Kuchh Meetha Ho Jaye A.txt

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00:00:53:This is Ganganagar Airport!|Lonely and solitary like me.
00:00:59:But everyone does find love here.
00:01:02:That is probably why I work here.
00:01:04:Because in life more than|losing or gaining in love...
00:01:09:...is to love!
00:01:12:This is what happened here one day...
00:01:14:...which I will never forget.
00:01:17:Neither those who were here...
00:01:19:...nor will you who|will listen to this tale.
00:01:22:This is the tale of life, of waiting,|of complaints and acceptance!
00:01:29:But more than all,|this is the tale of love.
00:01:32:This is my airport, and this is me.
00:01:38:And this is my love.
00:01:54:Something sweet... let|something sweet happen...
00:01:56:Something sweet...
00:01:58:Let something sweet happen!
00:02:11:Let something sweet happen.
00:02:16:Let sweetness happen!
00:02:20:Let sweetness happen!
00:02:24:Let sweetness happen!
00:02:29:Such enchanting ambience.
00:02:31:Fragrances all around.
00:02:33:Love overflows with youthfulness.
00:02:37:Let me come near!
00:02:45:Allow me to come near.
00:02:52:Let me come...
00:03:02:Let me come.
00:03:10:This is Rahul. His|parents stay in New York...
00:03:13:...but they have sent him Ganganagar|boarding school for studies.
00:03:18:And this is Farah. Both|are victims of cyber love.
00:03:22:It is the last day of|Rahul's school and Farah has come...
00:03:24:...from Delhi to meet Rahul. Of|course, lying to her father.
00:03:29:What do I tell you?|It's sweet but very risky!
00:03:34:This is Italiano Siddharth.|He stays in Italy but...
00:03:38:...wants to marry an Indian girl.
00:03:40:Maybe he now realizes...
00:03:42:...the difference|between pizzas and paranthas.
00:03:44:But his problem is that|he is trapped between...
00:03:47:...two paranthas,|oops... I mean, two sisters.
00:03:49:Manju and Anita.|Poor chap! He's a goner.
00:03:53:Danny and Mina. They are newlyweds...
00:03:56:...but it is|difficult to differentiate...
00:03:59:...the difference between|the wife and the husband.
00:04:01:They are married but it seems|going for the honeymoon are...
00:04:04:...Danny's dad, Colonel|Shamsher 'Bubbles' Kapoor and...
00:04:09:...Mina's as yet spinster aunt,|the svelte and coquettish Chanchal.
00:04:17:Captain Vikram Gill,|he smokes a lot and...
00:04:20:...Rachna Singh, the air-hostess.|She weeps a lot.
00:04:24:They are married.|No, not to each other...
00:04:28:...but they do love each other a lot.
00:04:31:Ben Seiber.
00:04:35:He came to India in|search of devotion and...
00:04:37:...this is his devotion.
00:04:40:Ms Jenny, Rahul's|boarding school teacher.
00:04:43:And this is Abhay Singh Khona;|an antique dealer from Jaipur.
00:04:47:Currently he is searching to|get signals for his cell phone...
00:04:50:...and maybe the|neighbouring zoo is looking for him.
00:04:54:Vibha and Sunil, divorced.|If anyone asks them the...
00:04:58:...reason of their separation,|they have only reply don't know.
00:05:03:If anything is known in|their family, then it is their...
00:05:07:...11-year old daughter Nitika.
00:05:10:Famous writer Gul Khan.
00:05:12:He stays in London and|his wife Gulab Khan.
00:05:17:Gulab... now what do I tell about her?
00:05:21:If I could, I would|have told earlier.
00:05:28:And this is... I don't know. Someone!
00:05:40:This is our plane, flight TW351.
00:05:44:Many private planes come here...
00:05:48:...but this flight|comes every morning...
00:05:51:...from Delhi to Ganganagar|and returns in the afternoon.
00:05:55:This suits the plane as well as us.
00:05:59:But that day there was|some snag in the plane...
00:06:02:...and from there begins our tale.
00:06:05:If the plane wasn't delayed, this|tale would not be created at all.
00:06:14:Today is a very unlucky day.|- Why, what happened?
00:06:17:Early morning my hen ran away.
00:06:19:Why are you spoiling my|mood early in the morning?
00:06:21:Only a hen has run away,|not a buffalo.
00:06:23:It is inauspicious if a hen|run's away. It is tantamount to...
00:06:25:...having your nose cut off.
00:06:27:See, if a wife runs away, it|is her who bears the shame...
00:06:31:...if a daughter runs away,|the father who bears the shame.
00:06:36:It is the same for hens|and buffaloes, isn't it?
00:06:39:Yes brother, it was too|bad what happened with you.
00:06:41:Yes, friend.
00:06:43:We did it, Farah!
00:06:45:Yes, how six hours passed,|we didn't even realise.
00:06:49:Yes, but we met each other today.
00:06:53:Do you remember, Rahul, three|months ago for the first time...
00:06:56:...we chatted on the net?
00:06:58:Yes, and then we spoke on the phone.
00:07:00:And now see, I have come to|Ganganagar to meet you even.
00:07:03:See, and you were|getting apprehensive.
00:07:05:I told you its possible.
00:07:07:Rahul, I'll miss you.
00:07:13:Farah, the school is got over.|Now I can take admission in...
00:07:15:...some college in Delhi.|We'll be together.
00:07:18:But what if your papa|calls you back to the US?
00:07:20:He wants me to study|in India. So, Delhi.
00:07:23:You will speak to your father in|New York, won't you? Will he agree?
00:07:26:He will agree hundred percent.|I am his favourite. - Hope so...
00:07:29:I must reach Delhi in time.
00:07:31:I must be home before daddy.
00:07:34:Farah, this is a 4 o'clock flight.|Even if it was a 6 o'clock one...
00:07:38:...you would have still|reached home in time.
00:07:40:Then we would have got|two more hours together.
00:07:42:Come, let's leave for the airport.
00:07:55:Siddharth, how these|three hours passed by.
00:08:00:Yes, I know.|- Hi, Sid.
00:08:03:Hi Anita. What was the need of|coming all the way to the airport?
00:08:07:How could I not come? I had to.
00:08:13:Shall we move inside, Siddharth?|- Yeah, sure.
00:08:17:Sorry, Manju, this is|Anita Ahuja and Anita...
00:08:21:...this is Manju Narang.
00:08:24:Siddharth, we are cousins.
00:08:28:Now see Siddharth, Duggal|aunty had asked you to see me.
00:08:32:Manju came to know of this|and she butted in. How cheap!
00:08:37:Mind your language, okay.
00:08:38:I am not speaking to you.|And when I do, you shall...
00:08:40:...know my language.
00:08:43:Siddharth, shall we go in?
00:08:45:Yeah sure. Do you mind, Manju?
00:08:48:Oh please, carry on.|Why should I mind?
00:08:52:I'll see you inside.
00:08:56:Darling, it is a rare single piece...|unique and genuine!
00:09:02:It is not a carpet|but a magic carpet.
00:09:06:No, the custom|officers here are our kids.
00:09:10:You take care of London.|After that if I want an aeroplane...
00:09:12:...I will get that and do a lot of|farming to earn loads of money.
00:09:19:Hello, hello Raja, this is|a problem with the signal.
00:09:23:Hello, hello, police...
00:09:25:There are only two sticks standing.|Hello, hello...
00:09:28:I will catch it, Raja, hello.
00:09:31:Only want monies!
00:09:33:Vitamin M! Hello Gentle Pilot.
00:09:39:I am flying for the first time.|Do you have a license?
00:09:44:But actually I do have|a license, my friend.
00:09:47:Very fine!
00:09:50:He has a license. Don't you worry.
00:10:05:Hello, hey Rachs, what's up,|I mean... where are you?
00:10:10:I am having a bath.
00:10:11:Really? Shall I come?
00:10:14:I will talk to you later, Vikram.
00:10:17:Now what has happened to her?
00:10:18:Excuse me, ma'am, excuse|me ma'am. Any baggage?
00:10:22:Yeah sorry.|- Any baggage?
00:10:24:Huh?|- Any baggage? - No.
00:10:26:Your boarding pass.|- Thank you.
00:10:28:Rahul, where is your ticket?
00:10:30:It is with Miss Jenny.|I have told Rishabh.
00:10:43:Rishabh, stop that.
00:10:50:God help me! 'Hare|Rama Hare Krishna! '
00:10:56:Guys, let's go.
00:11:05:Chanchal...|- Yes?
00:11:07:Have you heard of a lion...
00:11:09:...giving birth to a donkey?
00:11:16:Colonel Shamsher|'Bubbles' Kapoor has done so.
00:11:21:See that donkey there.
00:11:35:You are too much! It is only|three days of their wedding.
00:11:38:Chanchal, Chanchal, in three days,|half of Europe had...
00:11:43:...surrendered to|Napoleon and this donkey...
00:11:45:...with the vanity case in|his hand is chasing is wife.
00:11:50:Mina, I am your husband...
00:11:52:I mean, respectfully yours.
00:11:55:Mina, please listen to me.|So much anger isn't good.
00:11:59:Mina, what could I do?|It was an SOTC offer.
00:12:03:Two tickets free for two! And|Chanchal aunty had paid for it...
00:12:07:Chanchal aunty had insisted.|Hence dad is coming with us...
00:12:09:...on the holiday.
00:12:12:Mina, I tried to explain, but...
00:12:14:...it is not so easy|to explain to my dad.
00:12:19:Mina, you are my...
00:12:22:You are respectfully my wife.
00:12:24:Dad can't understand but you can...
00:12:26:After all it is we who|have to stay together.
00:12:31:I feel like giving|her one below her ears.
00:12:35:Shall we go, Mina?
00:12:42:Brother, your ticket... Ticket.
00:12:48:What sir, these are only two tickets.
00:12:49:These are my parents.|They have come to leave us.
00:12:53:If anyone sees them,|I will lose my job.
00:12:55:Who will bother to|know in such a small city?
00:13:00:I am of your city only, brother.|- But sir...
00:13:03:One minute. Keep these, okay?
00:13:28:Once again, we are the|last ones to check in.
00:13:31:You are never ready on time.
00:13:32:Sunil, you know. I was late|on the wedding day too and...
00:13:33:...on the day of divorce|day too. Relax, we haven't...
00:13:35:...missed the flight yet.
00:13:37:What if we had?
00:13:38:If we had?
00:13:41:What? Am I the one who is|always wrong? What do you think?
00:13:50:I have been thinking!|Since many days I have...
00:13:53:...been thinking how we will|live together in the future!
00:13:58:We shall stay with my|parents in New York...
00:14:01:...after our marriage.
00:14:03:New Yo...
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