Fassbinder - Warnung vor einer Heiligen Nutte (1971).txt

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{2542}{2622}Then there's the story of Wee Willy,|the gangster.
{2641}{2722}Goofy wants to be a children's nurse...
{2737}{2812}so he borrows some clothes|from his Aunt Anna...
{2853}{2934}a red-and-white|checked calico dress and a big hat.
{2936}{3036}And he tries his luck as a kindergarten|teacher, not very successfully, though...
{3037}{3136}because the kids all say they've never|seen such a queer old doll.
{3137}{3216}Goofy gets beaten up by the kids...
{3217}{3283}and flings his gear in the trash can.
{3293}{3368}At that moment,|an escaped convict comes by...
{3385}{3432}Wee Willy, the gangster.
{3434}{3500}He's no bigger than a 3-year-old girl.
{3605}{3689}He finds Goofy's gear in the trash can...
{3691}{3726}and puts it on.
{3727}{3805}On his way home,|Goofy bumps into Wee Willy...
{3807}{3857}wearing Aunt Anna's dress.
{3863}{3943}''Poor little homeless mite,'' Goofy thinks...
{3945}{4020}and takes the little girl home.
{4047}{4132}He dishes up pheasant and partridges...
{4150}{4248}and a whole goose,|and Wee Willy stuffs himself full.
{4268}{4367}Goofy's pretty surprised|at the little girl's appetite.
{4382}{4435}But he's mighty pleased, too...
{4437}{4498}and thumps his fists on the table.
{4504}{4587}Wee Willy behaves terribly,|but at last Goofy finds joy...
{4589}{4636}looking after a child.
{4651}{4737}During the night, the house is|surrounded by gangsters.
{4742}{4804}No, not by gangsters, by police.
{4818}{4907}They storm the house and find Wee Willy.
{4917}{4975}They recognize him,|despite the gear he's wearing.
{4977}{5019}Goofy's amazed and asks...
{5021}{5093}what they want of a poor little girl.|''This is terrible!
{5095}{5163}''What has she done? Poor little orphan!''
{5177}{5292}The police inform him that it's Wee Willy,|a wanted criminal.
{5325}{5399}And as the police carry Willy out...
{5401}{5455}explosive as a hand grenade...
{5463}{5501}Goofy says:
{5521}{5610}''lt must have been a shock|for the poor little girl...
{5612}{5664}''to find out she's a crook.''
{5904}{5960}Look how he gives him a light!
{6167}{6219}l still think he's great.
{6363}{6442}Surely its possible|to get a number in Stuttgart!
{6456}{6496}Yeah, l'll wait.
{6863}{6895}l'm busy.
{7102}{7134}Room 23.
{7469}{7502}Fred here.
{7746}{7816}-They all belong to the same clique.|-Who?
{7857}{7896}Hanna, Ricky...
{7918}{7956}David, Fred...
{7967}{8016}the girl with the curls.
{8175}{8226}You should clean your teeth.
{8227}{8269}Stop mauling me!
{8276}{8316}And Kosinski.
{8362}{8415}They're a kind of commune.
{8424}{8465}What's a commune?
{8512}{8578}They all live together and so on.
{9085}{9155}We start shooting tomorrow, Herr Meister.
{9238}{9297}{Y:i}ls there really no chance of....
{9322}{9386}{Y:i}No, in Munich the check will be....
{9504}{9557}Okay, l'll phone you later.
{9613}{9654}lt makes me sick!
{9963}{10013}Another repressed queen!
{10059}{10092}Our coach.
{10754}{10802}l've drawn up the waking list.
{10804}{10842}You stupid cow!
{10844}{10916}We don't even have the material,|and you make a waking list!
{10917}{10973}You don't have to shout at me.
{10975}{11024}l'll shout at you as long as l like!
{11064}{11099}Where's Mandig?
{11357}{11423}You have to wait for the supertrip...
{11475}{11528}then it's peace all the way.
{11609}{11672}When l came back from a high once...
{11689}{11753}l knew what it was like in the womb.
{11780}{11825}When's Jeff due back?
{11972}{12008}Senor Candy!
{12572}{12625}Damn it! How often do l have to shout?
{12627}{12692}Whenever l want to ask you something,|l have to shout.
{12694}{12762}What the hell are you unit manager for?
{12773}{12841}Don't you realize how fond of you l am?
{12912}{12953}Come on! Get up!
{13049}{13096}l hate you, you satyr!
{13164}{13208}You, too, you witch!
{13666}{13707}l could have done that.
{13709}{13753}Shut your mouth, Koberle!
{13755}{13804}l'm as quiet as a mouse.
{13847}{13894}He's probably ancient.
{13898}{13932}Who knows?
{13947}{14051}There was a race steward in Le Mans|who was 60, but he was really with it.
{14176}{14203}How much?
{14205}{14236}4,000 feet.
{14329}{14366}You're all rats!
{14503}{14545}What's the matter?
{14565}{14610}They're all so nasty!
{14619}{14679}Come on, now! Let's have a drink!
{15050}{15100}Everything's going wrong.
{15112}{15185}We're not getting the material|from Germany.
{15202}{15249}The check has bounced.
{15309}{15353}Okay! lf you say so!
{15382}{15437}Someone will publish my book.
{15440}{15475}You reckon?
{15479}{15558}Otherwise, l'll start an international|hash ring.
{15575}{15625}That's pretty dangerous.
{15634}{15676}Luck's on my side.
{15730}{15792}l don't know what he sees in Eddie.
{15912}{15972}Can you see him as big box office?
{15997}{16042}Ah, what do we know?
{16570}{16623}l do my job and that's all.
{17106}{17171}The Spanish lighting guy turns me on.
{17303}{17335}He's gay.
{17348}{17385}You think so?
{17432}{17476}Let's wait and see!
{17504}{17564}This place is crawling with gays.
{17927}{18012}What happens if the material|doesn't turn up in time?
{18046}{18096}They've cashed the drafts.
{18146}{18207}l thought they'd wait a few days.
{18704}{18762}Go up and write the call sheet!
{18987}{19076}Care to do some work?|Or do you earn your money sleeping?
{19179}{19219}Whatever l do is wrong.
{19221}{19271}Don't keep answering back!
{19354}{19436}-He doesn't know when to stop.|-That's nothing new.
{20191}{20253}Hello, Margaret! l hope everything's okay.
{20255}{20290}Yes thanks, Mark.
{20324}{20373}Things are fine with us.
{20532}{20571}May l sit down?
{20650}{20691}The English dialogue--
{20734}{20771}Just a moment!
{20782}{20869}We have to coordinate the English|and German texts...
{20871}{20918}for the German dubbing.
{20920}{20961}That's obvious.
{20973}{21048}Just do your job,|and they'll leave you alone.
{21117}{21171}They won't let me do my job.
{21216}{21268}-Are you from Germany?|-Yes.
{21426}{21492}My German's not good enough for that.
{21640}{21685}-ls he gay?|-Who?
{21702}{21742}The lighting guy.
{22254}{22324}lf only l knew what l'm meant to look for!
{22356}{22429}The director of the film isn't even here yet!
{22527}{22586}The director must decide on the casting.
{23081}{23118}No understand.
{23422}{23457}Jeff? Hello!
{23525}{23560}But you--
{23602}{23634}No, Jeff.
{23660}{23711}Yeah, sure l understand--
{23722}{23767}But let's at least--
{23940}{24006}We can talk about it again tomorrow--
{24371}{24412}Move your butt!
{24817}{24876}He's coming, but he doesn't want|to make the movie.
{24877}{24936}Says he's spoken with people in Germany...
{24937}{24984}Schl�ndorff, Lemke.
{24986}{25043}One of them will do it, he reckons.
{25045}{25094}No. l'm not having that!
{27444}{27499}What shall l do with the bar?
{27702}{27746}Here, give it to me!
{28259}{28319}Shall l bring something to drink?
{28356}{28392}A coffee, please.
{28394}{28429}Anyone else?
{28457}{28512}Do some work, you lazy bitch!
{28514}{28557}Lazy bitch, yourself!
{28559}{28609}Everyone thinks he can push me around.
{28611}{28657}-Where's Ricky?|-Gone to the coast.
{28659}{28691}Who with?
{28812}{28874}-How are things, Hanna?|-Fine, Jeff.
{28893}{28940}Where's the cameraman?
{28942}{29026}He refuses to work|before he's talked with you.
{29037}{29107}No problem. Say, what is this place here?
{29147}{29192}The minister's villa.
{29333}{29375}Are you all crazy?
{29397}{29491}l want a palace, and you get me|this lousy little hole!
{29504}{29553}l just don't believe it!
{29566}{29635}What is this? A kindergarten?
{29662}{29735}Learn how to make movies first,|you bastards!
{29807}{29861}A villa? Don't make me laugh!
{29895}{29960}lf you want to get into car racing...
{29978}{30047}you have to do a lot of rally driving...
{30089}{30140}before they'll accept you.
{30237}{30284}And that costs a bomb.
{30760}{30805}He looks really old.
{30935}{30978}l think he's great.
{31952}{31994}How are things, David?
{31996}{32030}Fine, Jeff.
{32372}{32408}Where's Manfred?
{32410}{32441}Room 30.
{32972}{33021}How are the horses doing?
{33090}{33149}lf you need anything, just let me know!
{33502}{33571}Have you seen the set?
{33592}{33682}-Have you seen the set, l asked?|-l thought you'd like it.
{33684}{33756}lt's not even a house, let alone a palace!
{33757}{33805}lt's a miserable shack.
{33872}{33932}But who cares? l'm flying back tomorrow.
{33933}{33965}Why that?
{34233}{34288}The material wasn't on board.
{34307}{34345}What material?
{34387}{34497}We can't get the material from Germany,|so we've ordered it from Madrid.
{34498}{34532}Why Madrid?
{34552}{34622}Do you think l'm shooting|with Spanish material?
{34624}{34677}There's no difference, Jeff.
{34816}{34860}l'll go and get him.
{35041}{35095}For once in my life l wanted...
{35097}{35185}to make a movie without having|all the responsibilities.
{35218}{35290}You're producing it with|my money anyway...
{35310}{35370}and making a balls-up of it, too.
{35388}{35426}l must be nuts!
{35484}{35567}You all do what you like with me...
{35568}{35630}because l'm such a reasonable guy.
{35725}{35762}What's up now?
{35787}{35849}l'm not putting up with it anymore!
{35872}{35948}l stuff my money|down that bastard's throat...
{35967}{36036}and l don't even get first-class material.
{36072}{36111}l'm flying home.
{36115}{36165}Book me a ...
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