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Chapter 35 - 35.35
inthethinlensequationtoobtain1 /i =1 /f ,where f is the focal length of the
relaxed effective lens. Thus, i = f =2 . 50cm. When the eye focuses on closer objects, the image
distance i remains the same but the object distance and focal length change. If p is the new object
distance and f is the new focal length, then
p + 1
i = 1
We substitute i = f and solve for f :
f =
f + p = (40 . 0cm)(2 . 50cm)
40 . 0cm+2 . 50cm =2 . 35 cm .
(b) Consider the lensmaker’s equation
f =( n
1) 1
r 1
r 2
where r 1 and r 2 are the radii of curvature of the two surfaces of the lens and n is the index of
refraction of the lens material. For the lens pictured in Fig. 35-34, r 1 and r 2 have about the same
magnitude, r 1 is positive, and r 2 is negative. Since the focal length decreases, the combination
(1 /r 1 )
(1 /r 2 ) must increase. This can be accomplished by decreasing the magnitudes of both
35. (a) When the eye is relaxed, its lens focuses far-away objects on the retina, a distance i behind the
lens. We set p =
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