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1. Our Inner Western Way,
2. Symbolic Significance, 16
3. The Sacred Self-Sacrifice,
4. Looking Over the Line,
5. Magic and the West, 76
6. Towards the Temple, 93
7. If We Would Stand, 111
8. "The More It Changes, the More It Stays the Same",
9. What Now?,
1. Our Western Inner Way
Considering the widespread revival of interest in the occult in
recent years, it is still surprising how few people raised in the West
are consciously aware of its Unique Inner Tradition—the secret
spirituality behind our Western way of life. It has not only made
us what we are today, but, more importantly, it can help prepare
us for the future. This reaches far deeper than our historical or
cultural heritage alone. It is the lineage and progress of what can
only be called the 'Western Soul', which develops as we evolve
upon this planet.
This evolution is perceptible from a purely spiritual view-
point, quite apart from the restricted beliefs and physical
boundaries of material existence. Unless we strive to reach
beyond rationality, and acquaint ourselves with the spiritual and
magical realms where our 'Real Selves' reside, we shall never
understand the purpose of our incarnation. To understand these
inner spheres of reality, we must enter and experience them.
Perhaps the greatest single obstacle to achieving this
awareness lies in the extraordinary elusiveness of our Western
Inner Way. If we were seeking enlightenment through the
mystical or spiritual disciplines of the Orient, we would have well-
defined paths on every side. Yet, when we try to contact
equivalent systems in the West, we discover an apparently
disjointed collection of Folk tales and apocryphal writings,
interpreted through the bigotry and ignorance of modern
commentators and translators. At present, our surviving tradi-
tions, and their revivals and adaptations, would take entire
incarnations to trace—let alone evaluate. In future generations,
who knows what could—or will—be constructed out of something
so superficially confusing and conflicting. It is fortunate for us
that a few souls in each generation have the patience and
dedication to find—and follow—this old line of faith in Life, which
steadily leads toward the Western Way of Enlightenment. To
discover this as individuals, we must plunge very deep, avoiding
surface obstructions that hinder us from consciously claiming our
rightful, but carefully concealed heritage.
* * *
What is the Inner Way of the West? Anyone asking this
question in all sincerity will encounter strange replies from many
unexpected quarters. Unfortunately, the intentions of many
would-be guides to the Inner Planes are more like guided missiles
aimed at the seeker's wallet. Seldom have so many sharks snapped
so eagerly as the unsuspecting plunge into deep occult waters
unsupported by anything except a well-inflated money belt. From
mystic supply shops to witch covens, 'Orders' of this, that, and
other, stretch greedy hands toward the gullible. None but the
truly poor in spirit could possibly navigate through such pirate-
infested waters and emerge enriched by the experience.
Incredibly, the muddle confronting modern pilgrims of the
Western Way is actually part and parcel of its program. It can be
considered a contemporary version of the dangerous and delusive
'Dweller on the Threshold' who guarded the gates of the ancient
Mysteries. This fabled horror represents everything in ourselves
that seeks to prevent us from achieving a state of spiritual
perfection. Either we challenge and conquer this negative side of
our nature, or we remain an outsider and get no closer,
consciously, to the truth of our Inner Identities.
This is exactly the problem set before us by the reputed
representatives of our 'Hidden Holy Tradition'. What, if anything,
is genuine and what is deceptive? For those able to detect the
difference, and make their way through the workings of the
Western Mysteries, this is a crucial test. In the past, this quest was
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