Daniel Min - Planetary Awareness Technique.pdf

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Min's Planetary Awareness Technique
©2004 Daniel Joseph Min
All rights are free
Min’s Free Press
Continental Divide, CO
Min’s Google-archived digital edition November 21, 2003.
First printed edition published by UBCP on July 1, 2004.
Ch 1 ............1
Ch 2 ..........10
Ch 3 ..........16
Ch 4 ..........29
Ch 5 ..........36
Ch 6 ..........42
Ch 7 ..........53
Ch 8 ..........66
Ch 9 ..........81
Ch 10 ........97
Ch 11 ......116
Ch 12 ......123
Ch 13 ......136
I F YOU HAVEN T ALREADY , be sure you download the freeware program Astrolog ver. 5.41G or
greater from the following website http://www.bdcol.ee/astrolog/changed/a541gwin.zip , and
Swiss Ephemeris ftp://ftp.astro.ch/pub/swisseph/ephe/ . Setup a file using your own timezone
and coordinates http://terraserver.microsoft.com/default.aspx , or http://www.topozone.com ,
http://www.maporama.com/share , http://www.streetmap.co.uk , http://www.mapsonus.com/,
E.g., Edgar Cayce was born in a two-room cottage, located behind the Beverly Store near
the intersection of Palmyra Pike & LaFayette Road about 7.5 miles SSW of Hopkinsville, Ken-
tucky (now Beverly Memorial Lane & Old Palmyra Road); the geographical coordinates
(dd:mm:ss) are 87W31:36 36N45:23. You can check this out on the USGS-Microsoft Ter-
raserver site, or check out Maporama’s URL for international coordinates; search an address in
the UK on http://www.streetmap.co.uk . Or try the “GPS” site on http://www.travelbygps.com .
Once you locate your coordinates and timezone, enter this data into the Astrolog “Set
Chart Info...” window <Alt+z>, and save that file for future reference. Settings are not really
important for this exercise, with the exception of “Aspect Settings...” <Alt+Shift+A> & “Object
Settings...” <Alt+j>. Also, set your houses at Meridian <Ctrl+Shift+M>. You can toggle between
Null houses by using <Ctrl+Shift+N>. Set your aspect and object settings so that the following
defaults appear in the “astrolog.dat” file <Cntl+Shift+)>:
-A 7 ; Number of aspects [Change "5" to desired number "7"]
-c 4 ; House system [Change "0" to desired system "4" or "14"]
-YR 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; Planets
-YR 11 20 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ; Minor planets
-YR 21 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; House cusps
-YR 33 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; Uranians
-YAo 1 5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 ; Major aspects
-YAo 6 11 15.0 15.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 ; Minor aspects
-YAo 12 18 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ; Obscure aspects
The above settings enable all seven aspects by adding 30-degree increments: conjunct (0),
semisextile (30), sextile (60), square (90), trine (120), inconjunct (150), & opposition (180).
Each aspect is allotted ±15 degrees orb, which allows you to readily identify which planets are
closing or acquiring via aspect-orb, else widening or separating, thus indicating the trend of
each aspect — either growing or shrinking by horoscopic significance. The three outer planets
Uranus, Neptune & Pluto can be disabled by using the object “Restrictions...” <Alt+r> menu
when you chart the “Aspect List” <Alt+l>. But before you do this you’ll need to adjust the “Zo-
diac Degree Offset/Ayanamsa”. This is the fun part. Pick a date for calculation using 12:00
noon your local timezone accounting for daylight savings.
Each planet is either superior or inferior to the Sun as viewed from Earth. Any planet at or
past the far side of the Sun is superior while any planet at or past the near side of the Sun is
inferior. These determine the ensigns each planet makes to the Earth. E.g. Mars superior
makes the planetary sign “Scorpio”, or purified aspect of Mars. Venus inferior makes “Taurus”,
or guilty aspect of Venus. Jupiter superior is “Sagittarius” & inferior is “Pisces”. Saturn supe-
rior is “Capricorn” as inferior is “Aquarius”. Mercury inferior is “Gemini” whereas superior is
“Virgo”. Venus superior is “Libra” while Mars inferior is “Aries”.
Remember, these are synodic aspects or phases of planets to the Earth. As in the summary
given above, “Taurus” is the energy exerted by the planet Venus to the Earth, not an arbitrary
“sign” up in the sky or in the angle of sun- light in Earth’s tropical seasons. The planetary en-
signs are the radial motions and velocities of planets towards or away from the Earth, either
So we see, the planetary ensigns have both direction and magnitude relative to the center
of the Earth, as called vectors. These planetary vectors are dynamic, not static. A planet’s
maximum velocity toward or away from Earth is achieved near maximum elongation east or
west of the Sun.
Keeping this in mind, open the “Calculation Settings...” <Alt+Shift+S>, and note the user-
definable field for the ayanamsa value. You can enter any decimal value from 360 to -360
ecliptic arcdegrees. For now, leave it at 0, and click “Cancel” <Esc>. Toggle your house system
to “Null”, and be sure “Show Graphics” <v> is enabled. I recommend temporarily disabling
Uranus, Neptune & Pluto to rectify the horoscope by adjusting the ayanamsa accordingly. You
can see the position of each planet to the Sun and if it is superior or inferior. For the Moon
waxing is superior and waning is inferior; lunar eclipses are near inferior conjunction while
solar eclipses are near superior. See? Planets near maximum elongation are at maximum mag-
nitude in proportion to their maximum velocity. E.g. if Jupiter is square to the Sun in close
orb, then Jupiter is close to maximum strength either superior or inferior, meaning it is very
strong in Sagittarius or Pisces, respectively. But, Mercury’s maximum elongation never exceeds
about 28 degrees, which is barely approaching semisextile the Sun. So Mercury’s phases of
Virgo and Gemini are near maximum radial velocity much closer than square or 90 degrees to
the Sun but are always well-under 30 degrees/semisextile. The maximum elongation for Venus
never exceeds more than about 47 degrees which is barely in excess of semisquare. For obvi-
ous reasons, only the planets far-beyond Earth’s orbit can achieve square plus greater aspects
to the Sun. I remind you that each planet’s orbital eccentricity and inclination etc. affect subtle
Chapter 1
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