Zabawna buzia (Funny face) (1957) (cz. 2) EN.txt

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{2721}{2772}What are they doing?|They've been hours.
{2776}{2825}There was a lot to be done.
{2858}{2932}- They don't look happy.|- They don't look unhappy.
{2979}{3029}I can't tell. Do they look pleased?
{3032}{3103}- They don't look displeased.|- Everyone.
{3106}{3161}- The grand finale.|- I'm getting nervous.
{3165}{3218}- You should.|- Sit down.
{3222}{3355}Friends, you saw enter here a waif,|a gamin, a lowly caterpillar.
{3376}{3465}We open the cocoon but|it is not a butterfly that emerges.
{3468}{3586}- It's not?|- No, it is a bird of paradise.
{4872}{4962}- Beautiful! I don't believe it.|- Maggie, what did I tell you?
{4965}{5032}You look absolutely fabulous.|How does it feel?
{5035}{5086}It feels wonderful, but it's not me.
{5089}{5150}The hair, the dress. It's perfection.
{5153}{5217}You see how much we accomplish|when you appear?
{5220}{5324}Try to stay with us for a while.|Duval shows the collection on Friday.
{5327}{5394}The night before,|we'll introduce you to the press.
{5397}{5466}It is your opportunity.|It will be your evening.
{5470}{5521}- You will be there?|- Yes, of course.
{5524}{5585}Dick, that gives you a week|to photograph her.
{5588}{5664}I want marvellous pictures.|Give me a lot of pizzazz.
{5667}{5757}Take her, and whatever you do,|don't let her out of your sight.
{5777}{5836}Do what I tell you.|Don't worry about it.
{5839}{5939}Here, hold these balloons high|in the air, and when I say "run",
{5942}{6023}run as fast as you can|and don't let the balloons go.
{6026}{6088}Run as fast as I can|and don't let the balloons go.
{6092}{6148}Right. Now, ready?
{6151}{6223}Head up a little. You're so happy.
{6226}{6263}Alright, run!
{6299}{6344}What? Oh, why did I ever...
{6360}{6420}- What's wrong?|- I don't know which way to go.
{6423}{6458}That way.
{6462}{6537}I'm sorry, I'm nervous.|I've never done anything like this.
{6540}{6633}There's nothing to be nervous about.|You're in Paris, the Tuileries.
{6636}{6730}You've got balloons. There's|a sudden shower. You're very happy.
{6733}{6797}- Why am I so happy?|- Because I say you are.
{6837}{6911}That's all you have to know.|You're happy. Now, run!
{6941}{6970}Great. That's great.
{6974}{7002}Now, stop!
{7261}{7308}Now, today you're not happy.
{7311}{7371}- I'm hurt and...|- Right, a creature of tragedy.
{7375}{7448}Heartbroken, suffering.|You're Anna Karenina.
{7462}{7505}Shall I throw myself under the train?
{7508}{7614}We'll see. For now, just wonderful,|noble self-sacrifice.
{7622}{7682}Your lover|has just kissed you goodbye.
{7765}{7832}You may never know that kiss again,|or love again.
{7835}{7890}Marcel, put some tears in her eyes.
{7961}{8005}There are tears in her eyes.
{8008}{8076}Good. You're not only a model,|you're an actress.
{8079}{8213}Jo, give me the works.|Heartbreak, longing, tragedy.
{8216}{8255}Wet your lips.
{8277}{8333}Good. Alright. Now, la steam.
{8336}{8360}La steam!
{8363}{8421}That's great. Just like the movie.
{8424}{8469}Poor Anna Karenina.
{8472}{8509}No, not too much steam.
{8513}{8611}Cut down the steam.|That's wonderful. That's it.
{8685}{8790}Good. Now give her some flowers.|Flowers. Arms full.
{8792}{8864}Alright. More!
{8873}{8935}Alright, Jo, it's spring.|You're in love.
{8938}{9010}Now, turn around. Fabulous!
{9361}{9413}You're walking out of the opera,
{9417}{9488}Ieaving to the passionate|music of Tristan Undlsolde.
{9491}{9546}- You're very unhappy.|- What happened now?
{9549}{9599}A rendezvous at the opera.|Two seats.
{9602}{9650}He didn't show up. You're furious.
{9653}{9758}When I say go, walk down with fire|in your eyes and murder on your mind.
{9761}{9789}Wet your lips.
{9799}{9891}You're lsolde. You're a queen.|Now, go!
{9921}{9983}You're furious at Tristan.
{9986}{10025}That's great.
{10353}{10405}Today,|you're just a simple little girl.
{10408}{10500}You live on the Seine, and you're|trying to catch a fish for lunch.
{10527}{10600}Jo, fish. I want you|to look like you're fishing.
{10603}{10670}I'm trying,|but I've never fished before.
{10673}{10764}That's quite obvious. You might|just as well be flying a kite.
{10792}{10839}Don't look like such an amateur.
{10842}{10876}You're just not fishing.
{10880}{10954}I am, but it's caught on something.
{10957}{11013}Well, give it a yank.
{11016}{11065}Pretend you caught a fish.|Pull it out.
{11227}{11338}- Here's what I want you to be.|- I know. I'm a princess at a ball.
{11341}{11444}The bird is Prince Charming,|turned into a bird by a sorcerer.
{11447}{11508}But we've decided|not to let it spoil the ball
{11511}{11583}and to go on dancing|as if nothing had happened.
{11586}{11625}You've outgrown me.
{11651}{11726}Alright. Now, give him a kiss.
{11738}{11819}He's your Prince Charming, isn't he?|Well, get happy!
{11846}{11881}That's a killer.
{11987}{12044}Alright, Marcel, lights!
{12122}{12191}Jo, where are you?
{12216}{12281}Tell me when you're ready. Say "go".
{12284}{12338}I'm ready. What are you gonna do?
{12341}{12423}Never mind what I'm going to do.|Just say "go".
{12440}{12473}Alright. Go!
{12556}{12632}Holy Moses! You look fabulous!
{12635}{12665}Look, stop.
{12714}{12815}- I can't stop. Take the picture.|- Stop!
{12819}{12913}I don't want to stop. I like it.|Take the picture.
{13411}{13497}This is your wedding day,|the happiest day of your life.
{13500}{13579}Bells are ringing, flowers blooming,|angels singing.
{13582}{13691}The man you love more than anyone|is inside the church waiting for you.
{13722}{13762}What's the matter?
{13780}{13860}I just feel so dishonest|in this wedding dress.
{13863}{13966}It's not the happiest day of my life.|No one's waiting for me anywhere.
{13969}{14068}But you weren't Anna Karenina.|The bird wasn't Prince Charming.
{14071}{14128}- Please, Dick.|- I don't understand.
{14131}{14169}Yes, I know.
{14351}{14401}But, Padre, we're not here to marry.
{14404}{14494}- Such a beautiful bride.|- This is not my dress.
{14497}{14537}We're here to take pictures.
{14641}{14719}I'm sorry. Perhaps we should've|asked your permission first.
{14722}{14794}No wedding?
{15129}{15209}I'm sorry. I don't know|what's the matter with me.
{15212}{15297}Forget it and relax.|We've been working too hard.
{15301}{15360}I suppose we'll be going home soon?
{15363}{15408}That's it. You're homesick.
{15411}{15508}Well, just this last picture,|then you'll be through.
{15511}{15586}- And then what happens?|- We go home.
{15603}{15628}And then?
{15649}{15682}What do you mean?
{15685}{15728}Will I see you any more?
{15731}{15812}And how! lf you model,|I can get you bookings.
{15815}{15897}- We'd be working together every day.|- I'll model.
{15900}{15947}Good. We'll put you to work.
{15950}{16035}Stand here, please.|There's a good place. Fine.
{16144}{16215}Now, tip your head just a little bit.
{16239}{16295}Good. A little smile.
{16484}{16523}Something is wrong.
{16546}{16586}No. Why?
{16589}{16653}You're the saddest bride|I've ever seen.
{16656}{16710}You look as if you've been jilted.
{16713}{16764}This is your wedding day.
{16767}{16862}The day you've dreamt of.|You're marrying the man you love.
{16865}{16912}The man who loves you.
{16937}{16965}He's the only...
{16992}{17029}And you're...
{17239}{17315}Dick, I thought|it would never happen.
{17352}{17433}I never want to go home.|I love Paris!
{17436}{17536}I love these clothes and|the little church. And I love you.
{17624}{17673}What did you say?
{17676}{17727}I love Paris.
{17730}{17774}That's not what I heard.
{17841}{17875}My, my...!
{17943}{17986}Well, what do you know!
{24894}{24952}Armande, let me see|a breeze in the trees.
{24955}{25024}Not too much.|I don't want a cyclone.
{25106}{25177}It's thrilling!|It makes me cry for the Carolines.
{25180}{25242}The correspondent from Pakistan|has accepted.
{25245}{25317}The correspondent from Madrid|will be able to make it.
{25320}{25393}And the man from lstanbul|will be at the presentation.
{25396}{25443}Good. Now, where is Jo?
{25460}{25486}Here she is.
{25489}{25555}Thank heavens.|I thought you'd stand us up again.
{25558}{25622}- How did the wedding pictures go?|- Wonderfully.
{25626}{25670}He is a marvellous photographer.
{25673}{25772}All you do is sit there.|I make my speech to the press,
{25775}{25845}the curtains will open|and you dazzle 'em!
{25848}{25903}- Give 'em the old pizzazz.|- I'll try.
{25906}{25962}I will introduce you to them.
{25965}{26021}Be charming|and answer their questions.
{26024}{26105}- What sort of questions?|- It's remarkably simple.
{26108}{26167}I've written editorials on it|for years.
{26170}{26212}As one lady to another...
{26215}{26277}We ought to look like|one lady to another.
{26280}{26342}They'll want to know|who does your hair,
{26345}{26416}what you eat, drink,|what sheets you sleep on.
{26418}{26489}You're the authority|on how to be lovely.
{26492}{26536}What am I going to tell them?
{26540}{26590}Just listen and repeat after me.
{30256}{30306}Ah, beautiful!
{30375}{30414}These are not my clothes.
{30417}{30503}They were lent for tonight.|I'm being presented to the press.
{30506}{30578}Your picture will be|in all the newspapers?
{30582}{30606}Oh, yes.
{30609}{30682}And they'll ask me|all sorts of questions.
{30715}{30812}I think perhaps you had better stay|here with me, huh?
{30919}{30979}Don't you remember me?|Jo Stockton?
{31173}{31245}What were they saying about Flostre?
{31248}{31349}That he is speaking at the cafe|and that they are late.
{31665}{31718}Mr Avery will be by in five minutes.
{31721}{31782}Ask him to pick me up at the cafe.
{32699}{32768}Je suis... terribly ...
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