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Elves of Athas
Official Game
Elves of Athas
by Bill Slavicsek
Design: Bill Slavicsek
Editing: Dori Jean Watry
Cover Art: Brom
Interior Art: Tony DiTerlizzi and Brom
Art Coordination: Peggy Cooper
Graphics Coordination: Sarah Feggestad
Cartography: Diesel and Dawn Murin
Typography: Angelika Lokotz
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Introduction ................................................. 3
The Song of Creation ................................... 6
Music and Dance ...................................... 42
Courtship and Other Customs ....................... 43
Families .............................................. 44
Native Dress ........................................... 44
Chapter One: Physical Nature .......................... 9
Elves Under a Dark Sun ................................ 9
Physical Pursuits ....................................... 10
Elven Abilities .......................................... 10
Stages of Life ............................................ 14
Elves and Half-Elves ................................... 19
Chapter Four: The Elf Tribes ......................... 45
Sky Singers ........................................... 45
Wind Dancers ........................................... 57
Silver Hands ........................................... 62
Water Hunters ........................................... 69
Silt Stalkers ........................................... 74
Night Runners ........................................... 80
Chapter Two: Psychological Nature .................. 20
World View .............................................. 20
Intelligence and Wisdom ............................. 21
Elves and Outsiders ................................... 21
Tribal Bonds ............................................ 22
Independent Spirit ..................................... 23
Elven Honor ............................................ 24
Mental Pursuits ........................................ 26
Chapter Five: Athasian Elf Kits ....................... 86
Warrior Kits ............................................. 86
Savage Hunter (F) .................................. 87
Thri-Kreen Slayer (F/Ps) .......................... 88
Rogue Kits ............................................... 89
Free-Wanderer (T) .................................. 90
Procurer (Tr/T) ...................................... 90
Priest Kits ................................................ 92
Battle Dancer (C/F) ............................... 92
Element Singer (C) ................................. 93
Wizard Kit ............................................... 94
Arcanist (M) ........................................ 94
Psionicist Kit ........................................... 95
Brown Elf (Ps) ....................................... 96
Chapter Three: Elven Society .......................... 28
Tribal Life ................................................ 28
Optional Barter Rules System ....................... 31
City Life .................................................. 35
Wilderness Life ......................................... 36
Enemies .................................................. 38
Elven Beliefs ............................................ 39
Language and Nomenclature ........................ 40
Daled's Tale
us as the master pushed the wagons and pack beasts for-
ward. For two days we wandered blindly through the
storm, and those who could not keep up were lost to the
angry elements. The storm finally began to subside as the
second day neared its end, though more than half the
caravan was gone. What remained huddled around the
master, hoping for protection and guidance.
When the sun rose on the third day, there were still
large clouds of silt filling the air. But the dust was not as
thick or as violent as it had been, and visibility had
improved considerably. I almost wished it hadnt, for
what we saw sent a ripple of fear through the remaining
caravan members. Our makeshift camp was surrounded
by figures wrapped in tattered cloaks and clinging dust.
These figures were tall and thin, with long limbs and sav-
age bearings. There was no doubt in my mind that we
were surrounded by the dread desert runners: elves.
Two of the guards who still held positions at the cara-
van masters side moved to drive off the raiders. They
were cut down quickly and without fanfare. Then one elf
stepped forward and declared that our goods were now
the property of the Wind Dancers tribe. Any further
show of resistance would result in the slaughter of the
entire caravan. She spoke with a detached calmness that
was more frightening than any arrogant boast I had heard
from other raider leaders. I knew she meant what she said,
and so did the caravan master.
It did not take long for the elves to strip the caravan
bare. They moved with speed, grace, and an unnatural
silence that made us even more uneasy. When they were
done, not a single trade good remained. They even took
our weapons, food, and water. These elf raiders were not
blaodthirsy, but we would die as surely from lack of sup-
plies as if they had cut us apart with their weapons of
stone and bone. Without a word, they prepared to fade
away as silently as they had come.
If I remained there, without weapon, water, or even a
clue as to where I was, then I would die without complet-
I am Daled, dwarf and ex-slave, wandering the burning
sands of Athas like a faro leaf caught in a hot breeze.
This breeze is my focus, to learn all I can about the slave
tribes that fill the endless wastes, and it drives me in
directions I never contemplated going.
In my travels I have gathered more knowledge than my
focus would indicate. Perhaps it was inevitable. Knowl-
edge comes with experience, and my experiences have
been as varied as the viewpoints of a half-giantand as
fickle. At the least, all have been educational (at least in
My memories include long periods of thirst and
hunger, dark days under the lash of templars, and even
brief stretches of contentment. Let me share one of these
memories with you before the fire fades and the crimson
sun burns away the night. Let me tell you of the time I ran
with the elves of Athas.
In truth, it was but a single tribe of the long-limbed
nomads, and compared to the grace and swiftness of a
desert elf, the way I traveled could hardly be called run-
ning. But I kept up with them, for my life and my focus
depended upon it.
I was traveling across the Tablelands in the company
of a small merchant caravan of House Mke. The cara-
van was going my way, and I was glad for the companion-
ship and protection its wagons and crew offered. We
were on the road from Nibenay to Raam, moving through
a region of sandy wastes, when a terrible storm blew in off
the Sea of Silt. The winds were fierce, the dust as thick as
kank honey. The caravan tried to push on, but it wasnt
long before we were lost in the swirl of choking dust and
stinging sand. I cursed the caravan master for trying to
forge a path through the storm, but the words were
drowned in the raging wind.
For two days the wind swirled around us, whipping our
breath away and burning our skin raw. The sand pelted
ing my focus. This was unacceptable. There were still
slave tribes to visit, still experiences and knowledge to
add to my continuing chronicle. Worse, there were the
legends of what happened to dwarves who die with their
focus unfulfilledlegends as dark and disturbing as the
inner sanctums of the sorcerer-kings. I had to survive
my focus demanded it.
I called to the chief and insisted she let me join her
tribe. If she noticed the fear in my eyes or the urgency in
my voice, she made no mention of it. Instead, she listened
quietly, with an intensity that unnerved me even more.
My arguments steadied me, however, as I used those I
had heard in the slave tribes and even invented a few as I
rambled on. I offered reasons for accepting me into the
tribe, listing my skills and accomplishments. I even
called out challenges and demanded a rite of initiation,
knowing full well that my words could just as easily get
me killed as they could perhaps save my life. The chiefs
eyes examined me, measuring me by more than just the
sounds that emerged from my mouth. When I finished, I
thought I saw her smile.
So the dwarf wants to be an elf, the chief replied.
Then run with us, Short Sprinter, and we shall see.
And ran I did, though not swiftly and certainly with no
grace. Sheer force of will kept my legs pumping and my
eyes on the fading backs of the racing elves. For three
days I did my best to keep up. Then, when it seemed
weariness and thirst were about to overcome me, I crested
a sand dune to find the chief waiting for me beside a well-
traveled road.
The chief held out a skin of water, which I wearily
snatched. You were lucky, Short Sprinter, she said
through a wide grin. You gave us three days of laughter,
and laughter has been in short supply of late among the
Wind Dancers. For that, you have earned this drink. Fort
Isus lies along this road. Go there or not. The choice is
yours. She turned to leave, then paused and called back,
Remember the time you ran with the Wind Dancers,
because the Wind Dancers will remember you,
Sprinter. Her laugh followed her into the dunes, but Ill
never forget its wild, savage sound. . . .
They run across the burning sands like whirling dust
sweeps across the baked dunes and parched steppes of
the Tyr region. By day they are untamed winds, blowing
hot gusts of chaos from one end of the Tablelands to the
other. By night they are swift shadows, always in motion,
dancing beneath the light of Athass twin moons. They
are the elves of Athas, and the twisted path they trace
over the landscape is fast, furious, and more than a little
Like all of the accessories for the DARK SUN ® cam-
paign setting, this one requires the AD&D ® rule books,
the DARK SUN boxed set, and The Complete Psion-
ics Handbook to make full use of its contents. Elves of
Athas features details on the tall, long-limbed race of
desert runners. While they share certain similarities with
the elves of other AD&D campaign worlds, these elves
are definitely a breed apart. They are a race of mystery
and danger whose very nature is aliennot only to
humans, but to other elven species as well.
Because Athasian elves are so different from other
types of AD&D elves, much of those rules and concepts
do not apply. This book presents new rules and details
specific to the elves of the DARK SUN campaign set-
ting. While other AD&D books provide information on
elves, including the useful PHBR8, The Complete
Book of Elves, none cover the unique nature of Athass
desert runners. For this reason, the rules in this book
take precedence as far as the elves of Athas are con-
cerned. They enhance and expand upon the rules pre-
sented in the DARK SUN boxed set, providing all the
details needed to understand, run, and play elves on the
burning world.
Prepare to leave all you know or think you know about
elven nature behind. Whatever erroneous beliefs you
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