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Chapter 7 - 7.40
40. The acceleration is constant, so we may use the equations in Table 2-1. We choose the direction of
motion as + x and note that the displacement is the same as the distance traveled, in this problem. We
designate the force (assumed singular) along the x direction actingon the m =2 . 0 kgobject as F .
(a) With v 0 = 0, Eq. 2-11 leads to a = v/t .AndEq.2-17gives∆ x = 2 vt Newton’s second law yields
the force F = ma . Eq. 7-8, then, gives the work:
W = F x = m v
2 mv 2
as we expect from the work-kinetic energy theorem. With v = 10 m/s, this yields W = 100 J.
(b) Instantaneous power is defined in Eq. 7-48. With t =3 . 0 s, we find
P = Fv = m v
(c) The velocity at t =1 . 5sis v = at =5 . 0m/s.Thus,
P = Fv =33W .
2 vt = 1
v =67W .
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