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Every Call Of Cthulhu Article & Scenario... Ever!
Part 1: Skills and Weapons
by Marcus L Rowland
How to play Call of Cthulhu campaigns set in the 1980's, including new skills and weapons.
Call of Cthulhu is set in the cosy world of the 1920's, and much
of the game's charm lies in its period setting. However, it is
possible to run adventures or campaigns set in the present
day, and still produce situations as horrific as any that might
arise in the heyday of the Cthulhu mythos. The power of the
beings of the Cthulhu mythos may not be a match forthe more
violent examples of modern weaponry, but it has never been
suggested that they would wish to begin any open confronta-
tion. Their evil has always been exerted by carefully concealed
routes, traps for the occasionally unwary individual or a slow
gathering of strength for a rare and secretive use of power.
One problem of a modern campaign is the possibility that
players will not take the games events seriously. Their first
exposure to a Cthulhu-inspired mass murderer, or to a cult's
random terrorism, should change their minds...
for lack of familiarity. (Example: Compiler BASIC is a subset of
BASIC and of Machine Code, and can be used with 5% less skill
proficiency than either - if a character has skills in both these
languages their skill in Compiler Basic would be 5% less than
the better of these skills).
Variants of the same language (Example: PET Basic and
APPLE Basic) are used without skill penalties provided a few
minutes are available for familiarisation. Unless otherwise
stated, it should be assumed that a character's first proficiency
is with BASIC.
The ability to extract information from open data bases such
as Ceefax or Prestel is covered by library research skills, and
not Computer Programming skill unless some programming
is required.
Data gathering (Knowledge). The character is able to make
effective use of devices such as video cameras, tape recorders,
electronic 'bugs', and the like, and knows how to perform
routine servicing if they malfunction.
Electronics (Knowledge). The character can identify elec-
tronic parts, trace circuitry, etc and use this knowledge to
determine the function and probable origin of electronic
devices, make repairs, etc.
Nuclear Physics (Knowledge). The character has theoretical
and/or practical knowledge of this subject, which can be
applied to problems such as decontaminating irradiated
Investigators, the defusing (or assembly) of home-made
weapons, etc.
Pharmacy (Knowledge). Includes the ability to identify nar-
cotics and hallucinogens.
Treat Poison (Knowledge). Includes the ability to deal with
those suffering from drug overdoses, 'bad trips', etc.
Drive Automobile/Motorcycle (Manipulation). Characters
may preferto specialise in Drive Motorcycle ratherthan Drive
Automobile. Both ski Ms are used in the same way. Possession
of one skill does not imply possession of the other. A
minimum of 20% skill is required for safe road operation of
either vehicle under normal conditions, and is available for
one of the two forms of vehicle without point cost in the
character generation process. Characters may, of course,
choose both skills, but the full point cost must be paid for the
second skill.
Parachute (Manipulation). Possession if this skill allows the
Investigator to make landings under normal conditions with-
out injury, and gives a roll against injury in difficult or unusual
conditions. If characters do not have parachute skill they must
make a roll under 2 x DEX to avoid injury in any use of a
parachute. Characters with parachute skill make a skill roll to
avoid any chance of injury in adverse conditions, then a DEX
roll if the skill roll fails (Example: John Castle has 20%
parachute skill and 12 DEX, and has to make a freefall jump
into a moutainous area. The referees rules that these are
unusual conditions. Castle rolls 25 for skill, a failure, but then
rolls 22, under DEX x 2, to avoid injury). If skill and DEX rolls
fail the user takes 3d6 injury. If skill rolls or DEX rolls are above
95 a luck roll should also be made to avoid a parachute mal-
function for an additional 6d6 injury.
Pilot Aircraft (Manipulation). Normal skill applies only to
propeller driven craft. If skill with helicopters or jets is desired
a prerequisite is a minimum of 30% normal skill. A minimum
of 20% skill is required to use any form of modern aircraft,
regardless of type (Example: Joe Meades decides to become
a pilot and selects 50% normal aircraft skill, 20% jet aircraft, and
Character Generation
The standard methods used in Call of Cthulhu produce a
character well-equipped for the 1920's but less suitable for the
1980's. The following additional and modified skills should be
made available to players - some are essential, most are useful:
Computer Programming (Knowledge). The player character
is familiar with the use of one or more computer languages.
Since there are a vast range of languages it is essential that
one specific type be selected initially, with further languages
added for each 10% skill attained. If a previously unknown lan-
guage is to be used the attempt is made at 5%. (Example: Eric
Potter has 30% computer skill, in the form of BASIC30, FORTH20,
COBOL 10. He wishes to attempt to gain access to a system
operating FORTRAN, rolls 02, and succeeds). Obviously, those
languages which are either subsets or simplified forms of a
parent language can be used as the parent language, less 5%
30% helicopter). Wholly unfamiliar forms of aircraft are piloted
with 20% of the total of all forms of aircraft skills (Example: Joe
Meades is trapped aboard a hovercraft by cultists, and decides
to escape by piloting the vessel out to sea. He has a total of 100
points aircraft skill, giving a 20% chance of mastering the con-
trols, but rolls 87 and is still trying to start the engines as the
cultists break in. Sorry, Joe...). It should be remembered that it
may be physically or technically impossible to perform some
aircraft skills single handed -for example, some modern airlin-
ers require a ground crews' help to start their engines.
Referees will probably find that players wish to gain other
skills (eg Scuba Diving). Such ingenuity should not be discour-
aged, but the referees should not allow characters extra skill
points for the acquisition of other abilities. Some skills may,
however, be incorporated into existing skills (Example: Hang-
gliding into parachute skill, Truck Driving into Drive
Automobile) with some loss of proficiency. If a Prior Experi-
ence skill generation procedure is used the referees will need
to control the options available to players with great care.
While it may seem I ike a good idea to allow a character to serve
with the SA'S or Green Berets, in practice Investigators with
the skills likely to result would seriously unbalance the game.
As a genera I guideline, the increase in technical training inhe-
rent in almost all modern jobs and professions should give an
additional 20% skill for each five years in an occupation.
(Example: To Enlisted Man add a second skill from the alterna-
tives Drive Auto, Electrical Repair or Operate Heavy Machine,
double the level of these skills to 10% and add another 5% to
one combat skill). Some new prior careers follow:
Engineer: Chemistry or Geology (10), Computer Program-
ming (15), Electronics or Electrical Repair or Mechanical
Repair (15), Operate Heavy Machinery (20), 30% chance of
Nuclear Physics or Pilot Aircraft (30), players choice.
Rock Musician (Only available to characters of CHA 11+):
Electronics (20), Pharmacy (10), Drive Automobile (10), Credit
Rating (10), Bargain (10), Fast Talk (10), Sing (5), 10% chance
of Pilot Aircraft (30). It is not usually practical to allow player
characters to be active in this profession during a campaign.
Criminal (White Collar): Read/Write English (5), Accounting
orComputer Programming (20), Law (15), Listen (5), Psychology
(5), Bargain (10), Fast Talk (10). For each period in this occupa-
tion a luck roll should be made, if unsuccessful the character
spends the next 5 years in prison.
Convict: Any two knowledge skills except Cthulhu mythos
(20), Library Use (10), Hide (10), Move Quietly (10), Pick Pockets
(10), Credit Rating (-10), 15% chance of any one weapon skill
(10) ortwo hand-to-hand skills (5).
Since income can vary considerably in different countries it is
almost impossible to produce a single standard formula for
the calculation of Investigators wealth. For British characters
in the 1980's a roll of d4+3 multiplied by a thousand pounds
should give a useful range, assuming that this is income after
taxes and other deductions have been made, with profession-
als earning £1000 x d6+2 and authors £1000 x d8. These
figures should not be considered to be especially close to the
true income of these groups - they are simply convenient val-
ues for accounting purposes.
In order to simplify conversion to modern conditions it is
assumed that all types covered by the original rules retain
their power, range, etc - in effect, these designs are still made
because they are suitable for the uses for which they were
originally produced. However, there are also several new
designs and types which are not covered bytheoriginal rules:
2. Modified military designs. A competent gunsmith can con-
vert them to full automatic operation.
It should be remembered that it is extremely difficult to buy
firearms without various official permits in most modern
countries, and that full auto machine guns are illegal almost
everywhere. Prices have not been listed since there are a wide
variety of weapons in each specification.
3. Disposable launcher, no guidance system. Uses shaped
charges for impaling explosive penetration. Weapon is carried
in a pack, unfolded, fired, launcher discarded. Wire or laser
guided, usable by trained personnel only. Launcher can be
reused (after several rounds).
Even the least powerful heavy military weapons of today
could probably destroy any creature of the Cthulhu mythos
with relative ease. A single anti-tank missile, for example,
would probably inflict over a hundred points of damage on
any creature it struck at a range of several miles. Since such
weapons could seriously upset a campaign's balance it is
suggested that they be kept in the background for mopping-up
operations after the main action has ended. However, it is poss-
ible that some of the events of a campaign may be motivated
by factors relating to such weaponry.
The most 'advanced' weapons, such as atomic bombs, cause
extreme damage over a large area. The following (simplified)
table gives the ranges for various results of their use.
Nuclear Weapons
100 yards
1000 yards
8 miles
Radius of damage
1 mile
20 miles
40 miles
1 mile
5 miles
20 miles
35 miles
75 miles
5 miles
25 miles
40 miles
75 miles
100 miles
200 miles
Kt = Kilotonnes Mt = Megatonnes
Total refers to the radius within which it is impossible to sur-
vive regardless of a character's skills or physical characteris-
tics. Objects within this radius will either be vaporised, burnt,
or reduced to pulverised rubble.
Blast refers to the radius within which all structures are sub-
jected to severe damage, and all living creatures take 10d100
damage. Any investigator within this radius will almost cer-
tainly receive a lethal radiation dose.
Secondary is the radius within which structures and people
take significant damage (from Shockwaves, falling rubble, fly-
ing splinters of glass, etc.) and within which most electronic
equipment will become useless, due to magnetic erasure of
data (in computers), radiation damage to transistors, etc. Any
living creature within this radius will take 5d20 damage, which
may be halved by a successful luck roll.
Fallout indicates the radius within which characters will
need to take precautions against drifting radioactive dust and
gas, for a period of several months after a nuclear explosion.
It should be remembered that some conventional weapons
are nearly as powerful as tactical atomic weapons. Under cer-
tain circumstances (eg the player characters are a mile under-
ground in a lead-liner bunker) the referee may wish to modify
these results.
An additional possibility referees should consider is that the
unannounced use of atomic weapons may trigger a
worldwide nuclear conflict. This might, of course, be the
reason for their use by cuitist groups.
Other weapons which might enter a campaign on a similar
basis are military gases, toxins, and beam weapons, but there
is too little data available to allow a hard and fast description
of their effects.
John Brunner
Dr Christopher Evans
Dave Langford (and others)
Fritz Leiber
Eric Frank Russell
Bob Shaw
John Sladek
Weapons Table for the 80's
LightSMG 1
9mm Machine Pistol 1
Heavy SMG 1
Revolver, .357 Magnum
Automatic, .357 Magnum
Autoloading Rifle, .22 2
Autoloading Shotgun, .22 2
Autoloading Rifle, 9mm 2
Light Anti-Tank
Rocket 3
Heavy Anti-Tank
Rocket 3
Range Break
- The Atlantic Abomination
- Cults of Unreason
- The Magicians
- The Necronomicon
- Our Lady of Darkness
- Sinister Barrier
- An Uncomic Comic Book Story
- The New Apocrypha
Referees may also find episodes of the TV series The Prisoner
and The Avengers helpful in suggesting plot ideas for their
own campaigns.D
Next Isslie, Part II will be scenario and campaign outlines
utilising some of the skill and weaponry mentioned above.
15 yards
30 yards
20 yards
20 yards
25 yards
20 yards
75 yards
5d6(1 yard radius) 5% SOOyards
1 8d6(3yards radius) 0% SOOyards
5 Impales
1. Fired as automatic weapons (see Sourcebook for the
Part 2: Mini-scenario Outlines by Marcus L Rowland
Three scenario outlines for Call of Cthulhu in the 1980's, using new
skills and rules from WD42"s article.
Miniscenario for
3-5 player
Players Information
The British Animal Preservation
Society (BAPS) have received
reports suggesting that the noise
and explosions of a recent war
have seriously upset the ecology
of the Lesser Barbed Penguin,
an endangered species found
only on a few Antarctic islands.
Accordingly, they have financed
an expedition to see if anything
can be done to aid the species,
hiring various experts and ex-
plorers including the team.
When the ship sails from Dover
all is well, but by the time it
reaches the Antarctic two crew-
men have died in mysterious
accidents and another seems to
be permanently insane...
for 3-5 beginning
player characters
'It's Kildare - he's in shock.'
'I'm not surprised. What on
earth was that thing?'
Referees Information
No matter how hard the team try
to find a common cause they will
learn nothing, since the acci-
dents were caused by careless-
ness and the intense cold, while
the insanity was caused by the
crewman, an alcoholic, acciden-
tally drinking methylated spirits
Players Information
Jim Kildare, a well-known TV
personality who presents the
weekly programme Psychic
World, has offered the team jobs
as researchers for his show. The
team have been invited to his
London home one evening in
early November, to dine and
sign their contracts. When they
arrive they find that the house is
completely dark and the front
door is slightly ajar. Strange
crashes and croaking noises can
be heard.
questions he called a contact at
the computer company, who
told him that the machine was a
multi-user device which could
communicate with home
machines by telephone. Kildare
had the necessary equipment on
his own home computer (used
for word processing and
research) and managed to dis-
cover several unlisted telephone
numbers for the offices. He
decided to try to interrogate the
machine by phone to learn more
about the group's activities. To
his surprise there were no prob-
lems, and he did not even need
to use a password to contact the
computer. However, as soon as
he began to read the books
stored by the cult he realised that
something was badly wrong (and
lost 5 points of SAN). What Kil-
dare did not realise was that the
cult had fitted a tracing device to
the computer, which gave them
his home telephone number and
(with a little research) his
address. Kildare has spent the
last three evenings reading the
books stored on the computer,
gaining 14 points of Cthulhu
Mythos knowledge (and inciden-
tally losing more SAN). He does
not yet realise that the books
represent anything more than a
compilation of legends. Mean-
while, the cult have sacrificed
two tramps to Nyarlathotep.
who has responded by sending
one of his Hunting Horrors to
Kildare's House. It arrived a few
minutes before the team, crash-
ing through the roof and attic
floor at the back of the house,
and has now cornered Kildare
under his steel desk. As the team
reach the house it is preparing to
throw the desk aside and kill
him. If the team enter immed-
iately and rush to his aid it will
be diverted, otherwise he will
die, and the creature will leave
the way it came. If Kildare sur-
vives he will be insane, since his
reading and the sight of the crea-
ture have drained too many
points of SAN. Searching Kil-
dare's house will reveal the wrec-
kage of his computer (formerly
in the attic, now on the second
floor) and several hundred pages
of printed data from the cult's
files. Kildare's printer used a
modernistic typeface, and al-
though the pages include almost
all the Necronomicon they will
give Cthulhu Mythos knowledge
(and a corresponding loss of
SAN) without any chance of
spells. Spot Hidden Object will
reveal a notepad under the pap-
ers, recording the cult's tele-
phone number and address. The
contracts have been destroyed.
The cult's headquarters is in a
house near Regents Park, and
holds 5d4 cultists of whom 1-3
carry firearms and 1-4 have spell
knowledge. The ground floor is
an apparently innocent suite of
offices with a receptionist who is
a cultist. On the upper floors are
the computer room, and a lib-
rary holding several hundred
innocuous books hiding a com-
plete English Necronomicon and
the books Nameless Cults and
True Magick. The basement is a
soundproofed temple of Nyar-
lathotep and contains gold orna-
ments worth five hundred
pounds. At any time 3d4 more
cultists will be away from the
temple, and.may revenge any
action the team takes.D
Referees Information
A British cult worshipping Nyar-
lathotep covers its activities by
posing as a crank philisophical
movement. The Sons Of The
Earth, who claim to renounce all
forms of technology. A few
months ago they decided to
speed their operations by trans-
ferring some of their occult lore
to a computer data base. The
purchase should not have been
noticed, since it was arranged via
a third party, but a journalist
happened to pass their head-
quarters while the machine was
being delivered and wrote a
short article which appeared in
several computer magazines,
speculating on their reasons for
the purchase. The data transfer
was successful, and the files
created retained the full potency
of the original volumes, possibly
by Nyarlathotep's direct inter-
vention. Kildare saw one of the
articles, and was sufficiently
intrigued to try and find out the
reason for the purchase, since he
thought it might make a good
story for his programme. When
the cult refused to answer any
instead of whisky.
There are a total of 14 explor-
ers and scientists including the
team on board the ship, which is
supplied with a variety of equip-
ment including a hot air balloon
for silent aerial observation of
the birds, a two-seater helicop-
ter, two four-wheel drive trucks,
and several rubber boats and
tents. There are no weapons on
board apart from those the team
possess, a .45 revolver and a
9mm machine pistol in the cap-
tain's safe, and a shotgun owned
by one of the truck drivers. It is
possible to improvise some addi-
tional weapons from the equip-
ment on board (helicopter fuel,
signal flares, etc) but players
should be allowed to deduce this
fact for themselves. Unless play-
ers specifically state that they are
preparing firearms for Antarctic
conditions their weapons will
have double the normal chance of
malfunctioning. When the ship
reaches its destination, a large
deserted island, there are no
signs of the usual swarms of pen-
guins. Instead a few scattered
birds can be seen on the rocky
shore. The first landing parties
will discover that the rocks are
covered with a curious clear
slime, amongst which are the
pulverised bones of several
thousand penguins. All of the
penguins seem to be ill, and
there are no mating activities.
During the recent war a
cruiser fired a missile which went
off course and landed on the
island, striking a cliff and causing
a major landslide. Buried in a
cave deep under the island were
two hibernating Shoggoths, and
the rock fall allowed sufficient
air into the tunnel leading to the
cave for them to revive and
break out. Their first action was
to feed on the defenceless pen-
guins, and they emerge from the
cave at night to pursue the sur-
vivors. If a camp is set up on the
island the creatures will attack it
the next night, retreating to their
cave if they take more than half
damage. If the creatures can des-
troy the entire camp and eat its
occupants they will return to the
cave to digest their meal. In
either case they will leave a trail
of fresh slime leading to their
cave, a few miles from the land-
ing site, and their shrill whistling
cries will be heard by the team
but not recognised unless they
have prior experience of the crea-
tures, or make a successful
Cthulhu Mythos roll. Whatever
the team's actions, the shore
party and ship will be subject to
nightly attacks until both Shog-
goths are killed or they sail at
least ten miles from the island.
The cave in which the Shoggoths
were imprisoned holds three
peculiar stone sculptures, of Old
One manufacture, and the cor-
roded remains of a metal machine
or sculpture whose function is
not apparent. The sculptures are
worth several hundred thousand
pounds to any interested mus-
eum, such as that at Miskatonic
University, while the metal
structure is part of the Old Ones
equivalent of a computer and
would be worth an equivalent
amount to any research firm.
Both the sculptures and machine
weigh several hundred kilos and
are embedded in the rock.
If an attempt is made to radio
for help it will be discovered that
the island is in a natural dead
area, where it is impossible to
transmit for more than a few
.miles. If the island is searched
thoroughly there is a 25%
chance that one or more unex-
ploded bombs will be found.D
Cthulhu Now!
Campaign outline for
5-8 experienced characters
as members of Peace Force, with
the majority of the assaults being
made by lone assassins armed
with daggers and carrying poison
capsules so that they cannot be
interrogated if caught. They
naturally carry no identification.
The cultists will typically try to
catch their victim in their most
vulnerable moments (in bed,
alone in lifts, while taking a bath,
etc) and do their utmost to disfig-
ure the corpses before fleeing. If
this proves impractical they may
attempt to cast spells such as
shriving against their victims,
and thus give a clue that cult
activity is involved.
Sooner or later they will at-
tempt to kill Lyon and probably
succeed, but a private trust fund
established before his death will
continue to pay the investigators.
Lyon's lawyer knows nothing of
his plans.
By the time the investigators
have learned what Peace Force
plan (preferably by saving the
life of a member who tells them
in gratitude) the majority of the
cultists will already be on the test
island, holed up in a cave near
the test site. They are equipped
with military equipment includ-
ing a helicopter, rocket laun-
chers, nerve gas, and machine
guns, and will be aided by 8d20
Deep Ones who will attack the
NATO forces guarding the
bomb after it is armed but before
-it is lowered into the test cavern.
The investigators will have
great difficulty in convincing
NATO that something is going
to happen - the only likely result
is that they and all known mem-
bers of Peace Force will be arrest-
ed until the test is over. The only
practical way to reach the island
in the time available is for the
investigators to join the Peace
Force parachute mission and try
to do something on the spot.
The bomb itself is a 1 -megaton
missile warhead. If it explodes in
the original test cave the entire
island will suffer a severe but sur-
vivable earthquake inflicting
3d 10 damage on all present. Sur-
face explosions will cause the
damage listed on the nuclear
weapons table in Part 1 [WD42].
If the bomb is detonated under-
water it will produce a vast tidal
wave and certainly sink any sur-
face vessel within 25 miles, as
well as its normal blast effects.
If the cultists succeed in stealing
the bomb they will fly it to their
island base, attach their own
remote controls, and lower it
into the volcano. If it actually
detonates in this position they
will all be killed, but their plan
will succeed and the sunken city
of R'lyeh will rise to the surface
three weeks later, accompanied
by volcanic explosions through-
out the Pacific which will make
Krakatoa look fairly puny. Sub-
sequent events are left to the dis-
cretion of the referee.D
There they intend to lower it into a volcanic fissure and
trigger an eruption that should bring R'lyeh back to the
surface and release Cthulhu to rule the world...
Players Information
Sir Maxwell Lyon, a well-known
ecologist and TV Pundit, is also
the founder of Peace Force, an
environmental group which is
frequently in opposition to gov-
ernment and EEC policy, and
has had several brushes with the
law. In recent weeks four senior
members of the society have
been slain in brutal, almost
ritualistic killings, and he has
decided to recruit some inves-
tigators to find out the reason for
the deaths. He hints that the soc-
iety is about to launch some am-
bitious but illegal project, but
refuses to give any details, and
suggests that the murders may
have been committed by a gov-
ernment 'Dirty Tricks' depart-
ment. He is prepared to provide
any reasonable quantity of
funds, but wants quick results.
propaganda until the test is can-
celled. What Peace Force do not
know is that a group of Cthulhu
worshippers plan to steal the
bomb and deliver it to another
island, a hundred and fifty miles
to the East. There they intend to
lower it into a volcanic fissure
and trigger an eruption, which
will initiate a wave of mountain
building that should bring R'lyeh
back to the surface and release
Cthulhu to rule the world.
One of the Cultists covered his
darker activities by membership
in the Peace Force organisation,
and chanced to learn of their
plans for the weapon test. When
he reported to the cult they
decided to disrupt the plan, and
thus avert any possibility that the
ecologists would get in their way,
by killing some of the organisa-
tion's leaders. They feel sure
that a continued campaign of ter-
rorism will be enough to stop the
For this reason, both Lyon's
home and the offices of Peace
Force are under observation and
bugged by cultists. The offices
are also being watched by the
police, who suspect that Peace
Force are involved in some sort
of illegal activity but know no
details. Once it becomes appar-
ent that the team have been
hired by J^yon the cultists will
attempt to murder them, as well
Referees Information
Peace Force are about to launch
their most ambitious project, an
attempt to stop a NATO nuclear
test in the Pacific. They plan to
fly an old cargo plane into the
area and drop eighteen dedi-
cated volunteers onto the test
island by parachute. The volun-
teers will then disperse down to
a cave 500 metres below sea level
and, equipped with radio trans-
mitters and concentrated iron
rations, will hide and transmit
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