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Chapter 17 - 17.54
54. (a) The frequency is f =1 /T =1 / 4Hz,so v = =5 . 0cm/s.
(b) We refer to the graph to see that the maximum transverse speed (which we will refer to as u m )is
5 . 0 cm/s. Recalling from Ch . 12 the simple harmonic motion relation u m = y m ω = y m 2 πf ,wehave
5 . 0= y m 2 π 1
y m =3 . 2cm .
(c) As already noted, f =0 . 25 Hz.
(d) Since k =2 π/λ ,wehave k =10 π rad/m. There must be a sign difference between the t and x
terms in the argument in order for the wave to travel to the right. The figure shows that at x =0,
the transverse velocity function is 0 . 050 sin 2 t . Therefore, the function u ( x, t )is
u =0 . 050 sin π
2 t
10 πx
with lengths in meters and time in seconds. Integrating this with respect to time yields
y =
2(0 . 050)
cos π
2 t
10 πx + C
where C is an integration constant (which we will assume to be zero). The sketch of this function
at t =2 . 0sfor0
0 . 20 m is shown.
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
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