THE BIGGEST SECRET - by David Icke.pdf

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The Biggest Secret
By David Icke
A Free World ?
Introduction - Days of Decision
Chapter one - The Martians have Landed ?
Chapter two - “Don’t Mention The Reptiles
Chapter three - The Babylonian Brotherhood
Chapter four - The Suns of God
Chapter five - Conquered by The Cross
Chapter six - Rule Britannia
Chapter seven - Knights of the Sun
Chapter eight - Same Face, Different Mask
Chapter nine - Land of The ‘Free '
Chapter ten - Money Out Of Nothing
Chapter eleven - Global Babylon
Chapter twelve - The Black Sun
Chapter thirteen - The Network Today
Chapter fourteen - Under the Influence
Chapter fifteen - Satan’s Children
Chapter sixteen - Where Have all The Children Gone?
Chapter seventeen - The Secret Language
Chapter eighteen - All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men
Chapter nineteen - The Goddess and the King
Chapter twenty - Casting the Spell
Chapter twenty one - Breaking the Spell
Picture Section
A free world?
“Am I a spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on Earth, bred by men from outer space in embraces with Earth women? Are my children offspring of the
first interplanetary race? Has the melting-pot of interplanetary society already been created on our planet, as the melting-pot of all Earth nations was established
in the USA 190 years ago? “Or does this thought relate to things to come in the future? I request my right and privilege to have such thoughts and ask such
questions without being threatened to be jailed by any administrative agency of society... In the face of a rigid, doctrinaire, self-appointed, ready to-kill hierarchy
of scientific censorship it appears foolish to publish such thoughts. Anyone malignant enough could do anything with them. Still the right to be wrong has to be
maintained. We should not fear to enter a forest because there are wildcats around in the trees. We should not yield our right to well-controlled speculation. It is
certain questions entailed in such speculation which the administrators of established knowledge fear... But in entering the cosmic age we should certainly insist
on the right to ask new, even silly questions without being molested.”
The scientist, Wilhelm Reich , writing in his book, Contact With Space . Reich died in a United States jail on November 3rd 1957.
Days of decision
We are on the cusp of an incredible global change. A crossroads where we make decisions which will influence life on Earth well into the future of what we call
time. We can fling open the doors of the mental and emotional prisons which have confined the human race for thousands of years. Or we can allow the agents
of that control to complete their agenda for the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical enslavement of every man, woman and child on the planet with a world
government, army, central bank and currency, underpinned by a micro-chipped population.
I know that sounds fantastic, but if the human race lifted its eyes from the latest soap opera or game show for long enough to engage its brain, it would see
that these events are not just going to happen - they are happening. The momentum for the centralized control of global politics, business, banking, military and
media is gathering pace by the hour. The micro-chipping of people is already being suggested and, in many cases, underway. Whenever a hidden agenda is
about to be implemented there is always the period when the hidden has to break the surface for the final push into physical reality. This is what we are seeing
now in the explosion of mergers between global banking and business empires, and the speed at which political and economic control is being centralized
through the European Union, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, and the stream of other globalizing
bodies like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the G-7/G-8 summits. Behind this constant and coordinated centralization is a tribe of
interbreeding bloodlines which can be traced to the ancient Middle and Near East . They emerged from there to become the royalty, aristocracy and priesthood
of Europe before expanding their power across the world, largely through the ‘Great’ British Empire. This allowed the tribe to export its bloodlines to all the
countries the British and European powers occupied, including the United States where they continue to run the show to this day.
There have been just over 40 Presidents of the United States and 33 of them have been genetically related to two people , England’s King Alfred the
Great and Charlemagne , the famous monarch in 9th century France. Throughout this whole period the agenda of this bloodline has been gradually
implemented until we have reached the point today where centralized global control is possible.
If you want to know what life will be like unless we wake up fast, take a look at Nazi Germany. That is the world that awaits the global population as the
plan I call the Brotherhood Agenda unfolds across the year 2000 and into the first 12 years of the new century. 2012 particularly, appears to be a crucial year for
reasons we shall discuss. People have no idea of the abyss we are staring into or the nature of the world we are leaving for our children to endure and most
people don’t seem to care. They would much rather ignore the obvious and go into denial of a truth that’s splatting them between the eyes. I feel like the cow
who runs into the field screaming: “Hey, you know that truck that takes some of our friends away every month? Well they don’t take them to another field like
we thought. They shoot them in the head, bleed them dry, cut them up, and put the pieces into packets. Then those humans buy them and eat them!”
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Imagine what the reaction of the rest of the herd would be: “You’re crazy man. They’d never do that. Anyway, I’ve got shares in that trucking company
and I get a good return. Shut up, you’re making waves.”
The Agenda I am exposing has been unfolding over thousands of years to its current point close to completion, because humanity has given away its
mind and its responsibility. Humanity would rather do what it thinks is right for itself in the moment than consider the wider consequences of its behavior for
human existence. Ignorance is bliss, we say, and that’s true - but only for a while. It may be bliss not to know a tornado is coming because you have no need to
worry or take action. But while your head is in the sand your bum is in the air, the tornado is still coming. If you looked up and faced it, disaster could be
avoided, but ignorance and denial always ensure that you will get the full force and the most extreme consequences, because it strikes when least expected and
you are least prepared. Like I say, ignorance is bliss - but only for so long. We create our own reality by our thoughts and actions. For every action or non-action
there is a consequence. When we give our minds and our responsibility away, we give our lives away. If enough of us do it, we give the world away and that is
precisely what we have been doing throughout known human history. This is why the few have always controlled the masses.
The only difference today is that the few are now manipulating the entire planet because of the globalization of business, banking and communications.
The foundation of that control has always been the same: keep the people in ignorance, fear and at war with themselves. Divide, rule and conquer while
keeping the most important knowledge to yourself (see Figure 1). And as we shall see in this book, those who have used these methods to control humanity for
thousands of years are members of the same force , the same interbreeding tribe , following a long term Agenda which is now reaching a major point on its
journey. The global fascist state is upon us.
And yet, it doesn’t have to be like this. The real power is with the many, not the few.
Figure 1:
Knowledge is in the hands of the few and the rest are kept ignorant.
The classic structure for manipulation and control.
Indeed infinite power is within every individual. The reason we are so controlled is not that we don’t have the power to decide our own destiny, it is that
we give that power away every minute of our lives. When something happens that we don’t like, we look for someone else to blame. When there is a problem
in the world, we say “What are they going to do about it”. At which point they, who have secretly created the problem in the first place, respond to this demand
by introducing a ‘solution’ - more centralization of power and erosion of freedom.
If you want to give more powers to the police, security agencies and military, and you want the public to demand you do it, then ensure there is more
crime, violence and terrorism, and then it’s a cinch to achieve your aims. Once the people are in fear of being burgled, mugged or bombed, they will demand
that you take their freedom away to protect them from what they have been manipulated to fear. The Oklahoma bombing is a classic of this kind, as I detail in ..
And The Truth Shall Set You Free. I call this technique problem-reaction-solution. Create the problem, encourage the reaction “something must be done”, and
then offer the solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto ‘ Ordo Ab Chao ’ - order out of chaos. Create the chaos and then offer the way to restore order.
Your order. The masses are herded and directed by many and various forms of emotional and mental control. It is the only way it could be done. The few can’t
control billions of people physically, just as farm animals cannot be controlled physically unless a large number of people are involved. Two pigs escaped from
a slaughterhouse in England and eluded capture for so long, despite the efforts of many people to catch them, that they became national celebrities.
Physical control of the global population cannot work. But it is not necessary when you can manipulate the way people think and feel to the point where
they ‘decide’ to do what you want them to do anyway and demand that you introduce laws that you want to introduce. It is an old, old adage that if you want
someone to do something, get them to believe it is their idea.’ Humanity is mind controlled and only slightly more conscious than your average zombie. Far
fetched? No, no. I define mind control as the manipulation of someone’s mind so that they think, and therefore act, the way you want them to. Under this
definition, the question is not how many people are mind controlled, but how few are not.
Everyone is to a larger or lesser extent. When you are persuaded by advertising or hype to buy something you don’t really need or want, you are being
mind controlled. When you read or hear a slanted news story and allow it to affect your perception of a person or event, you are being mind controlled. Look at
the training for the armed forces. It is pure mind control. From day one you are told to take orders without question and if some berk in a peaked cap tells you
to shoot people you have never met and know nothing about, you must shoot without question.
This is the “Yes sir!” mentality and it pervades the non-military world, also. “Well, I know it’s not right, but the boss told me to do it and I had no choice.”
No choice? We never have no choice . We have choices we would like to make and choices we would rather less like to make. But we never have no choice. To
say so is another cop out. The list of mind manipulating techniques is endless. They want your mind because when they have that, they have you. The answer
lies in taking our minds back, thinking for ourselves and allowing others to do the same without fear of ridicule or condemnation for the crime of being
different. If we don’t do that, the Agenda I am going to outline will be implemented. But if we do regain control of our minds and achieve mental sovereignty,
the Agenda cannot happen because the foundation of its existence will have been taken away.
I’ve talked and researched in more than 20 countries and I see the same process in every one of them. Identical policies and structures are introduced in
line with a Global Agenda, yet at the same time there is quite obviously a global awakening as more and more people hear the spiritual alarm clock and emerge
from their mental and emotional slumbers, the terrestrial trance. Which force will prevail in these Millennium years to 2012 ? That is up to us. We create our
own reality by our thoughts and actions. If we change our thoughts and actions we will change the world. It’s that simple.
In this book I am going to chart the history of the interbreeding tribe of bloodlines which control the world today and reveal the true nature of the Global
Agenda. And I would emphasize that I am exposing an Agenda, not a conspiracy as such. The conspiracy comes in manipulating people and events to ensure
the Agenda is introduced. These conspiracies take three main forms: conspiring to remove people and organizations that are a threat to the Agenda (the
assassination of Diana, Princess of Wales); conspiring to put people into positions of power who will make the Agenda happen (George Bush, Henry Kissinger,
Tony Blair, et al); and conspiring to create events which will make the public demand the Agenda is introduced through problem-reaction-solution (wars,
terrorist bombs, economic collapses). In this way all these apparently unconnected events and manipulations become aspects of the same conspiracy to
introduce the same Agenda. In the months and years that follow, every time you pick up a paper, turn on the television or hear a speech from a political or
business leader, you are going to see the information outlined here coming to pass. You already can if you understand the scam. Look at my previous books
like... And The Truth Shall Set You Free , I Am Me I Am Free , The Robots’ Rebellion , the video Turning Of The Tide , and the work of other researchers over
decades and you will see that what was predicted is happening. This is not prophecy, it is merely the prior knowledge of the Agenda . So will the global fascist
state be realized in the next few years? That question can only be answered by another: are we going to become people or continue as sheeple ? The Agenda
depends on the latter.
There is an enormous amount of challenging information in this book. Please do not continue if you are dependent on your present belief system, or if you feel
you cannot cope emotionally with what is really happening in this world. If you do choose to continue, remember there is nothing to fear. Life is forever and
everything is just an experience on the road to enlightenment. Viewed from the highest level of perception, there is no good and evil , only consciousness
making choices to experience all there is to experience . The astonishing events which this book exposes are in the process of coming to an end as the light of
freedom dawns at last on the biggest transformation of consciousness this planet has seen in 26,000 years. It is, despite some of the information you are about to
read, a wonderful time to be alive.
David Icke
The Martians have landed?
There were two ways of writing this book. I could have held back information which is stunningly bizarre, but true. This would be the easy way, staying within
the comfort zone and communicating only that which would not challenge too many people’s sense of possibility.
Or I could treat the readers like fully formed, fully connected, multidimensional, adult human beings and communicate all the relevant information,
including some which will stretch their sense of reality to breaking point. As always, I have chosen the latter. It is not for me to edit information for the readers,
it is for the readers to edit the information for themselves. How arrogant and patronizing to think that I should keep information back from people because
“they’re not ready for it”. Who am I to decide that? And how can I know if they are “ready for it” unless they hear it and can therefore decide for themselves?
Some of my friends have urged me to tell people the basic story, but “for Cod’s sake don’t mention the reptiles”.
You will see what they mean by that very shortly. I understand their concern, but I can only be myself. And I have to tell all that I know and not only that
which maintains the comfort zone. That’s just me, the way I am. Of course the theme of the book will attract ridicule from those with a vision of possibility the
size of a pea and, naturally, from those who know it to be true and don’t want the public to believe it. But so what? Who cares? I don’t. As Candhi said:
“Even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” So here’s the story, punches unpulled.
In summary, a race of interbreeding bloodlines, a race within a race in fact, were centered in the Middle and Near East in the ancient world and, over the
thousands of years since, have expanded their power across the globe. A crucial aspect of this has been to create a network of mystery schools and secret
societies to covertly introduce their Agenda while, at the same time, creating institutions like religions to mentally and emotionally imprison the masses and set
them at war with each other. The hierarchy of this tribe of bloodlines is not exclusively male and some of its key positions are held by women. But in terms of
numbers it is overwhelmingly male and I will therefore refer to this group as the Brotherhood.
Even more accurately, given the importance of ancient Babylon to this story, I will also call it the Babylonian Brotherhood. The plan they term their
Creat Work of Ages ’, I will call the Brotherhood Agenda . The present magnitude of Brotherhood control did not happen in a few years, even a few decades
or centuries: it can be traced back thousands of years. The structures of today’s institutions in government, banking, business, military and the media have not
been infiltrated by this force, they were created by them from the start. The Brotherhood Agenda is, in truth, the Agenda of many Millennia. It is the unfolding
of a plan, piece by piece, for the centralized control of the planet.
The bloodline hierarchy at the top of the human pyramid of control and suppression passes the baton across the generations, mostly sons following fathers.
The children of these family lines who are chosen to inherit the baton are brought up from birth to understand the Agenda and the methods of manipulating the
‘Great Work’ into reality. Advancing the Agenda becomes their indoctrinated mission from very early in their lives. By the time their turn comes to join the
Brotherhood hierarchy and carry the baton into the next generation, their upbringing has moulded them into highly imbalanced people.
They are intellectually very sharp, but with a compassion bypass and an arrogance that they have the right to rule the world and control the ignorant
masses who they view as inferior. Any Brotherhood children who threaten to challenge or reject that mould are pushed aside or dealt with in other ways to
ensure that only ‘safe’ people make it to the upper levels of the pyramid and the highly secret and advanced knowledge that is held there. Some of these
bloodlines can be named. The British House of Windsor is one of them, so are the Rothschilds , the European royalty and aristocracy, the Rockefellers , and the
rest of the so-called Eastern Establishment of the United States which produces the American presidents, business leaders, bankers and administrators. But at
the very top, the cabal which controls the human race operates from the shadows outside the public domain.
Any group which is so imbalanced as to covet the complete control of the planet will be warring within itself as different factions seek the ultimate
control. This is certainly true of the Brotherhood. There is tremendous internal strife, conflict and competition. One researcher described them as a gang of
bank robbers who all agree on the job, but then argue over how the spoils will be divided. That is an excellent description and through history different factions
have gone to war with each other for dominance. In the end, however, they are united in their desire to see the plan implemented and at the key moments they
overwhelmingly join forces to advance the Agenda when it comes under challenge.
You will probably have to go back hundreds of thousands of years to find the starting point of this story of human manipulation and of the family lines
which orchestrate the Great Work . The more I have researched this over the years, the more obvious it has become to me that the origin of the bloodlines and
the plan for the takeover of the Earth goes off planet to a race or races from other spheres or dimensions of evolution . Extraterrestrial as we call them. If you
doubt the existence of extraterrestrial life then consider this for a moment. Our Sun is only one of some 100 billion stars in this galaxy alone.
Sir Francis Crick , the Nobel laureate, says there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in our universe and he believes there are at least one million
planets in our galaxy that could support life as we know it.
Think of what the figure might be for the entire universe, even before we start looking at other dimensions of existence beyond the frequency range of our
physical senses. If you travelled at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, it would take you 4.3 years to reach the nearest star to this solar system. It says
much for humanity’s level of indoctrination that to speak of extraterrestrial life is to appear cranky , yet to dismiss it and suggest that life has only emerged on
this one tiny planet is considered credible! You only have to consider the amazing structures that abounded in the ancient world to see that an advanced race
existed then. We are told that only people primitive in comparison to modern humans lived in these times, but that is patently ludicrous .
Like most official ‘thinking’ the historical and archaeological establishment makes up its own stories, calls them proven facts, and simply ignores the
overwhelming evidence that they are wrong. The idea is not to educate, but to indoctrinate . Anyone who doesn’t conform to the official line of history is
isolated by their fellow historians and archaeologists who either know their jobs, reputations and funding are safer when they stick to the official version, or,
frankly, they cannot see beyond the end of their noses. The same can be said of most people in the teaching and ‘intellectual’ professions.
All over the planet are fantastic structures built thousands of years ago which could only have been created with technology as good as, often even better
than, we have today. At Baalbek, north east of Beirut in the Lebanon, three massive chunks of stone, each weighing 800 tons, were moved at least a third of a
mile and positioned high up in a wall. This was done thousands of years BC! Another block nearby weighs 1,000 tons - the weight of three jumbo jets. How
was this possible? Official history does not wish to address such questions because of where it might lead. Can you imagine ringing a builder today and asking
him to do that? “You want me to do WHAT?” he would say, “You’re crazy.”
In Peru are the mysterious Nazca Lines . The ancients scored away the top surface of the land to reveal the white subsurface and through this method were
created incredible depictions of animals, fish, insects and birds. Some of them are so large they can only be seen in their entirety from 1,000 feet in the air! The
knowledge which allowed wonders like Nazca , Baalbek , the Great Pyramid at Giza and other amazing creations to be built with such precision and scale, came
from an advanced race who, in ancient times, lived among a far more primitive general population.
This race is described as ‘ the gods ’ in the Old Testament texts and other works and in oral traditions of antiquity. I can hear followers of the Bible denying
that their book speaks of ‘ the gods ’. But it does. When the word ‘ God ’ is used in the Old Testament it is often translated from a word that means gods , plural -
Elohim and Adonai are two examples .
You can easily understand that a race performing technological feats of such magnitude should be seen as ‘gods’ by a people unable to comprehend such
abilities. In the 1930s, American and Australian servicemen landed their planes in remote parts of New Guinea to drop supplies for their troops. The locals, who
had never seen a plane, believed the servicemen were gods and they became a focus of religious beliefs.
This would have been even more extreme in the ancient world had their advanced race been beings from other planets, stars or dimensions, flying craft
more advanced than anything flown (at least officially!) by today’s military. An influx of knowledge from outside this planet or another source would explain so
many of the ‘mysteries’ that official history greets with a deafening silence. The incredible feats of building also become explainable and so does the mystery of
why early civilizations like Egypt and Sumer (the land of Shinar in the Bible) began at the peak of their development and then fell into decay, when the normal
course of evolution is to start at a lower level and slowly advance through learning and experience. There was clearly an infusion of highly advanced
knowledge that was later lost to most people. In every culture throughout the world are ancient stories and texts which describe the ‘gods’ who brought this
advanced knowledge. This would again explain the mystery of how the ancients had a phenomenal understanding of astronomy. There are endless legends all
over the world of a time they call the Golden Age , which was destroyed by cataclysm and the ‘fall of Man’.
The ancient Greek poet, Hesiod , described the world before the ‘fall’:
“Man lived like Gods, without vices or passions, vexation or toil. In happy companionship with divine beings (extraterrestrials?), they passed their days in
tranquility and joy, living together in perfect equality, united by mutual confidence and love. The Earth was more beautiful than now, and spontaneously yielded
an abundant variety of fruits. Human beings and animals spoke the same language and conversed with each other (telepathy). Men were considered mere boys
at a hundred years old. They had none of the infirmities of age to trouble them and when they passed to regions of superior life, it was in a gentle slumber.” 1
Utopian as that may sound, there are countless stories from every ancient culture which describe the world in the distant past in those terms. We can
recreate that vision again if only we change the way we think and feel. The most comprehensive accounts of an advanced race are contained in tens of
thousands of clay tablets found in 1850 about 250 miles from Baghdad, Iraq, by an Englishman Sir Austen Henry Layard as he excavated the site of Nineveh ,
the capital of Assyria. This was located near the present Iraqi town of Mosul . Other finds have followed in this region which was once called Mesopotamia.
The original source of this knowledge was not the Assyrians, but the Sumerians who lived in the same area from, it is estimated, 4,000 to 2,000 BC. I
will refer to the clay tablets, therefore, as the Sumerian Texts or Tablets . They are one of the greatest historical finds imaginable and yet 150 years after they
were discovered they are still ignored by conventional history and education. Why? Because they demolish the official version of events. The most famous
translator of these tablets is the scholar and author Zecharia Sitchin , who can read Sumerian, Aramaic, Hebrew and other Middle and Near Eastern languages. 2
He has extensively researched and translated the Sumerian Tablets and has no doubt that they are describing extraterrestrials. Some researchers say that he
used a later version of the Sumerian language to translate an earlier one and, therefore, some of his translations may not be 100% accurate. I think his themes are
correct, indeed other accounts and evidence supports this, but I personally doubt some of the detail. I think that a number of Sitchin ’s interpretations are
extremely questionable, while I agree with the overall thesis .
Figure 2: The solar system showing the location of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter which,
though the details vary, many ancient and modern accounts suggest is the remains of a planet or part of a planet.
According to his translations (and others) the Texts say that the Sumerian civilization, from which many features of modern society derive, was a “ gift from the
gods ”. Not mythical gods, but physical ones who lived among them. The Tablets call these gods the AN.UNNAK.KI ( Those who from Heaven to Earth came ),
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and DIN.GIR ( The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets ). The name of Sumer itself was KI.EN.GIR ( The Land of the Lord of the Blazing Rockets and also
Land of the Watchers , according to Sitchin). The ancient text known as the Book of Enoch also calls the gods ‘the Watchers ’, as did the Egyptians. The
Egyptian name for their gods, the Neteru , literally translates as Watchers and they said that their gods came in heavenly boats.
According to Zecharia Sitchin , the tablets describe how the Anunnaki came from a planet called Nibiru ( The Planet of the Crossing ) which he believes
has a 3,600 year elliptical orbit that takes it between Jupiter and Mars and then out into far space beyond Pluto. Modern science has identified a body it calls
Planet X which has been located beyond Pluto and is believed to be part of this solar system. But an elliptical orbit would be incredibly unstable and difficult to
sustain. Scientists I trust believe that Sitchin is mistaken in his Nibiru theory , though his main themes about the Anunnaki are correct.
The Sumerian Tablets, from Sitchin’s translations, describe how, during the early formation of the solar system, Nibiru caused the near destruction of a
planet that once existed between Jupiter and Mars. The Sumerians called it Tiamat, a planet they nicknamed The Watery Monster . They say that it was debris
from Tiamat’s collision with a Nibiru moon which created the Great Band Bracelet - the asteroid belt which is found between Mars and Jupiter. What remained
of Tiamat was thrown into another orbit, the texts say, and eventually it became the Earth (see Figure 2).
The Sumerian name for the Earth means the Cleaved One because a vast hole was created, they say, by the collision. Interestingly if you take away the
water in the Pacific Ocean you will be left with a gigantic hole. The Tablets are the written accounts of oral traditions that go back enormous amounts of time
and you have to be careful that details have not been added or lost and that we don’t take symbolism or parable as literal truth. I am sure that some confusion did
occur in this way. I have doubts myself about the Nibiru-Tiamat scenario and its alleged timescale. But there is much truth in the Texts which can be proven,
not least in their knowledge of astronomy.
The Tablets depict the solar system with the planets in their correct positions, orbits and relative sizes, and their accuracy has only been confirmed in the
last 150 years since some of these planets have been found. The Tablets describe the nature and colour of Neptune and Uranus in ways that have only been
confirmed in the last few years! What’s more, the modern ‘experts’ did not expect those planets to look as they did, yet the Sumerians knew thousands of years
BC what our ‘advanced’ science has only just discovered .
Most stunning about the Sumerian Tablets is the way they describe the creation of homo sapiens. Sitchin says the Anunnaki came to the Earth an
estimated 450,000 years ago to mine gold in what is now Africa. The main mining centre was in today’s Zimbabwe, an area the Sumerians called AB.ZU ( deep
deposit ), he claims. Studies by the Anglo-American Corporation have found extensive evidence of gold mining in Africa at least 60,000 years ago, probably
100,000.3 The gold mined by the Anunnaki was shipped back to their home planet from bases in the Middle East, Sitchin claims the Tablets say. I think there is
much more to know about this ‘gold mining’ business, and I don’t believe that was the main reason they came here, if indeed it was a reason at all.
At first the gold mining was done by the Anunnaki version of their working classes, Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and
the Anunnaki royal elite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. The Tablets describe how the genes of the Anunnaki and those of the native
humans were combined in a test tube to create the ‘updated’ human capable of doing the tasks the Anunnaki required. The idea of test tube babies would have
sounded ridiculous when the tablets were found in 1850, but that is precisely what scientists are now able to do. Again and again modern research supports the
themes of the Sumerian Tablets. For instance, there was a sudden and so far unexplained upgrade of the human physical form around 200,000 years ago.
Official science is silent on the cause of this and mutters terms like ‘ the missing link ’.
But some unavoidable facts need to be addressed. Suddenly the previous physical form known as homo erectus became what we now call homo sapiens .
From the start the new homo sapiens had the ability to speak a complex language and the size of the human brain increased massively. Yet the biologist
Thomas Huxley said that major changes like this can take tens of millions of years. This view is supported by the evidence of homo erectus which appears to
have emerged in Africa about 1.5 million years ago.
For well in excess of a million years their physical form seems to have remained the same, but then, out of nowhere, came the dramatic change to homo
sapiens. About 35,000 years ago came another sudden upgrade and the emergence of homo sapiens sapiens, the physical form we see today. The Sumerian
Tablets name the two people involved in the creation of the slave race. They were the chief scientist called Enki , Lord of the Earth (Ki=Earth) and Ninkharsag ,
also known as Ninti (Lady Life) because of her expertise in medicine.
She was later referred to as Mammi , from which comes mama and mother . Ninkharsag is symbolized in Mesopotamian depictions by a tool used to cut
the umbilical cord. It is shaped like a horseshoe and was used in ancient times. She also became the mother goddess of a stream of religions under names like
Queen Semiramis , Isis , Barati , Diana, Mary and many others, which emerged from the legends of this all over the world. She is often depicted as a pregnant
The texts say of the Anunnaki leadership:
They summoned and asked the goddess,
the midwife of the gods, the wise birthgiver (saying),
“To a creature give life, create workers!
Create a primitive worker, that he may bear the yoke!
Let him bear the yoke assigned by Enlil,
Let the worker carry the toil of the gods!” 4
Enlil was commander of the Anunnaki and Enki was his half-brother. Enki and Ninkharsag had many failures as they sought the right genetic mix, the
Tablets tell us. There are accounts of how they created people with major defects and also human-animal hybrids. Horrible stuff, and exactly what is claimed to
be happening today in the extraterrestrial-human underground bases around the world. The story of Frankenstein, the man created in a laboratory, could be
symbolic of these events. It was written by Mary Shelley, the wife of the famous poet. He and she were high initiates of the secret society network which has
hoarded and suppressed this knowledge since ancient times. The Tablets say that Enki and Ninkharsag eventually found the right mix which became the first
homo sapiens, a being the Sumerians called a LU.LU ( One who has been mixed ). This is the biblical ‘Adam’. LU.LU was a genetic hybrid, the fusing of homo
erectus with the genes of the ‘gods’ to create a slave, a human worker bee, some 200,000-300,000 years ago. A female version was also created. The Sumerian
name for human was LU , the root meaning of which is worker or servant, and it was also used to imply domesticated animals.
This is what the human race has been ever since. The Anunnaki have been overtly and now covertly ruling the planet for thousands of years. The
mistranslation of the Bible and symbolic language taken literally has devastated the original meaning and given us a fantasy story. Genesis and Exodus were
written by the Hebrew priestly class, the Levites, after they were taken to Babylon from around 586 BC. Babylon was in the former lands of Sumer and so the
Babylonians, and therefore the Levites , knew the Sumerian stories and accounts. It was from these records overwhelmingly, that the Levites compiled Genesis
and Exodus . The source is obvious. The Sumerian tablets speak of E.DIN (The Abode of the Righteous Ones). This connects with the Sumerian name for their
gods, DIN.GIR (the Righteous Ones of the Rockets). So the Sumerians spoke of Edin and Genesis speaks of the Garden of Eden .
This was a centre for the gods, the Anunnaki. The Sumerian Tablets speak of King Sargon the Elder being found as a baby floating in a basket on the river
and brought up by a royal family. Exodus speaks of Moses being found as a baby floating in a basket on the river by a royal princess and how he was brought
up by the Egyptian royal family. The list of such ‘coincidences’ goes on and on.
The Old Testament is a classic example of the religious recycling which has spawned all the religions. So when you are looking for the original meaning
of Genesis and the story of Adam you have to go back to the Sumerian accounts to see how the story has been doctored. Genesis says that ‘God’ (the gods)
created the first man, Adam, out of ‘dust from the ground’ and then used a rib of Adam to create Eve, the first woman. Zecharia Sitchin points out that the
translation of ‘ dust from the ground ’ comes from the Hebrew word tit (sorry mother) and this itself is derived from the Sumerian term, TI.IT, which means
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