Assertivness Module 03.pdf

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSERT YOURSELF!
Module Three
How to Think More Assertively
Unassertive Thinking
Our Assertive Rights
How to change your beliefs
Thought Diaries
Behavioural Experiments
Module summary
About this module
Module 3 How to Think More Assertively
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSERT YOURSELF!
Unassertive thinking
As mentioned in Module 1, one of the factors that can make it difficult for us to be assertive
is our thinking. We all hold beliefs about ourselves, other people and how the world works.
Usually these beliefs came from our experience in the world and made sense to us at the
time. However even though we have moved on from these experiences we may not have
updated our thinking. For example, as a child we may have been taught by our family not to
express sadness because if we did we would be ridiculed. In that situation it would have
made sense for us to have the belief: “expressing sadness is bad and if I do people will make
fun of me”. As an adult however we may still have this belief even though we are no longer
in the same situation. We continue to assume that the belief is true without checking it out.
As a result we may never express our sadness which may result in us being stressed,
depressed and not connected with ourselves and the world. Or alternatively our sadness
may be expressed as anger towards ourselves or other people.
Below are listed a number of typical unassertive thoughts. See if any of them apply to you.
I shouldn’t say how I’m really feeling or thinking because I don’t want to burden
others with my problems.
If I assert myself I will upset the other person and ruin our relationship
It will be terribly embarrassing if I say what I think
If someone says “no” to my request it is because they don’t like or love me
I shouldn’t have to say what I need or how I feel: people close to me should
already know
It is uncaring, rude and selfish to say what you want
I have no right to change my mind; neither has anyone else
It will all work out in the end, and anyway it’s not my fault
People should keep their feelings to themselves
If I express that I am feeling anxious people will think I am weak and ridicule me
or take advantage of me.
If I accept compliments from someone it will mean I am big headed.
Module 3 How to Think More Assertively
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Take a minute and see if you can identify any more unassertive beliefs that you have.
Modules 6, 7, 8, and 9 deal with and identify unassertive thoughts associated with saying
“no”, coping with criticism, dealing with disappointment and giving and receiving criticism, so
you may get some ideas from those modules.
Our Assertive Rights
Many of the ideas now associated with assertiveness training were first proposed in Manuel
J. Smith’s book “When I say No I feel Guilty” published in 1975. This book outlined a ten-
point “bill of assertive rights”. Assertive rights are the rights that we all have as human
beings. Some of these rights are:
You have the right to judge your own behaviour, thoughts, and emotions, and to
take the responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon yourself.
You have the right to say “no”.
You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for justifying your behaviour.
You have the right to judge if you are responsible for finding solutions to other
people's problems.
You have the right to change your mind.
You have the right to disagree with someone’s opinion.
You have the right to make mistakes - and be responsible for them.
You have the right to say, 'I don't know'.
You have the right to be illogical in making decisions.
You have the right to say, 'I don't understand'.
You have the right to say, 'I don't care'.
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An important part of these rights is that they come linked with responsibilities . You will
notice the first point says that you have the right to your own thoughts, behaviour and
emotions, but that you must then take responsibility for the consequences of these thoughts
and behaviours. Often people think they are behaving assertively, but they are ignoring the
consequences of their actions and the rights of others. This would be more typical of an
aggressive style of communication.
See if you can think of any other rights, particularly ones that balance out any unhelpful
beliefs you identified in the last section.
How to change your beliefs
Identifying your unhelpful beliefs is the first step towards changing them. In fact, for some
people just realising that they have been thinking this way can be enough to help them
change, especially when they realise they have the right to change and think in a different
However, for most people just realising they have been thinking in an unhelpful way isn’t
enough to change the thinking. In Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) one way of
addressing unhelpful thoughts is to challenge them head on. This is also called disputation.
Challenging or disputation works on the principle that most of our thoughts and beliefs are
learned opinions rather than facts. This means that they can be questioned rather than just
accepted blindly, particularly if they are causing us distress.
To challenge or dispute your thoughts means that you examine the evidence for and against
the thoughts. You evaluate them as if you were a detective or a lawyer. You are trying to
get to the bottom of the truth of the thought.
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There are two major strategies that can be used to help you challenge your thoughts. One
is to use a Thought Diary. The other is to set up a Behavioural Experiment. We will take a
look at each of these in turn.
Thought Diaries
It can be difficult to challenge your thoughts in your head as it is hard to remember all the
information and it can get messy and confusing. The best way is to write it all down. To help
you through this process we have a Thought Diary for Unassertive Thoughts. We have
worked through an example to show you the questions that you will need to ask yourself in
order to come up with a more balanced thought. Then we provide a blank one for you to
work through with an example of your own.
The thought diary will ask you to identify the unassertive thought that you are having. In
order to do this you first need to identify the situation you are in. In the following
example the situation could be described as: “I asked my friend to go shopping and she said
“no”. In describing the situation think about what you would have seen if you had been
filming the scene. It is important that you just stick to the facts and don’t start making
interpretations about what this may mean at this stage. For example, you wouldn’t say “my
friend was rude to me” as this is an assumption and an interpretation that we don’t have any
evidence for yet.
Next you need to identify your emotions in the situation, that is, how you are feeling.
Ask yourself:
What emotion(s) am I feeling?
How intense are they? (rate the intensity from 0-100).
In the following example the person feels hurt and annoyed. The ratings are done
individually for each emotion; they don’t need to add up to 100.
You then identify your behaviour and any physical symptoms that you felt. Ask yourself:
What did I do?
What did I feel in my body?
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