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SP-5 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Disaster Recovery Plan



June 1, 2007

Revision A

Table of Contents

SP-5 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)              3

Introduction              3

Description              3

Purpose              3

Principles              3

Content              3

1.              Disaster Recovery Activation              4

2.              Recovery Roles and Responsibilities              4

3.              Disaster Impact and Recovery Assessment              7

4.              Recovery Procedures              8

SP-5 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)



The Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is an assessment matrix and set of procedures to guide the operations actions in the midst of natural or man-made disaster.  This plan is put into effect based on the conditions for activation set forth in the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).  It is only implemented when the scope of the disaster does not cause the enterprise functions to relocate. 


Establish a complete and flexible plan for the restoration of applications and services in the event of a disaster.  Identify the roles, responsibilities and personnel needed to perform to the DRP. Utilize the Impact and Recovery Assessment matrix to determine criticality of outage and impacted resources.


Enterprise functions do not relocate.



The DRP document contains the following elements: Activation, Roles and Responsibilities; Disaster Impact and Recovery Assessment, and Recovery Procedures.





Defined by COOP, DRP activation.

Roles and Responsibilities

This section contains a matrix of the roles and responsibilities (by position) of all personnel throughout the enterprise who are involved in DRP restorations. Alternates are provided for each position.

Disaster Impact and Recovery Assessment

This section contains matrix for assessing the type, duration, impact of the disaster.

Recovery Procedures

This section describes the procedures used to restore the business and systems functions.



1.    Disaster Recovery Activation


As defined by the COOP, the DRP will be activated at the request of a person filling any of the following job positions:  President, CEO, COO, CIO, VP IT Operations, SolMed Security Manager, or Division Security Manager.  Activating a Relocation Site requires the approval of the CEO, President, or COO.


2.    Recovery Roles and Responsibilities






DRP Team Leader



- Directs activities of team, receives COOPs disaster declaration

- Convene/release DRP Team

- Coordinates recovery efforts

- Reports to Executive Committee on progress

- Receives status of DRP recovery efforts

- Directs public relations to DRP media interface

Gwendolynne Therber

Adam Appleby

DRP Alternate Team Leader



- Substitutes for Team Leader, if Team Leader not available

- Aids Team Leader in coordination efforts

Henry Schlogmeister

Melissa Moyer

Network Manager


- Coordinates activities to restore data/voice network infrastructure and devices, Email services

- Gathers network damage assessment and recovery estimates, reports information to DRP Team Leader

Johnny Johnson

Earl Erving

Database Support


- Coordinates effort in support of restoration of databases

- Supports damage assessment and recovery effort

Howard Pinehurst

Hank Gerber

External Contract Support


- Coordinates all contact with external contract support

- Gathers information on any resource supported by external contract and provides information to DRP Team Leader


Winston Nguyen

Carl McConnell

DRP media interface (Public Relations)


- Provide information to DRP Team Leader

- Provide information to media


Mick Mauser

Ralph Wolff

Administrative Support


- Coordinates administrative assistant support to DRP team

- Provide status to DRP Team Leader


Lila Gonzales

Myrna Harper

Purchasing Representative


- Coordinates purchase status to DRP Team Leader

- Purchases/leases equipment

Lex Luthor

Kimberly Knuttsen



- Coordinates efforts of transportation of equipment

- Coordinates logistics between groups for times and locations of deliveries

Michael McMinney

Tiara Schultze

Risk Management


- Informs DRP Team of actions and associated risks

- Suggests actions to minimize risk

Kim Novak

Maxine Pearl

Facilities  Representative



- Coordinates activities to restore/repair of facilities

- Coordinates activities between security and subcontractors

- Gather damage assessment and repair estimates

- Provide restore...

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