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The Drink Tank Issue 74: Check and Mate!
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The 27 Jennifers
Judith Morel, SaBean MoreL and
Christopher J. Garcia
Fifth period Honors English. Schuel
was in seventh, a full year younger
than me, and I caught her lirting with
my man. I didn’t hit her, since the
only person I’d ever go after like that
in those days was SaBean, but I called
her every name I could think of.
I broke up with him the next
Fast forward: it’s the third day
after Christmas Break my Freshman
year. I’ve got the hottest Senoir guy as
a boyfriend. His name was Matt Verger.
I also had a few guys on the side that
no one knows about.
No one but Jenn Lasker.
Jenn and I were Best Friends
Forever. In all circles of girls, there’s
the Smart one (me), the Slutty one
(Cheryl J.), the Hot one (Carla P.), the
Sporty one (Julie G.) and the Dumpy
one. The Dumpy one was Jenn L. She
wasn’t ugly, but when I saw Arrested
Development for the irst time, I real-
ised that Anne Veal, George Michaels’
girlfriend, was exactly like Jenn. One
night, while I was out partying with the
girls other than Jenn, she got it in her
head to rat me out to Matt. The two of
them hooked up and when I found out,
I railed on her and we both had to be
held back to keep from tearing each
other to schreds.
Jen Bermar fucked Jerry Jaied
when I was dating him. Jennifer Lewis
did the same to Mark Halper. Jenny
Lynn was almost there with Fes, but I
dragged her off him by her hair.
Jenny Lynn also backed into my
car a year earlier. Jennifer Glasser and
I would cheat off each other. When she
got caught, I got busted. Jenn Fanesti
and I fought over Gary Ashley.
I once had a threesome with Jen-
nifer Juliana and her boyfriend, but
she started spreading it around that I
was a slut (and OK, I kinda was) and
I once slept with Jennifer Grea. She
never called me back. Such was col-
Jenny Brachman gets the most
of my hate. She and SaBean were
friends and SaBean told her all of
the darker secrets about me that she
knew. Jenny spread them around
school. I beat up SaBean over that one,
and she recently appologized for it spe-
ciically, along with a hundred other
So, I have a reason to hate Jen-
Darling Judith
There’s a song about a guy who
went to school with 27 Jennifers (16
Jens, ten Jennies and a Jennifer) It’s
a good little song, but it reminded me
of why I hate Jennifers. I know that
sounds odd, that I’d hate someone be-
cause of a name, but trust, in my life,
it’s not at all hard to buy into.
The irst Jen who ever crossed
me was named Jennifer Schuel. She
was a tall girl, face like and angle.I had
been dating a guy for a few weeks. We
would spend lunch holding hands or
I’d drape my legs over him and we’d eat
the terrible, but addictive, sandwhich-
es they served. After lunch, he’d give
me a quick peck and then head into
SaBean MoreL
The irst girl I ever kissed was
named Jennifer. She was a great girl.
So was Jenny Brachman, especially
since I told her to spread around all of
Judith’s business to the entire school
(Sorry Sis). I’ve always found Jennifers
to be great minions.
Here’s the thing about Jennifers:
they’re not dumb, but they’re easily
led. Jenny Brachman was especially
easy to get to do my dirty work. She’d
have gone up to a tank and stand in
front of it if I’d asked her to. She was a
nice girl, but not too bright.
Jennifer Lowaed was beautiful
and if you wanted to start a rumor,
she was the one you went to and let a
tiny bit of info loose. She did a lot of
damage to a lot of bitches on my ac-
count. She was also one of those girls
that you could count on if you needed
a chick to make a dude jealous. She
was tough though, and the one time we
fought, she ripped a patch of my hair
out that I was very sore about.
Chris’ favourite Jenn was Fan-
merstor, who is now Jenn Elps. She
was a big girl, but cute, and she would
always make cookies for Chris when
he’d come around. She was a damn
ine cook. I used her more than once
for more than one thing. Chris used to
get mad at me for doing it too.
The last Jen I can talk about is
the one who killed herself in a hotel
bothroom on a Friday night. It was
Chicago and she was shooting up,
along with the rest of us, and she was
depressed. A lot of junkies will stand
up and say that if you’re hardcore in
the shits, you shouldn’t use and they’ll
try and get you something to pick you
up. We did that with Jen, but she went
into the bathroom and shoot herself up
anyways. She knew her limits and the
dose must have been intentional. No
one noticed until almost an hour after
she went in there.
If I ever have a kid, and that’
snot too likely, I’ll not name her Jenni-
fer. Maybe Julifer, but never Jennifer.
I just don’t want her being one of those
being the type of guy who could han-
dle an interpersonal relationship that
might just happen to have some depth.
She left me at the start of senior year
and I was broken, though I deserved it.
The next Jen was in college and
she was a nice girl, hilarious as they
come, but I wasn’t in the way where I
could possibly be with a chick the right
way. Still, we had a little fun and then
sorta drifted away.
Jen Myers was a cute girl that
I knew and never had the guts to ask
out. She would have been awesome, as
she was just plain fun.
I briely dated a Jennifer after
I left college. We only went out a few
times, and she had a little girl named
Marsha who was adorable, and I liked
her, but I was also hung up on another
girl who I would eventually end up dat-
ing for the better part of three years
before she cheated on me and messed
me up but good.
The next Jennifer didn’t work
out. She was nice, and she used to
talk and lirt with me, but nothing ever
came of it. I did kiss another Jen a few
weeks later, but that was a one-time
The last Jen was a Gen. Genev-
ieve. and we had our ups and downs.
We’re through but we still hang-out
(she came with me to Sonoma) and her
little girl is my favourite.
So you see, there are a long line
of Jens that have clouded my mind.
Christopher J. Garcia
I’ve dated a lot of Jens. It not
that I try, but I’ve always done it and
I’m betting I always will.
Jennifer Bushard was the girl
of my dreams. She was beautiful, far
smarter than I ever gave her credit for
at the time, and just about perfect for
me. I, on the other hand, was a jerk
and a liar and still years away from
My Visit to Cin-
ema Epicuria: The
Sonoma Valley FIlm
Cinema Epicu-
ria is not your aver-
age ilm festival. How
many fests can you
think of the have an
Executive Chef and
Sommlier on staff? That’s more about
Sonoma Valley in general than about
the fest. Still, Food and wine are a big
part of the fest...especially the WINE.
Vino lowed and the volunteers and
ilmmakers all partook throughout the
entire fest, making it even more fun
and interesting.
We got up there on Thursday
and ate at Mary’s Pizza Shack. The
food is solid and we chatted over
apetizers. Gen and I were staying at
The Sonoma Hotel. Gen’s a great girl,
and the fact that we can hang out
while being broke up is something I
don’t share with a lot of my exes. I paid
for the hotel, she paid for food. I got a
little extra on my side.
The irst ilm we saw was called
Starbucking. It was all about a dude
who traveled all around the world
visiting Starbucks. In order for him to
count that he’s visited one, he has to
drink at least a sample of coffee there.
I’ll do a full story on Winter (the guy)
later. It’s an interesting thing he’s do-
After that, we went back to the
room and watched some TV. There
wasn’t anything interesting on, so we
just got to sleep.
Waking up the next morning, we
went to my favourite breakfast joint.
La Salette. It’s a great restaurant for
dinner (Portuguess food) but I wouldn’t
have much time for dinner this trip,
so we went there every day for break-
fast. The rolls are excellent, but the
highlight had to be the Creme Anglais
Crepes. Just devine. I ate and headed
over to the Barrel Room
The Barrel room is just that: a
room with barrels. It’s a nice venue,
but it means that things tend to be a
bit echo-y. We set up and the irst ilm
was a local number called Hog Island.
I didn’t watch it. After that, it was
shorts. Other than SmartCard, which
I’ve already written about, it wasn’t
much, but there was a short by Kim-
berly WIlliams-Paisley, the girl from the
Steve Martin Father of the Bride, that
was OK since it had Patrick Dempsey.
That ended and then came and special
moment of the year.
The ilm was called The Pursuit
of Equality and it was all abotu the
row over the Gay Marriages that were
performed at the order of Mr. Gavin
Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco. It
was one of the few times in my life that
I actually believed that a politician was
more interested in the people he was
serving than potential election results.
Gavin came out with the movie, since
he was the big star of it, and he said a
few words beforehand. Then he came
out into the lobby.
I wasn’t in there because there
just weren’t enough seats. I took a
seat by the ire in the lobby and Gavin
brought over a glass of wine. We start-
ed chatting and about 15 or twenty
minutes later, he got up
and did the Q&A for the
ilm. We talked a little
about politics (his quote
that I’ll be using for all
my Me for Mayor stuff:
If I had to vote for one
Bad Candidate, it would
be Chris Garcia) and at
one poitn he said, when
discussing the leak being
authorized by the Presi-
dent ‘They impeached
Clinton for getting oral
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a ilm that I hadn’t expected to enjoy
called Half-Empty. It was a musical
written by Dan Mirven. He was a good
guy, one of the founders of Slamdance,
and he had an awesome hat that went
along with my awesome hat. His movie
was about a guy who wrote a book
about happiness who goes to Germany
where his publishers think he’s really
big. He meets a girl and they have tri-
als and tribulations. It was funny and
the dialog was improved, which was a
theme this year.
The next movie I saw was one of
the ilms that I was most interested in.
It was a documentary about crossword
puzzles called Wordplay. It was a lit-
tle uneven, at irst being a doc about
Crosswords in general with interviews
with The Indigo Girls, Jon Stewart,
Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Ken Burns and
others, while the second half was all
about the International Crossword
Contest in Stamford, CN. That’s sorta
the WorldCon of Crossword Puzzling,
including ilkers. The one song they
played for us was ‘If you don’t come
across, I’ll be down’ which was a
wretched pun but certainly sounded
like a fannish ilk tune. It’ll be released
in theatres in the coming months and
might even show up on IFC.
The best doc will also be in thea-
tres, though you wouldn’t believe it
from the title. Fuck (or F*ck as they
called it in the programme) was the
best doc I’ve seen in ages. It was basi-
cally the story of the word fuck in all
its uses. Through interviews with lin-
guists (who say that the whole Fornica-
tion Under Consent of the King thing
is bullshit and For Unlawful Carnal
Knowledge is nothign but a Van Halen
album) and porn star Tera Patrick, Pat
Boone, Miss Manners, Ice-T, Hunter
S. Thompson and others they manage
to pull a lot of entertaining talk about
what fuck really is. It also revealed that
fuck is no longer my favourite swear
word. It’s overused, even by me. Now,
cocksucker, that’s a tougher one. I
almost never use it and it has a better
After that, back to the hotel with
Natasha, who had joined us, and Gen.
We watched Saturday Night Live and
went to sleep.
The next morning was Sun-
day and it was an easy day. Bay Area
shorts were good, and then it was the
inal ilm I’d be announcing, NOVEM.
NOVEM was a ictional documen-
tary about a nine person college rock
group who did one recording session
before they all died in a car crash.
It was beautifully done and the mu-
sic was incredible. Check it out at
Then we headed home, exhaust-
ed. It was one of those drives, though it
started at 5 pm, where I could feel that
I was about to fall asleep. I didn’t and
we got home and I started working on
another screenplay.
sex, and now this. Can you fucking
believe this shit?” I always like to hear
politicians say it like it is.
The talk was nice and he was
drinking to get over the nerves about
the ilm. It went over really well, so
there was no need for the nerves at all.
Really nice guy.
The next was another shorts
programme with a ilm called Patch
featuring Debby Harry of Blondie. It
was an interesting little short, though
a little too ambiguous for me. The oth-
ers in the programme were interesting
as well. It was nowhere near as good as
the Cinequest shorts programmes, but
it was fairly good. That was the end of
my Friday.
Saturday was fun. It started with
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