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Name              ____________________________

Class              ____________________________

End-of-course Test 
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   B


1              Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example:              Who made this cake?

Who made   Who did make   Who make

1              ________ of us passed the exam. We all failed.

              Neither   None   Some

2              On the weather forecast they said that it’s ________ to snow next week.

              likely   probable   probably

3              I love ________ in their flat.

              some furnitures   the furnitures   the furniture

4              ________ are famous for their cooking.

              French   The French   The French people

5              The climbers have reached the summit of ________ Mount Everest.

              (–)   a   the

6              ________ the fact that the exam was difficult, everybody passed.

              Although   In spite   Despite

7              Her father is in ________ hospital. He’s having an operation on Friday.

              the   a   (–)

8              Do you know what time ________?

              the film ends   ends the film   does end the film

9              I watch British and American TV programmes ________ forget my English.

              to not   not to   so as not to

10              She has ________ hair.

              dark beautiful long   beautiful long dark   long beautiful dark




2              Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example:              I’ve known (know) Nathan since I was child.

1              The thief admitted ________ (steal) the bracelet.

2              I wish I ________ (not tell) the truth when my friend asked me if I liked her boyfriend.

3              Ouch! I ________ (cut) my finger – have we got any plasters in the house?

4              The woman that the police are looking for ________ (say) to be in her 30s.

5              I’ll phone you as soon as I ________ (speak) to Alex.

6              This time tomorrow I ________ (sit) on the plane to New York.

7              By the end of the year we ________ (save) enough to buy a house.

8              When it started raining, we ________ (play) for about an hour.

9              I arrived at the cinema half an hour late and the film ________ (start).

10              My little sister has promised ________ (not talk) in class.

11              Where have you been? I ________ (wait) for you for ages!

12              You shouldn’t ________ (say) that to her yesterday. She’ll never forgive you.

13              It’s very noisy here at the moment because the house next door ________ (redecorate).

14              Take a map with you in case you ________ (get) lost.

15              He would have been happier if he ________ (not get married) so young.




3              Complete the sentences with one word.

Example:              A  I loved the film.   B  So did I.

1              ________ earlier we leave this evening, the less traffic there will be.

2              Sam went to Italy for his holiday last year, ________ he?

3              You can’t ________ left your keys at the restaurant. You used them to open the door.

4              It was ________ a windy day that we decided not to go to the beach.

5              I don’t feel well. I’d ________ go to the doctor’s.

6              I can’t ________ used to driving this car. It’s really different from my old one.

7              The café, ________ is on the corner of Tudor Street, sells great coffee.

8              ________ having a lot of work, the lawyer agreed to take on a new client.

9              The woman with ________ I used to share an office has just set up her own company.

10              Matthew didn’t ________ to be very sociable, but now he goes out much more often.

11              Neither Simon ________ Rebecca can come to my party.

12              It sounds as ________ the people next door are having a party.

13              We’re ________ the kitchen painted at the moment.

14              I don’t speak French, but my husband ________.

15              There’s ________ milk. We’ve finished it all.





Grammar total




4              Complete the gaps with one word made from the word in brackets.

Example:              I mispronounced the word so nobody understood me. (pronounce)

1              Chicago is a large ________ city in the USA. (industry)

2              I felt very ________ when I couldn’t remember his name. (embarrass)

3              Microsoft is a ________ company. (nation)

4              He behaves like a child. He’s very ________. (mature)

5              There is still too much ________ in the third world. (poor)

6              Be careful you don’t fall. The pavement is very ________. (slip)

7              The hotel was great, but ________ the weather was terrible. (fortunate)

8              His first novel was very ________. I’m sure it’ll be a success. (impress)

9              Isaac Newton was a very famous ________. (science)

10              He loved his birthday presents, ________ the new laptop. (special)




5              Complete the words in the sentences.

Example:              very angry = furious

1              a group of people who sing together = c________

2              you put your head on this when you sleep = p________

3              the person who plays the drums = d________

4              when you open your mouth very wide because you are tired = y________

5              A person who speaks two languages is b________.

6              a person who writes about the good and bad qualities of a book, film, or play = c________

7              another word for luggage = b________

8              A person who acts without thinking is i________.

9              a snow storm with very strong winds = b________

10              extremely pleased = d________

11              an illness where you usually have a cold and a temperature = f________

12              you use these to breathe = l________

13              a person who sees a crime = w________

14              a person who works with you in a company = c________

15              the opposite of tight (e.g. trousers) = l________




6              Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Example:              It’s quite chilly today and I’ve heard it’s going to get even colder.

warm   chilly   damp

1              You need to learn the new vocabulary by _______.

              heart   memory   mind

2              That jumper really _______ you. It makes you look ten years younger.

              fits   matches   suits

3              The criminal was _______ guilty by the court.

              charged   found   sentenced

4              Don’t _______ your voice! I can’t bear it when people shout.

              rise   raise   put up

5              What’s the matter? You look a bit _______ in the dumps today.

              sad   low   down

6              You can’t believe anything you read in that newspaper. It’s very _______.

              objective   accurate   biased

7              I was really relieved when I passed my driving test, because I had been _______ to fail.

              expecting   hoping   waiting

8              Watch _______! You nearly hit that car.

              up   to   out

9              That’s a very deep cut. I think you’ll need to have _______.

              stitches   scan   a needle

10              You look hot! You’re _______.

              sweating   shivering   melting

11              Their business _______ a huge profit last year.


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