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TY GREEK CONVERSATION 2007 14/8/07 10:09 am Page i
greek conversation
TY GREEK CONVERSATION 2007 14/8/07 10:09 am Page ii
greek conversation
hara garoufalia middle
howard middle
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with teach yourself
TY GREEK CONVERSATION 2007 14/8/07 10:09 am Page iv
track listing
conversation 1
part 1: introductions
part 2: more about yourself
conversation 2
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Copyright © 2007 Hara Garoufalia Middle and Howard Middle
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Impression number 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
part 1: talking about your family
part 2: saying where you live
conversation 3
part 1: arranging a hotel room
part 2: ordering a Greek coffee
conversation 4
part 1: asking the way
part 2: checking directions
conversation 5
part 1: eating out
part 2: ordering dessert and paying the bill
conversation 6
part 1: shopping and money
part 2: more shopping
conversation 7
part 1: shopping for clothes
part 2: buying a present
conversation 8
part 1: money matters
part 2: more money matters
conversation 9
part 1: entertainment
part 2: tickets for the beach
conversation 10
2010 2009 2008 2007
part 1: at the chemist’s
part 2: going on an excursion
TY GREEK CONVERSATION 2007 14/8/07 10:09 am Page vi
cultural information
Track listing
grammar reference
CD 1
track 1: introduction
tracks 2–11: conversation 1
tracks 12–19: conversation 2
tracks 20–27: conversation 3
tracks 28–35: conversation 4
listening skills: survival phrases
Greek–English glossary
English–Greek glossary
days of the week
greetings and other phrases
CD 2
tracks 1–8: conversation 5
tracks 9–16: conversation 6
tracks 17–24: conversation 7
tracks 25–32: conversation 8
tracks 33–40: conversation 9
tracks 41–48: conversation 10
food and drink
telling the time
CD 3
track 1: introduction
tracks 2–3: conversation 1: introductions; jobs
tracks 4–5: conversation 2: talking about your family; airport announcements
tracks 6–7: conversation 3: booking a hotel; bar and hotel prices
tracks 8–9: conversation 4: asking the way; telling the time
tracks 10–11: conversation 5: eating out; likes and dislikes
tracks 12–13: conversation 6: shopping at the street market; market prices
tracks 14–15: conversation 7: shopping for clothes; colours and clothes
tracks 16–17: conversation 8: at the bank; can do, can’t do, must do, mustn’t do
tracks 18–19: conversation 9: entertainment; a trip to an ancient site
tracks 20–21: conversation 10: at the chemist’s; saying goodbye
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TY GREEK CONVERSATION 2007 14/8/07 10:09 am Page 2
Conversation 1
Part 1: Introductions
Maria Yássas. Egó íme i María. Esís?
Anne Yássas. Íme i Anne.
Costas Ke egó íme o Cóstas. Esís?
To m Egó íme o Tom.
Maria Íste se thiakopés?
To m Ne. Esís?
Costas Óxi.
Maria Íste apó tin Anglía?
Anne Ne, ímaste apó tin Oksfórthi.
Costas Stin iyiá sas!
To m
Maria Hello, I am (the) Maria. You?
Anne Hello, I am (the) Anne.
Costas And I am (the) Costas. You?
To m I am (the) Tom.
Maria Are you on holiday?
To m Yes. You?
Costas No.
Maria Are you from (the) England?
Anne Yes, we are from (the) Oxford.
Costas Cheers! (To your health!)
To m
Part 2: More about yourself
Maria Kaliméra, kiría Anne.
Anne Kaliméra, kiría María.
Maria O kírios Tom then íne ethó?
Anne Óxi. O Tom íne stin plaz.
Maria O Cóstas íne mihanikós. O kírios Tom?
Anne O Tom íne yiatrós.
Maria Good morning, Mrs Anne.
Anne Good morning, Mrs Maria.
Maria (The) Mr Tom is not here?
Anne No. (The) Tom is at the beach.
Maria Costas is (an) engineer. Mr Tom?
Anne (The) Tom is (a) doctor.
Efxaristó. Stin iyiá sas!
Thanks. To your health!
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