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Temporary Slave
An Ellora’s Cave Publication, July 2004
Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 787
Hudson, OH 44236-0787
ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-998-3
Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Edited by Pamela Campbell.
Cover art by Syneca.
Reese Gabriel
Reese Gabriel
Chapter One
I will not imagine the new CEO using me as his sex slave. I will not imagine the new CEO
using me as his sex slave…
The mantra was too little, too late. Red-haired, long-legged Meridian Hunter, her
heart thumping like a rabbit’s, was losing herself to her libido. Her conscious mind had
checked out of the staff meeting, the figure of her blue-eyed boss standing at the head of
the conference table in his smart gray suit replacing itself with quite a different vision of
the man. He was a pirate captain now.
His short, lustrously dark hair was as wavy as the sea. His eyes were as deep as the
sky, and he had tanned skin that smelled vaguely of salt and rum. His white shirt was
open nearly to the waist, revealing a finely muscled chest. He wore a sword and pearl-
handled dagger at his side, attached with a thick belt, black and glossy like his high
She was his prisoner, a fair maiden captured at sea. They were below deck on his
dreaded pirate’s galleon, in his cabin, a place of rough wood and strong male essence.
So far he had not touched her person, nor even tied her with rope, but there was no
mistaking her place in his world—helpless, dependent upon him for her very breath.
“I am at your mercy,” she confessed, feeling strangely uncovered in her tight-
waisted gown of green velvet. “Though surely you know my father will pay
handsomely for my return?”
The brigand smiled thinly, clearly amused as he regarded his disarrayed prisoner,
her ruined red tresses hanging about her shoulders, the bodice of her expensive dress
torn, revealing just the tiniest bit of her milk-white bosom. “I’ve enough gold in my
coffers, already. My needs are of a different nature, my dear.”
Panic welled in her breast as she regarded the strange, predatory glint in his eyes,
not to mention the swell in his tight breeches. It was well known what pirates were
capable of doing to captured damsels lost at sea. Still, she hoped to appeal to the
gentleman in him.
“Sir, I am a virgin, and beg you, lay not your hands upon me, though I be powerless
to keep you from raping me.”
“Rape?” He tipped back his head, the laughter deep and rich. “Do you think I
would go through such trouble as to sink your ship to apprehend you just for a few
minutes of stolen pleasure? Oh, no, my angel, it is all of you I desire, body and soul.”
Meridian turned a shade paler than her natural porcelain. “I do not catch your
meaning, sir.”
“I have captured you to be my slave,” he explained. “Is that not obvious?”
Temporary Slave
She shook her head, trying to hide her desperation. “I think you must have
mistaken me for some common wench. I am the daughter of the Earl of—”
“Silence!” he commanded.
She watched him take a short leather whip from the foot of his bed. She had not
noticed it before. “What do you intend to do with that, sir?”
“I shall redden your behind with it,” he slashed the device through the air. “If you
do not at once remove your clothing and fall before me in submission.”
Meridian fought the overwhelming tide of arousal at the thought of being nude,
and in this man’s sexual clutches. “I would sooner die,” she vowed.
The pirate moved the whip to his left hand and drew his blade with the right. “That
can be arranged.”
She fell to her knees, begging—the age-old ploy of the defeated female. “Please, sir,
my father is very rich. He will give you whatever you want.”
“He already has,” the pirate grinned. “He has given me you. From this moment
forward, you will consider yourself my private property. You will remain in my cabin,
at my beck and call. You will serve my sexual whims and otherwise keep my quarters
spotlessly clean. Disobedience or failure to satisfy in any way will result in punishment,
either from me or my crew.”
She held up her hands in an attitude of prayer. “My Lord Captain, if you have any
sense of honor, spare me.”
The handsome pirate lifted her chin with the tip of his blade, applying sufficient
pressure to bring her quickly back to her feet. “What I have is a long, hard cock and a
short temper. Now strip.”
Meridian continued her useless bargaining even as she undid the fastenings of her
dress. “If you wish,” she offered, “we could arrange for my hand in marriage. Then I
would be legally yours.”
“Legally?” he scoffed. “And what use has a pirate for the law? That’s for
landlubbers, and rich ones at that.”
The scoundrel made her take off everything, even her pantaloons. When she was
stark naked, he sheathed his sword.
“Do you have any experience pleasing a man’s cock?” She turned as red as a beet,
insisting a well-bred young lady like her would never stoop to such an action.
“That’s too bad,” he informed her. “Some skill in that area would have served you
well. As it is, you are liable to take a striping or two ‘til you get it right.”
She gasped in awe as he pulled out his member, thick and fat, pulsing with veins
and tapering to a delicious, uncircumcised head. Never had she seen a man in this state
and she could scarcely imagine how this part of him could be in any way
accommodated by her small, female body.
“Mercy,” she whispered, though deep inside her, she was feeling a beckoning heat,
as if a part of her wanted this. To be used. And owned. And disgraced.
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