
tips (of the antlers) to and fro through the herbage. Erection and
extrusion of the penis from the sheath follows in five to seven
seconds...Ejaculation follows about five seconds after.
Masturbation has always been common among humans. In some ancient
western cultures, it was connected with religious worship. For
example, in Egyptian mythology the god Orisis "creates all living
creatures by an infinite act of masturbation." This was also seen as
the source of the Nile river, and the cause of its annual flooding,
which was the backbone of life in Egypt. The ritual developed of
pharaohs masturbating before the god's image a the time of their
enthronement. This led to public masturbation during religious
worship, "to expel evil and honor the gods of generation," and
became a part of an ancient Egyptian, and also Phoenician,
Babylonian and Assyrian, sacred ceremonies. Masturbation was also
don for its own sake, without any sacred meanings; the Bible gives
us several instances of this )the "spilling of seed").
The Greeks and Romans thought masturbation was invented by the god
Hermes (Mercury in Latin). The Greeks called it thrypsis, "the
rubbing," and in Latin it was masturatus. People doubtless
masturbated together at times, as well as doing it by themselves, in
these ancient cultures, even though we have no records of this. The
ancients were generally very relaxed about male sexual _expression.
However jacking-off was later frowned upon thoroughly by the
Christian Church.
In the middle and far east, attitudes toward jacking-off have not
changed from ancient times. In most eastern cultured, Arabian,
Indian, Chinese, and Japanese, masturbation was allowed at an early
age, and at times even encouraged. For example, Ibn Kemal Pasha, in
On the Lengthening and Thickening of the Rod quotes old Arabian
doctors in saying that "rubbing and constant handling both make the
virile member longer and thicker." Masturbation was sometimes used
on babies to quiet their crying and Bernard Stern noted that in
Arabia it (jacking-off) "has become almost the custom of the land."
Two scholars noted that Muslim and Jewish boys who actively and
exclusively engaged in solitary and/or mutual masturbation, did so
on the average of three to five times per week during the ages of
eleven and eighteen.
In Arabian slang the act was known as jeng, jelq, jerk, and
mushtzeni, jerking, flipping, juggling and fist-beating
respectively, referring to the different techniques. In Turkey it
was called istimney-bilyet ("the practice of self-control of the
stalk"), while in Persia it was called maulish-e-zubb ("shampooing
the cord"). Masturbation was especially popular in public baths,
where you and/or a friend, or a masseur and/or a prostitute, could
engage you in the practice, "Mutual or one-sided, as desired." Some
ribald poetry survives, such as two lines from "The Fabulous Feats
of the Futtering Freebooters:" "Felah and Negro did jerk off his
yard/For all of a week; hashish kept it up hard." And from the
Persian poet Abu Nuwas:
. Are not this child's eyes all fire?
. O Desire,
. Feel the flush of the eggs
. Between his legs!
. Dearest, seize what you can seize,
. If you please;
. Fill your boyish fist with me
. And then see
. Will it go a little way,
. Just in play?
In India, masturbation has a long history, going back to ancient
Hindu mythology, In one story, Lord Shiva was "masturbated by Agnee
the Fire-lord who, bearing his precious semen across the Ganges,
accidentally dropped it and witnessed the miraculous birth of
Kartikeh (or Koomareh) the misogynist war-god." Krishna, as god of
Self-Contemplation, became the symbol of jacking-off and "the
favorite Hindoo youth. His practice, hautrus (manual orgasm)...was
deified as ritualistic." It was also called panimathana ("hand
churning") and "was relished extensively."
In China, Dr. Jacobus reports, young men would get together to smoke
opium, and then "abuse their generative organs for hours at a time
in a frenzy of mutual masturbation and anal copulation." Along the
same lines, one report explains that the Cossacks, who lived on the
middle Asian plains were more excited by self and mutual
masturbation than in sex with women, "having from infancy identified
sexual pleasure with masturbation alone."
Among other cultures, masturbation was often allowed or encouraged.
Of special of interest are cultures allowing the act to be shared
between males. These include the Hopi in Arizona, Wogeno in Oceania,
and Dahomeans and Namu of Africa. In certain Melanesian communities
this was expected between boys, and between boys and married men,
although no other king of gay male sex was allowed. In the Cubeo
tribe of the Amazon mutual masturbation was "semiPublic." Among the
Tikopia of the South Pacific, men masturbated themselves as other
men watched.
Masturbation is a joy. I am thoroughly convinced that God gave
people hands with fingers so that we could stroke ourselves in
pleasure and comfort. Those men who've not discovered the
satisfaction of jacking off, are definitely missing something.
There is only one problem I can think of in masturbating, that
someone would thing it was a bad thing to do, would feel guilty
during and after, or worse yet wouldn't do it altogether. The
suppression of pleasurable masturbation is one of the great ills of
our society, for masturbation is one of the basic functions of
existence; those who deny or ignore it do so at the risk of
increasing their own sense of frustration and grimness in the world.
Jacking off, besides feeling good serves many useful purposes. It
can be relaxing, reassuring, energizing, encouraging, spontaneous
and charming. You can do it quick, slow, with hands, pillows, melons
and showers, in a bathroom, behind a bush or on the bus, dry or with
oils, while listening to music, looking at pictures, or imagining.
It is an anywhere, anytime convenience. And don't be afraid to
indulge. When your body's had enough, it'll say so.
One main trouble in masturbating is to not be embarrassed. You could
get caught! The best ways to overcome this inconvenience are to make
sure you'll have privacy, learn to do it quick, and/or learn to do
it in public without being found out. All of these are quite
I remember once I was at a picnic, and I was standing in a crowd. It
was so hot that many people had taken off their shoes and shirts.
Then I saw across from me such a beautiful boy that I almost had to
leave, I got so excited. Luckily, I was wearing my old baggy navy
pants, and the pockets were worn through. I slung my coat over my
right shoulder to hide my arm, and plunged my hand down my pocket,
walking into the crowd as close as I could get. I had a great time,
and I'm sure that not one of the hundreds of people around me
guessed a thing about it! (Note: for tricks of this sort, wear tight-
fitting underpants to catch the come, or learn to hold your
ejaculation inside when you come, so you don't make a sticky mess.)
Mechanically speaking, masturbation for males is friction against
the fraenum, or "whang-string," a small, string-like portion of the
penis just under the glans or "head" at the backside. The fraenum
has the highest concentration of sexsensual nerve endings in the
body. Many actions can stimulate this area; an object can rub
against the penis, the penis can move against something, or no
motion can happen at all. This last might easily happen, since
fantasy and mind stimulation play such a big role; wet dreams are a
good example of this. I have a friend who sometimes comes to orgasm
while meditating, after his yoga practice.
Although I'll restrict myself here to "jacking-off", using the hand,
be aware that with a little imagination and creativity other ways
can be found. There are many things you can discover about yourself
with your hands. The hands are very sensitive to touch, and the
penis is even more so.
Every person develops their own way of jacking off. If you've ever
had others do it to you, you discover that usually they can't make
the feelings quite as good as you can yourself. That's because
they're probably using their style on you, which fits for them but
isn't yours. Style involves such things as how the fingers hold the
penis which fingers are used, how tight they are, how hard they
press, how much movement, use of the foreskin and how much
sensitivity towards drawing out the feelings. All these are
Some people like to wrap the whole hand around their penis and slide
it all the way up and down in long, luxurious strokes, using oils or
a flexible foreskin, Others like to place the thumb and two fingers
around the corona (that part of the penis just below the glans),
with one finger over the fraenum, and pump in short, quick movements
with the skin.
There is room for exploration and creativity in masturbation.
Fantasy plays a big part, and in your mind you can be loving someone
else or yourself. You can imagine your last sexual act, or an erotic
fantasy, or looking at pictures or a story. Fantasies are especially
intriguing; they are the images and events of your inner and secret
wishes. Even if they seem strange or something you wouldn't want
anyone to find out about that's OK who's going to know if you don't
Loving yourself through masturbation means caressing your own body,
holding it, making love to you, appreciating you/your experience as
hand and penis, body and mind. it's unique.
Let me take you on a fantasy; You'll need privacy and quiet, some
enjoyable music (something warm and not too loud), candles and oil
(olive oil, safflower oil, massage or love oil, baby/mineral oil,
Vaseline, KY or any clean lubricating substance are all good). It's
night time outside. First, light clothes and, lying down on the bed,
close your eyes. Take a deep, relaxing breath. Imagine that you are
a stranger meeting your body, that it's new to you, that you're
touching it for the first time. Start at the top of your head, and
explore yourself with your hands, as sensations you've never felt
before. Feel your hair, the shape of your head, then your face, your
ears. Glide your fingers over each part, trying to feel the shape,
the texture, as if you'd never felt them before. Notice the softness
of you eyelids, the sensitivity of your lips. Then caress your
throat, your shoulders and chest. Find a nipple, and flick a
fingertip over and around it, feeling it grow hard and excited.
Glide your palms over your stomach, pressing down on your soft
middle. Trace designs around your nave. Slowly let your hands press
lower. Discover how your pubic hair begins; how does it feel: Seek
out the lines where you legs join your stomach. Trace the line with
your fingertip down onto the groove between leg and crotch, until
you brush your testicles. Press your soft warm hands onto the
insides of your thighs. Stroke your thighs, feeling their
sensitivity, their shape, their thickness. Brush the hair lightly.
Then discover ho your ass ends underneath. then glide up under your
testicles, tracing a ring around them. Hold them warmly in your
hand, feeling each, then press them gently against your body. Now
discover the shape of your penis with one fingertip. Trace a line
around the base, then up the side to the top. Lightly brush the
side, the fraenum, the glans and tip. Wrap one hand carefully around
the whole penis, and squeeze gently. Pull on it a little, then let
it go. Find the fraenum with your fingertip, and press there (You
may have to pull down your foreskin). Discover the most sensitive
point, and brush your fingertip rapidly just over that point. Press
you finger there again and massage the point gently and firmly. Then
wrap your hand around your penis and move it up and down.
Now put some oil in the cup of your hand, and caress your penis all
over, rubbing and massaging the oil evenly. Cradle your testicles in
one hand, and wrap the other around your penis. Slide you hand up
and down all the way, feeling the sensations. Explore until you
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