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By Christopher Perkins
The lord of the stone giants has gone mad,
but he’s still the best chance the heroes have
of fracturing the giant alliance. A D&D ad-
venture for characters of levels 14–16, and
the second of four paragon-tier adventures
based on Gary Gygax’s classic Against the
Giants series.
By Eric Menge
Visit a breathtaking city rife with intrigue and
adventure. Enjoy the rumors, festivals, land-
marks, and everything else Cormyr’s capital
has to offer.
By Will Doyle
A dragon with a tavern strapped to its back?
Better fasten your seat belts—it’s gonna be a
bumpy ride!
Nightmare and Worg
By Logan Bonner
In this article series, we revisit monsters from
the 4th Edition Monster Manual , providing
new lore and revised stat blocks.
By Brian Cortijo
She’s daddy’s little girl and the Archduke of
Malbolge, the sixth layer of the Nine Hells.
She’s also living proof that beauty runs only
skin deep.
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Warrens of
the Stone
Giant Thane
A D&D ® adventure for characters of levels
By Christopher Perkins
Illustrations by Kalman Andrasofszky,
Noah Bradley, and McLean Kendree
Cartography by Mike Schley
I ntroductIon
This adventure draws its inspiration from the tri-
partite “G” series of modules written by Gary Gygax
in the 1970s—a series that was later collected into
a single adventure module titled Against the Giants ,
published in 1981 by TSR, Inc. The series pitted char-
acters against hill giants, frost giants, and fire giants,
but stone giants got the short end of the stick. This
adventure gives stone giants their moment to shine.
“Warrens of the Stone Giant Thane” is designed
for Dungeons & Dragons ® characters of levels
14–16. You can run it as a stand-alone adventure, or
you can play it as the second part of a four-part series
that begins with “Steading of the Hill Giant Chief ”
( Dungeon 197) and continues with “Glacial Rift of the
Frost Giant Jarl” ( Dungeon 199) and “Hall of the Fire
Giant King” ( Dungeon 200).
TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.
Janu ar y 2012 | DUNGEON 198
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Warrens of the Stone Giant Thane
B ackground
Giants have been raiding the civilized lands in large
bands, visiting death and destruction upon villages,
towns, and farmlands. Entire militias have been con-
quered, entire crops wiped out. These marauding
bands consist of mixed groups of hill giants, stone
giants, frost giants, and fire giants, as well as ogres
and other monsters allied with the giants.
Determined to repel the invaders, local lords
have begun hiring brave adventurers. The first few
groups didn’t fare well. Some were crushed beneath
the boulders and jackboots of rampaging giants, and
others simply never returned from the wilderness.
However, a new band of adventurers has assembled to
punish the destructive giants and banish them from
the civilized lands.
Of all the giant lords, Thane Arnak of the stone
giants seems the least likely to rally behind the
banner of Snurre, king of the fire giants. Until
recently, the stone giant thane maintained a steady
truce with neighboring clans of dwarves, and stone
giants rarely ventured far from their warrens in the
craggy foothills of the Crystalmist Mountains. But
something has changed. Stone giants have emerged
from Howling Crag to join the rampaging hordes,
providing needed artillery to Snurre’s growing army.
Dwarves are convinced that Arnak still commands
the giants of Howling Crag, but they fear that a dark
inf luence has persuaded the thane to act against his
better nature. Thane Arnak has indeed gone mad
under the inf luence of an artifact known as the Stone
of Madness, which the giants recently unearthed.
If the truth can be revealed and the thane cured,
perhaps the alliance between the stone giants and
the other giant lords can be sundered. If the alliance
cannot be broken, the only recourse is to conquer the
Howling Crag and slay Arnak.
Arnak’s sister, Belastraya, serves as the castellan
of the stronghold and commands its defense. Her
Q uests
In addition to killing foes they encounter in Howl-
ing Crag, the characters can pick up a few quests.
Another quest might be gained during the adventure.
brother’s madness serves her ambitions, so she has
done nothing to rid Arnak of his malady. Instead, she
has cultivated promising relationships with the other
giant lords and pledged her full support.
B egInnIng the
a dventure
Minor Quest:
Retrieve the Battle Standard
15th-level Minor Quest (240 XP/character)
Stone giant marauders attacked an elven military encamp-
ment and stole a battle standard, atop which was a golden
falcon. The elves take it as a sign of ill omen that the falcon
was lost. Return it to them if you can.
The giants returned to Howling Crag with the
stolen battle standard and presented it to Belastraya,
who in turn gave it to Mirgvard (see area 2) as trib-
ute for the frost giant jarl, Grugnur. The heroes must
retrieve the battle standard to complete this quest.
The stone giants occupy a mountain retreat called
Howling Crag, named for the loud wind that blows
through its many caves. Howling Crag perches atop
a rocky hill sheltered by the Crystalmist Mountains,
several leagues from the hill giants’ steading. You can
change the crag’s location and the name of the moun-
tain range to better serve the needs of your home
Characters who do some research on or legwork
about the Howling Crag might dig up a few facts.
Those who succeed on a DC 21 History check or
Streetwise check learn that the giants always have
a roc-mounted sentry watching the road to the crag
and the environs around it. It’s nearly impossible to
avoid notice while approaching the crag. A successful
DC 29 History check or Streetwise check reveals the
secret tunnel north of the crag.
It is assumed that the characters have safely
arrived at a spot near the stone giants’ stronghold—a
small cave, well hidden, where they can remain unde-
tected while they plan their offensive. If the party
decides to take an extended rest between forays to
Howling Crag, the characters can do it safely at the
hidden cave—provided they take precautions not to
leave a plain trail.
Minor Quest:
Find the Peace Delegates
15th-level Minor Quest (240 XP/character)
A delegation sent to negotiate a truce with Thane Arnak
never returned. The group included a human noble named
Merlian Saar, his two human bodyguards, and their
guides—a pair of goliaths. Find and rescue any survivors.
The delegation can be found in area 12. How-
ever, they have been convinced to join the giants and
betray their kin for the promise of power. The char-
acters complete this quest if they obtain proof of the
delegates’ treachery.
Major Quest:
Fracture the Alliance
15th-level Major Quest (1,200 XP/character)
Convince Thane Arnak to break his alliance with the other
giant lords.
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Warrens of the Stone Giant Thane
2 Stone Giants
Level 14 Soldier
Madness has transformed the once-steady stone
giant thane into an evil monster bent on conquest.
Thane Arnak’s insanity ends with the destruction of
the Stone of Madness (area 15). However, even with
his wits restored, Arnak is reluctant to break his alli-
ance with King Snurre. If the characters convince the
thane to do so, they complete this quest. They cannot
complete the quest by slaying Arnak.
In addition to treasure, giants often possess mun-
dane items of little worth. As the characters loot
corpses and plunder treasure chests, feel free to
throw in a few items from the following table.
Large elemental humanoid (earth, giant)
XP 1,000 each
HP 140 ; Bloodied 70
Initiative +12
aC 30, Fortitude 27, reflex 24, Will 26
Perception +12
speed 8 (earth walk)
Low-light vision
Immune petrification
Standard Actions
m stone Greatclub (weapon) F at-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 11 damage, and the giant marks the target
until the end of the giant’s next turn.
R Hurl rock F at-Will
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 13 damage.
C staggering sweep (weapon) F recharge when first
Attack: Close blast 2 (creatures in the blast); +19 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 11 damage, the giant pushes the target up to 2
squares, and the giant marks the target until the end of
the giant’s next turn.
Effect: The giant shifts 2 squares but must remain within 2
squares of any creatures marked by it.
Triggered Actions
Hardened Threat F at-Will
Trigger: A creature marked by the giant and within its reach
willingly moves.
Effect (Opportunity Action): The giant uses stone greatclub
against the triggering creature.
stone Bones F at-Will
Trigger: The giant is hit by an attack.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The giant gains resist 5 to all
damage against the triggering attack.
skills Athletics +18, Stealth +15
str 22 (+13) dex 16 (+10) Wis 20 (+12)
Con 20 (+12) Int 10 (+7) Cha 11 (+7 )
alignment unaligned Languages Giant
equipment greatclub, 3 rocks
Mundane Treasures
Mundane Item
Handaxe blade (used as a hand chopper)
Metal helm (used as a bowl) and wooden spoon
r unnIng the
a dventure
Moldy and stinky wheel of cheese
shabby cloak (wool or hide)
Bone comb
Iron cooking pot
This adventure is location-based. All of the encoun-
ters are keyed to the maps of Howling Crag that
appear throughout the adventure text.
drinking horn
skinning knife
Haunch of meat
Mangy fur pelt
The adventure is designed to allow characters to take
short rests between encounters. However, characters
needing an extended rest might have to withdraw
from the dungeon to avoid incessant attacks.
Players might be reluctant to take an extended rest
and thereby allow the giants to fortify their defenses,
but that’s a choice they must make. As the Dungeon
Master, you need to decide what happens while the
characters take an extended rest and the extent to
which the giants recover from the party’s most recent
assault. Consider adding one group of reinforcements
(see “Giant Reinforcements” below), and have the
giants take a few sensible precautions to prepare for
the party’s return.
small bag of salt
Old sandals
Waterskin (full)
Cask of ale (half empty)
necklace of animal fangs or finger bones
5-foot length of chain
Bag of skulls
Bag of dried mushrooms
50-foot coil of hemp rope
Carved wooden idol
Giant Reinforcements
Not all of the stone giants that live in Howling Crag
are present when the characters attack. A number
of them are out on raids and hunting expeditions.
Each time the characters take an extended rest
during their conquest of Howling Crag and its nest
of warrens, they run the risk of encountering giant
The treasure found in this adventure was assigned
using the parcel technique of distribution (see page
298 of Rules Compendium ) to ensure that the charac-
ters get the appropriate amount of treasure for their
level. Feel free to replace listed items with other items
of a similar level.
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