Savage Worlds - Coffin Rock - pf.pdf

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Credits & Acknowledgements
Written by: Sean Michael Fish
Additional Material: Jennifer Dornan
Editors: Dave and Jenny Blewer, Simon Lucas, Piotr Korys,
Paul “Wiggy” Wade Williams
Typesetting: Robin Elliott
Art Direction: Aaron Acevedo
Cover Artist: Chris Appel
Graphic Design: Travis Anderson
Interior Artwork: Christophe Swale
Savage Worlds by Shane Lacy Hensley
© 2008 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Deadlands, Smiling Jack, Savage Worlds, and all related
marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All Rights Reserved.
Produced under license by Studio 2 Publishing, Inc. The Studio 2 logo is a trademark of
Studio 2 Publishing, Inc. ©2008. All Rights Reserved.
C hapter 1 - h ell I n a h Igh p laCe ..1
Hardware Store ....................................19
The Story So Far.................................1
The Set Up .............................................3
Bank .........................................................20
Adventure Summary ..........................4
The Daly Place.....................................20
C hapter 2 - a t wIsted t own ..........5
Corral .......................................................20
Newspaper office.................................20
Getting to Coffin Rock......................5
Somethings Wrong Here ...................5
Boarding House....................................20
Heartbreak Hotel ...............................6
A Flawed Jewel ...................................7
C hapter 3 - r un t o t he h Ills .......21
Law & Disorder....................................9
A Bloody Pearl.....................................21
Fools Gold..............................................10
Out of Control ......................................22
Wet Goods..............................................11
Walkin’ Dead Miners..........................23
Unholy Communion.............................12
Under the Influence ............................23
Altered State.........................................13
Whats up Doc........................................14
C hapter 4 - d ust t o d ust ................25
Fade to Black .......................................15
Six Feet Under......................................16
Mystery Of The Mine.........................25
Mayor’s Office.......................................19
The Mudder Lode................................26
School House.........................................19
Practice What You Preach................28
Barbers ....................................................19
Map of Coffin Rock ...........................30
Hell in a High Place
Howdy partner, and welcome to the irst ofi-
cial adventure for Deadlands: Reloaded.
This tale is set in the troubled town of Cofin
Rock, Colorado. If you’re a savvy cuss you already
know Colorado is taken from the Spanish for
“color red.” Your posse would do well to give this
some serious consideration when they enter this
place—it might just save their sorry lives!
Cofin Rock is named for the large, morbidly
shaped bluff looming over the town. Not far from
the base of that ominous stone outcropping lies
the Cooked Earth Mine—a blasted pit of sorrow
that stole many a miner’s life as he desperately
dug for copper in its played-out depths.
You might think we’d take it easy on folks just
starting out in the Weird West, this being the
irst oficial adventure and all. Sorry, amigo, but
if you’re looking to be treated with kid gloves,
you’ve come to the wrong place. See, something
just ain’t right in Cofin Rock and there’s no one
but these greenhorn heroes to igure out what
that is. If you think they have the brains, ighting
skills, and most important of all the intestinal
fortitude to survive, bring ’em on in. You best
remember one little thing though, we call it
Savage Worlds for a reason.
Cofin Rock is intended for Novice or at most
Seasoned heroes. But don’t worry, Marshal, if
your posse has carved themselves a bigger slice
of fame in the Weird West we’ve included a way
to make the whole thing a big challenge for even
the hardiest veterans of the Weird West. So strap
on your six-guns and get ready for the ride.
Oh, and because we haven’t said it for a while,
welcome to Hell.
Rising up from the plains of Kansas and cross-
ing westward into Colorado brings a traveler to
the Rocky Mountains. The rugged Colorado ter-
ritory is home to many hundreds of great peaks
in excess of 10,000 feet, riddled with seams of
valuable minerals. Countless boom towns have
sprung up to drag their fortunes from the earth’s
rocky clutches.
Cofin Rock began as just such a town—founded
when copper was discovered in the surrounding
mountains. Smaller claims came and went, and
the town’s fortunes rose and fell accordingly. But
it was one big strike, and the man who made it,
that shaped the town’s history and its current
Daly’s Tale
John Daly had everything. An only child from
a rich Boston family, he took his inheritance and
left to make his name on the frontier. He made
it as far as Colorado and went into the mining
business. In Cofin rock he struck a rich vein of
copper in his irst venture—the Cooked Earth
claim. Cofin Rock started booming, and Daly
saw the opportunity to make some real money.
He bought up vacant lots and inanced various
businesses encouraging the town’s expansion.
His conidence and good reputation drew settlers
to Cofin Rock like moths to a lame.
But Daly’s conidence was ill-founded and
in time the mines started playing out, even the
Cooked Earth started losing money. In an effort
to bolster conidence in the town he owned so
much of, Daly bought up the failing mines, but
the more he tried to dig his way out of trouble,
the deeper he got. Without new miners the town
began to suffer. Cofin Rock was dying.
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