Tentacles for the Bride's Bouquet(Bookos.org).pdf

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Tentacles for the Brides Bouquet (formerly called Tentacle Porn--because I couldn't come up
with an original title)
Chapter 1- Tentacle Porn
I was going to be raped by some THING. I knew it. I couldn’t see it but I could feel it rubbing against
my ass. And I was stupidly happy. Why? This proved that I wasn’t insane. All those years, I thought I
was barely hanging onto reality because this multi armed thing had been attacking me in my dreams for
I tried to twist off the cold stone alter I had been shoved on. There was chanting going around on me. I
had screamed and cursed when I first ended up here, but a red rubber ball ended that. It was strapped
tight in my mouth. Unlike the other times in my dreams, I wasn’t going to have to endure a long thing
appendage down my throat, choking me with it’s smooth sides and hot spicy cum.
I was chained naked on my back by my wrists and ankles. Spread eagled into a helpless pose. A wide
leather collar was buckled onto my neck and my head was forced back off the table so I was looking at
a cross right side up…which meant it was upside down. A chain anchored the collar to the floor. There
was no way to see anything happening on top of the alter now.
If it wasn’t happening to me, I would have laughed. This scene was right out a sixties Hammer film.
Demon worshippers were offering up a virgin sacrifice. I struggled. The chanting grew louder. Then
someone, or something touched my cock. I jumped. I wasn’t hard. The night was actually cold so I had
shriveled up quiet a bit. It was warm…and wet and it didn’t mind that I wasn’t erect. I closed my eyes
and tried to push my hips back against the stone away from it’s touch.
Fabric brushed my face. I opened my eyes to see a flame red robe standing in front of me. “Prepare the
bride for the Master. He should be in his glory when the Master ascends.”
What? I gurgled as whoever swallowed me to the root. That same wetness and stickiness played with
my balls. My legs were pulled wider apart and I felt hands grab my hips and a hard wedged shaped
pillow was shoved under my hips arching me up like a bow. I was stretched out almost to the
uncomfortable point. Uncomfortable? I was freaking out.
This was a nightmare come true. These dreams started when I hit fourteen. I was a late bloomer. I was
small and thin but that only made my cock look huge. It was four days before my fifteenth birthday
when I woke up drenched in my own cum. It came to me the night of my birthday. It I say, because it
was nothing but small little tendrils. Black eels or earthworms that invaded my bed. Something else
was in my room, or my dream but I could never see it – it was always just a darker shadow just beyond
my view. That thing molested me that night.
I hid in my bed hoping not to be seen but then those covers were ripped away and those black things
attacked. My arms were forced away from my body. Black icky bodies wrapped around my wrists and
trailed up my arms pulling them back and wide I starting kicking and screaming. If the things on my
arms were about as wide as my wrist the thing that forced its way in my mouth was about as wide as
the knuckles of my hand. It filled my mouth and was hard enough that I couldn’t bite down on it. I
twisted my head but I couldn’t get it lose then my legs were captured. Those eels wrapped around my
ankles traveling up my calves even up to my thighs. I wriggled but I couldn’t break free then my legs
were pulled apart and up. I screamed. The thing in my mouth blocked all my sound.
I fought. I couldn’t break free. Then I felt another black eel like thing climb over my waist. It zeroed in
on my hiding cock. It latched on slithering down to my balls Then it began to suck. It was nothing like
anything I had ever experienced. I got hard fast, just like teenagers do. It kept sucking and pumping up
and down on me. More black things joined it on my body. My nipples were stiff. I got what looked like
small babies slithering on my chest then one by one they attached themselves to my nubbins. They bit
me. I screamed. I came in that things embrace and then…I fainted.
In the morning, Mom woke me and dragged me from my cum soaked and bloody bed. I told her what
happened. She slapped my face and called me a devil child. I was dragged to church and made to pray.
Mom told the priest I was a sinful boy who sullied himself and was mutilating myself. I never could
understand if it was a dream why were my nipples scabby. I was blessed. I was anointed.
That night Mom handcuffed me to my headboard and then belted one leg to the footboard. “Try and
abuse yourself now, devil child. I will save you from yourself.”
That night, it just made it easier for the black things. I was already restrained. I came three times before
I past out and I knew that something watched as these tentacles abused me. I could hear its breathing.
The tentacles started fucking me when I turned sixteen.
“Let the rites begin!” The man in red shouted. He reached down and pinched my nipples, alternating
his grip until they were red and puffy. The black tentacle on my cock sucked at a steady even pressure.
“On this night, on the most dark and sacred, we offer up unto you our Lord, your chosen Bride.”
I heard the familiar shifting of finely scaled bodies slithering on the floor. I was tied too tightly to even
struggle. I cried out as I left them one after another climb up on my body. My left nipple was attacked. I
couldn’t see it but I knew from experience that a small mouth with jagged teeth opened and sucked my
peaked nipple inside. It crunched on my flesh then sucked…I groaned through the ball gag as a new
sensation was added. It was like a tiny tongue slashing at the captured sensitive flesh. Then it bit me
again. My right nipple was treated with the same regard.
Tears were filling my eyes and slipping up my forehead. The thick tentacle rose up before my eyes then
moved forward to take it’s usual place in my mouth. It hit the ball gag. I couldn’t turn away. It moved
on my face pushing at the gag in my mouth, trying to work it’s way inside. Finally it backed away
admitting defeat. The tentacle on my cock had me hovering at the edge of orgasm. I squinted and tried
to move my hips back. Then my oral rapist made it’s presence known. It tapped against the back of my
No! I began struggling in earnest. I might had been fucked nightly by these things since turning sixteen
but I had not taken anything remotely that size up there. I began bucking my hips hard and twisting.
More tentacles joined me on the alter forcing me down on it and restricting my struggles. The wide
tentacle knocked at my asshole again. I screamed as it began to press forward. It was too wide. It would
rip me apart. Once it got in it would just start stroking until it exploded it’s yellowish cum deep inside
me., if I was lucky only twice before it ceased it’s fucking and slid out. But that was the smaller
The pressure of that big tentacle was pulled away. I took about two gasps of relief when the regular two
finger tide tentacle speared me deep. I arched my spine up off the alter. The tentacles attached to my
nipples both tightened their tiny teeth on me. I screamed around the gag. While I was arched, the anal
rapist forced it’s way deeper.
The man in the red gown pushed my stomach down and a wide strap was brought up now securing me
still for my rape. I could feel the sprays of pre cum hosing my channel. It heated up my insides as it
facilitated the ease of my rape. It pressed forward again, sliding deep and it hit something. I saw
infinity. The thing pulled back. The open mouth of my cock sucked me down to the root as it hit that
spot deep inside me again. I came in a yell and felt that tentacle pulse as it sucked my white cum from
my cock slit. I tightened around the tentacle hanging out of my ass when I shot my load. It rammed
itself deeper and spewed out that hot and spicy yellowish, greasy cum. It slide out with a pop. That was
…..another tentacle slipping in. My ass was a bit loose from the first one and it slide inside…but it
wasn’t erect. It sat deep within me still but pulsing and I felt it get bigger and wider. My cock was still
hidden on that tentacle. It began sucking again.
My hands clenched. I felt something trickle off my chest. The nipple biters had drawn blood.
The tentacle inside had grown to twice it’s size. The offering left by the previous occupant made it ease
for this one to slide in and out. It began to jackhammer in and out of me. The sucker matched its’
rythym. My back was getting rubbed raw as the force of this fucking was jerking me back and forth. I
came again bucking my hips up involuntarily. With each motion, the fucking tentacle slide deeper and
deeper. Then it rammed itself in hard. My body was flooded with it’s cum. It poured out of my ass and
pooled underneath me. My ass slid through it as my body was pulled back toward it as it jerked out of
me. More of it’s cum ran out. I was disgusted.
“Release him and preparing him for the offering.”
I was tired. My arms were numb. I kicked weakly but there were too many hands. I was turned onto my
hands and knees then my arms are wrenched behind me. The leather cuffs there locked together then a
position strap was attached from the leather collar to my hands. This forced my chest forward with my
dangling little nipple clamps. Tears were streaming steadily down my face.
I didn’t deserve this. Why were they doing this? Why did those things start raping me when I was just a
kid. Tentacles wrapped around my upper thighs and waist. My legs were spread wide. I could feel the
hot cum still seeping out my asshole and now it was trailing past my cock toward my head. My ass was
forced high in the air and my upper shoulders rested on the pillow wedge. The wide tentacle rose up
behind me. Oh god.. no. I struggled. The other tentacles tightened their hold and canted my ass up
higher. I was panting in a panic as I felt it press against my abused hold. A keen started in my throat as
it pushed forward. I stilled as the pain hit me. It just kept pushing. My thighs here pulled apart further
and back on that spike. Then those holding me began forcing my body up and down on that shaft. It
was a parody of me fucking myself on it. The nipple biters switched to just sucking.
No…no…I wasn’t going to come again from this. No…I was hard. The sucker was just lighty moving
up and down my length. I could hear the sucking noises of my ass and it’s unnatural lubricant as I rode
that shaft. Then they stopped rocking me and it was the wide black mouth gag’s turn to coat my insides.
It was like they were preparing me for something. Each rapist was wider and longer. Each ejaculation
was more and more. I was coated in tentacle fluid from my waist to the back of my thighs. I stank. My
ass made loud sucks as it took that tentacle in easier than I wanted to.
More tentacles rose from the alter. Wrapping around my upper arms and torso, picking me up from the
stone, suspending me up in the air. I was helpless to stop them. It felt even worse as that tentacle began
to piston out of me. I shook my head as my cock began to pulse. No…no…
More hot yellow cum got shot up in intestines, but that shaft never stopped moving. I was rocked in
midair by the force of the penetration. Each rocking motion forced my cock down that mouth. I
exploded again, groaning in agony. I’d ever cum so much in such a short period of time. Drool spilled
out passed my gag as I quit resisting. I rocking hanging in the air as the tentacle shafted me hard until it
came again. This time it’s cum poured out my widened channel like a waterfall splashing the alter .
This time it withdrew.
“Your bride is prepared Master. We offer up your virgin sacrifice to your lust and desires.”
Virgin? I just got fucked minutes away from unconsciousness…but then again, I’d only been fucked by
these…things. My ass dripped cum steadily like a leaky faucet. Plip…plip…plip.
There was a hot blast of wind and the candles blew out plunging everything into darkness. I pulled at
the tentacles holding my legs open but I couldn’t get free. The chanting had stopped and there had been
a few screams then the red gown ordered everyone silent.
Plip…plip. I closed my eyes. My ass was still seeping out foreign cum.
Then I heard it. Clip, clop..clip clop. Hooves? My breathing began to speed up. An orb of light flared in
up before my eyes. I blinked widely now. I couldn’t see anything. Clip clop.
The man in red leaned forward and smiled indulgently at me. “Your groom has arrived.”
I hung my head and cried.
Chapter 2- The Age of Change
The high priest held my head between his hands and jerked my face forward by the rubber bar gag in
my mouth. He bowed his head as the sound of horse’s hooves halted directly behind my outstretched
body. I was still suspended over the stone alter, held in place by those dark thin eel like things. I tried to
kick. More warm eels wrapped around my knees and spread my thighs wider.
“My Master, he is prepared for your offering.”
I screamed. The tentacles that had raped me and left their slick offering deep inside was not enough. A
wide hard…thing split me open…it just kept pushing and pushing. My hands clawed the open air. The
man in red just stroked my cheek and held my head still as the ‘groom’ claimed me. My body burned
hot with pain. Finally, hot skin rested against the exposed and vulnerable area of my thighs and it just
rested there.
I was piked. My body pulsed with the heat of my blood. The hold of the tentacles eased slightly,
because I was too exhausted to move. The agony of this possession had shrived my cock and the open
mouth had fallen off. My eyes were open but filled with tears. I saw nothing but my own agony.
/My Childe./ A hand stroked down my spine. /You please me with your suffering./
He kept his body buried deep within me but his hand stroked my sweaty back. I dropped into
exhaustion. I couldn’t fight anymore. I was too tired and it had me. There was nothing I could do. I
winced as the nipple biters crunched particularly hard.
/However, you have suffered enough to show your worthiness./
Hot flesh pressed over my ass and on my back. Two hands skimmed up my sides from my waist to my
armpits then slid to my chest. /You were commanded to prepare my Childe for my claiming. He has
received no pleasure from you./
The nipple biters were ripped from my abused flesh. I groaned and jerked my head to the left. The High
priest wrapped his fingers around the leather holding the gag in place and pulled it face back toward
Unearthly squeals of pain echoed through the dark room until there was an audible pop like a balloon
bursting. The tandem cry faded but the squeal continued until there was another pop. I heard something
plop to the stone beneath me. /My Childe…those what have abused you have been punished./
Hands rubbed at my chest. The palm of massive hands circled my stiff nubbins. It was like some sort of
balm was secreting from it’s flesh. The throbbing lessened. I moaned. No…
/Yes, my Childe…you can feel pleasure with me. This is what my servants should have been showing
you all along. You should have been used to this. You should crave this./
He withdrew slightly then pushed forward. I gurgled and began to weakly struggle. The tentacles
immediately tightened and added tension. I was restrained as a reluctant mare as a stallion was brought
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