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Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations
and Their Applications, Vol. 61, 91–108
Temperature Driven Mass Transport
in Concentrated Saturated Solutions
Antonio Fasano and Mario Primicerio
Abstract. We study the phenomenon of thermally induced mass transport in
partially saturated solutions under a thermal gradient, accompanied by de-
position of the solid segregated phase on the “cold” boundary. We formulate
a one-dimensional model including the displacement of all species (solvent,
solute and segregated phase) and we analyze a typical case establishing exis-
tence and uniqueness.
1. Introduction
It is well known that saturation of a solution of a solute S in a solvent Σ is achieved
at some concentration c S depending on temperature T . Typically c S is a smooth
function of T such that c S ( T ) > 0. Therefore, if one excludes supersaturation, it
is possible to produce the following facts by acting on the thermal field:
(i) cooling a solution of concentration c to a temperature T such that c >
c S ( T ), segregation of the substance S is produced as a solid phase, typically
in the form of suspended crystals,
(ii) maintaining a thermal gradient in a saturated solution creates a concentration
gradient of the solute inducing diffusion.
These phenomena are believed to be the most important origin of the formation
of a deposit of solid wax on the pipe wall during the transportation of mineral oils
with a high content of heavy hydrocarbons (waxy crude oils) in the presence of
significant heat loss to the surroundings (see the survey paper [1]).
In the paper [2] we have illustrated some general features of the behavior of
non-isothermal saturated solutions in bounded domains, including the appearance
of an unsaturated region and the deposition of solid matter at the boundary.
Work performed in the framework of the cooperation between Enitecnologie (Milano) and I2T3
2005 Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland
A. Fasano and M. Primicerio
The analysis of [2] was based on the following simplifying assumptions:
(a) the three components of the system, namely the solute, the solvent and the
segregated phase, have the same density (supposed constant in the range of
temperature considered),
(b) the concentrations of the solute and of the segregated phase are small in
comparison with the concentration of the solvent.
The consequences of (a) are that gravity has no effect and that the segrega-
tion/dissolution process does not change volume.
The consequences of (b) are that solvent can be considered immobile and
that the presence of a growing solid deposit has a negligible effect on the mass
transport process.
For the specific application to waxy crude oil assumption (a) is reasonable
on the basis of experimental evidence, but assumption (b) may not be realistic. Of
course eliminating (b) leads to a much more complex situation.
For this reason we want to formulate a new model in which, differently from
[2], the displacement of all the components is taken into account, as well as the
influence of the growing deposit on the whole process.
In order to be able to perform some mathematical analysis of the problem and
to obtain some qualitative results we confine our attention to the one-dimensional
case, considering a system confined in the slab 0 <x<L . Of course the results
can be adapted with minor changes to a region bounded by coaxial cylinders (the
geometry of some laboratory device devoted to the measure of thickness of deposit
layers formed under controlled temperature gradients).
The general features of the model are presented in Section 2. In Section 3 we
consider a specific experimental condition in which we pass through three stages:
at time t = 0 the system is totally saturated with the segregated phase present
everywhere, next a desaturation front appears and eventually the saturated zone
becomes extinct. The rest of the paper is devoted to the study of the three stages,
showing existence and uniqueness and obtaining some qualitative properties.
2. Description of physical system and
the governing differential equations
During the evolution of the process we are going to study we can find a saturated
and an unsaturated region. Supposing that at any point and at any time the segre-
gated phase is in equilibrium with the solution, there will be no solid component in
the unsaturated region. We recall that all the components have the same density
ρ , whose dependence on temperature is neglected.
The saturated region is a two-phase system:
– The solid phase is the segregated material. It is made of suspended particles
(crystals) having some mobility. We denote its concentration by G ( x, t )
– The liquid phase is a saturated solution. Its concentrantion for the whole
system is
Γ( x, t ).
Temperature Driven Mass Transport
In turn, the solution is a two-component system containing
– the solute with concentration c (mass of solute per unit volume of the system)
– the solvent with concentration γ (mass of solvent per unit volume of the
In the sequel we will use the non-dimensional quantities
G = G/ρ, Γ=Γ /ρ, c = c/ρ, γ = γ/ρ.
Γ= γ + c (2.1)
G +Γ=1 . (2.2)
We can also introduce the relative non-dimensional concentrations (mass of
solute and of solvent per unit mass of the solution)
c rel = c/ Γ γ rel = γ/ Γ . (2.3)
As we pointed out, saturated region is characterized by the fact that c rel =
c S ( T ) where the latter quantity is the saturation concentration and depends on
the local temperature T only.
On c S ( T ) we make the following assumption:
c S
C 3 ,c S > 0
in a temperature interval [ T 1 ,T 2 ].
Displacement of the various components is generated by spatial dishomogeneity.
Let J G ,J Γ be the fluxes of segregated solid and of solution, respectively, in a
saturated region.
Let Q be the mass passing, per unit time and per unit volume (rescaled by
ρ ), from segregated to dissolved phase. Then we have the balance equations
+ ∂J G
+ ∂J Γ
= Q.
From (2.2) it follows that
∂x ( J G + J Γ )=0 ,
expressing bulk volume conservation and implying
J G + J Γ =0
if there is no global mass exchange with the exterior, as we suppose.
At this point we do not take the general view point of mixture theory, but
we make the assumption that G is transported by diffusion. Thus
J G =
D G ∂G
∂x ,
where D G is the diffusivity coe cient for the segregated phase.
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A. Fasano and M. Primicerio
We notice that (2.8) is consistent with the fact that all the components of
the system have the same density, so that we may say that suspended particles do
not feel internal rearrangements of the solution components.
Next we have to describe the flow of the components in the solution, and
denote by J γ and J c the flux of solvent and of solute, respectively. Of course
J Γ = J γ + J c . (2.9)
Here too we take a simplification supposing that the solute flow J c relative
to the solution is of Fickian type, i.e.,
J c =
D ∂c rel
where D>D G is the solute diffusivity so that in the saturated region J c is a given
function of the thermal gradient.
The flux J c is the sum of Γ J c and of the convective flux due to the motion
of the solution. Introducing the velocity of the solution
V Γ = J Γ / Γ
we have
J c = cV Γ J c = c rel J Γ J c . (2.12)
Consequently we have the following expression for J c for the saturated and
unsaturated case (still retaining the basic assumption of absence of bulk mass
transfer, (2.7))
J c = c S D G ∂G
G ) D ∂c S
∂x , for the saturated case
D ∂c rel
D ∂c
J c =
∂x , for the unsaturated case ( G =0) .
At this point we can write the balance equation for the solute
∂t + ∂J c
= Q.
While for the unsaturated case, (2.15) is nothing but
D 2 c
∂x 2
= 0
in the saturated case we have c = c S ( T )(1
G ) and hence
c S ∂G
∂x {
c S D G ∂G
G ) D ∂c S
∂x }
= Q,
which provides the expression of Q . Thus (2.4) takes the form
D G 2 G
∂x 2
c S {
( D G + D ) ∂c S
G ) D 2 c S
∂x 2 }
=0 . (2.18)
It is also convenient to observe that from γ + c + G =1and c = c S (1
G )
we obtain
γ =(1 − c S )(1 − G ) ,
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Temperature Driven Mass Transport
from which using (2.7), (2.9), (2.13) we deduce the expression
J γ =
D G ∂γ
∂x +( D
D G )
∂c S
∂x .
c S
We are interested in the in which T is a linear function of x independent
of time:
T 1 ) x
T = T 1 +( T 2
where the boundary temperatures T 1 ,T 2 (with T 1 <T 2 )aregiveninsuchaway
that a saturation phase is present, at least for some time.
Remark 1. The assumption that temperature has the equilibrium profile (2 . 21) is
acceptable if heat diffusivity is much larger than D (which is certainly true), so
that thermal equilibrium is achieved before any significant mass transport takes
place, and if we may neglect the amount of heat that is released or absorbed during
the segregation/dissolution process. In the specific case of waxy crude oils it can be
seen that the latter assumption is fulfilled (the influence of latent heat associated
to deposition is likewise negligible).
3. Modelling a specific mass transport process with deposition
We restrict our analysis to the following process, easily reproducible in a laboratory
We start with a solution at uniform concentration c ( ) and uniform tem-
perature T with c below saturation. Then we cool the system rapidly to the
temperature profile (2.21) in such a way that c = c /ρ > c S ( T 2 ), so that the
whole system becomes saturated with a (non-dimensional) concentration
G 0 ( x )= c − c S ( T ( x ))(1 − G 0 ( x ))
of segregated phase, with
c 0 ( x )= c S ( T ( x ))(1 − G 0 ( x ))
being the corresponding concentration of the solute.
These will be our initial conditions. Starting from t = 0 the system will evolve
through the following stages.
Stage 1. G> 0 throughout the system
Themassflowtowardsthecoldwall x = 0 produced by the gradient of c S ( T ( x ))
generates various phenomena:
the solute mass leaving the warm wall x = L has to be replaced by the
segregated phase,
mass exchange occurs between the solid and the liquid phase, as described in
the previous section,
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