101 Greatest Exercises For Size.pdf

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The 101 Greatest
Exercises for Size
& Strength
By Jason Ferruggia
Lower Body Exercises
Dead Lift- The dead lift is probably the single greatest exercise there
is. Dead lifts work your traps, upper back, lats, lower back, biceps,
forearms, glutes, hamstrings, and quads. If you could only choose one
exercise, this would be the one to do.
A proper dead lift begins with the right bar placement and grip and
stance width. Set the bar about an inch away from your shins, taking
a shoulder width grip and a slightly narrower stance. With your head
up and back arched, your body should be at approximately a 45
degree angle in the starting position. Start the lift by pulling up and
back towards you, being sure to get a strong leg drive. Return to the
starting position by sitting back and then lowering the bar, trying not
to squat down until the bar clears your knees. Reset your position and
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Trap Bar Dead Lift- This is performed like a standard dead lift except
for the fact that your weight and center of gravity is distributed
differently. This bar allows lifters who can not get into a proper dead
lift position because of flexibility or other issues to dead lift with
relative ease. It is easier to maintain an upright posture with the trap
bar and thus it is less stressful to the lower back.
Rack Dead Lift- This is a standard dead lift performed off pins in a
power rack. The pins can be set anywhere from an inch off the ground
all the way up to upper thigh height. The higher you set the pins, the
more weight you will be able to lift. These will do wonders for your
upper, middle and lower back development and greatly aid in helping
your full range dead lift. For those who crave incredible trap
development, this is one of the greatest exercises you can do.
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Snatch Grip Dead Lift- This is a dead lift performed with an
extremely wide grip. Your index fingers should be in the outside rings
when doing this exercise. This will increase the range of motion and
add slabs of muscle to your hamstrings.
Dead Lift off mats, plates or boxes- Stand on a stack of rubber
mats, forty five plates or a three to four inch box to perform this
exercise. This will obviously increase the range of motion and put more
stress on the lower back and hamstrings. Be sure to start light on this
exercise and keep your back arched tightly.
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Romanian Dead Lift- With an extremely tight arch in your lower
back, begin by sticking your glutes straight back and out as far as you
can. Be sure to keep your chest out and your shoulder blades
squeezed together. Descend until your upper body is parallel with the
floor and then return to the starting position by explosively pushing
your hips forward and squeezing your glutes.
Dumbbell Dead Lift- This is done exactly like a standard dead lift
except instead of holding a barbell you hold dumbbells in each hand.
Begin the same way by standing up tall with your shoulder blades back
and your chest out. Begin the descent by breaking at the hips and
sitting back and down.
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