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The Archaeology of York
Volume 2: Historical Sources after AD 1100
General Editor: R.A. Hall
© York Archaeological Trust for Excavation and Research 2003
Published by
York Archaeological Trust
Cromwell House
11–13 Ogleforth
York YO1 7FG
The Archaeology of York
Vol.2: Historical Sources for York Archaeology after AD 1100
Fasc.2: York Bridgemasters’ Accounts
ISBN 1 874454 28 0
Printed in the United Kingdom by
Henry Ling Limited
at the Dorset Press
Dorchester DT1 1HD
Front cover: Selection of Bridgemasters’
Rolls (photo by Simon I. Hill FRPS)
Back cover: Engraving of late medieval
buildings in Goodramgate by Henry Cave
( Antiquities of York , 1813)
Cover design: Lesley Collett
York Bridgemasters’ Accounts
Translated by Philip M. Stell
Published by York Archaeological Trust
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 41
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................. 47
Foss Bridge Accounts .............................................................................................. 49
Ouse Bridge Accounts ........................................................................................... 118
Glossary .............................................................................................................. 457
Appendix One: Names of Bridgemasters ................................................................ 467
Appendix Two: Bridgemasters’ Oath ....................................................................... 477
Appendix Three: Gazetteer of Street Names ............................................................ 478
Bibliography ........................................................................................................ 485
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