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{2806}{2866}Did you see it? I think I got it.
{2870}{2930}That little piggy was fast.
{2934}{3041}Hey, everybody, this is all of our kill.|We all take credit.
{3064}{3132}- I got a side ache.|- You hit Enmebaragesi.
{3150}{3211}I'm pretty sure he had that|when he left the village.
{3238}{3274}That's not my spear.
{3278}{3359}My spear has feathers...|Okay, that one's got a feather.
{3363}{3422}Okay, that is my spear.|I'm sorry, man.
{3435}{3515}Great. Two spears.|Twice the killing power.
{3524}{3616}Thanks a lot.|Next time don't block my shot.
{3635}{3722}What? I didn't say...|Come on, not my fault.
{3726}{3789}Who stands in front of a boar|on a hunt?
{3980}{4008}Hey, there you are.
{4012}{4094}I don't think you wanna be gathered.|You wanna be eaten.
{4191}{4229}Hi, Marlak.
{4274}{4353}Well, there won't be any berries|in the fruit salad now, so we all lose.
{4361}{4394}Hey, Oh. How's it going?
{4398}{4451}Hunters think they're so cool.|You know, they...
{4455}{4539}They don't think this is challenging?|Gathering? It's extremely challenging.
{4543}{4626}You have to find all the fruit with|the least amount of bird shit on it...
{4630}{4661}...and put it in the basket.
{4665}{4691}Are they picking on you?
{4695}{4755}If they're picking on you,|I will straighten them out.
{4759}{4819}- All right. Yeah, would you?|- You're right.
{4823}{4853}Let it slide this time.
{4858}{4930}Next time, though, they will feel the tip|of my short spear.
{4949}{5037}- What happened to your spear?|- I modified it. Made it a snub nose.
{5042}{5139}It's lighter. It's a better killing tool.|Anyway...
{5148}{5224}Oh, there's Maya.|I'm gonna go talk to her.
{5228}{5320}I'll be right back.|Unless something goes horribly right.
{5343}{5422}- Hello, Maya.|- Hey, Zed.
{5444}{5488}What do I gotta do|to make you my woman?
{5492}{5639}Look, you're a special guy.|You've got a lot of personality.
{5655}{5717}When my parents|were killed by that pack of wild dogs...
{5721}{5786} really helped me|see the funny side.
{5830}{5873}"No, no! He's got my ankle!"
{5896}{5979}"Get off." That's your mom.
{5983}{6106}So, yeah, you make me laugh,|but that's not enough.
{6110}{6149}I'm an old-fashioned kind of girl.
{6153}{6224}I need a man who can protect me|and take care of me.
{6228}{6265}What do you mean?|Like Marlak?
{6269}{6334}Well, I mean, he is the best hunter|in the village.
{6338}{6382}- Debatable.|- People voted.
{6395}{6435}Maybe I'm not the greatest hunter.
{6439}{6496}- Or gatherer.|- Yes. Or gatherer.
{6500}{6559}Zed, those are the only two jobs|that we have here.
{6563}{6631}I can take care of you.|Does it look like I'm starving?
{6635}{6723}Come on.|Tell me you can say no to this.
{6745}{6805}Give it a second. Let it work on you.
{6824}{6887}Oh, yeah.|Absolutely can say no to that.
{6891}{6964}Maya. Can I see you later?
{7018}{7057}I think I have to wash my hair.
{7093}{7164}You washed your hair last year.
{7287}{7331}Tonight, we feast.
{7426}{7486}Maya. For you.
{7502}{7574}Thanks, Marlak.|Another severed boar's head.
{7578}{7629}- It's a different color.|- Yeah, this one is...
{7634}{7712}- Left the tongue in.|- Yeah, this is really nice, Marlak.
{7716}{7810}Look at Marlak flirting with Maya.|He doesn't know her at all.
{7814}{7860}Head's not even the best part|of the boar.
{7864}{7978}It's the back fat, stupid.|Muscleheaded idiot.
{7982}{8085}Hi, Eema. Hi, Eema. Hi, Eema.
{8131}{8179}Yeah. She doesn't even know I exist.
{8191}{8249}There's like 60 people|in the village. I mean...
{8253}{8328} have to go out of your way|to not know that somebody exists.
{8332}{8381}I just wanna lay with her so badly.
{8386}{8464}I don't see it. She's cute,|but I don't think I'd lay with her.
{8468}{8541}She's your sister. I mean,|that'd be like laying with your mother.
{8546}{8617}Which was a big mistake.|I see that now.
{8621}{8728}You think it's not gonna be awkward|in the morning, but... Trust me, wow.
{8732}{8744}Listen, you wanna impress Eema?|Do the fertility dance with her...
{8744}{8821}Listen, you wanna impress Eema?|Do the fertility dance with her...
{8825}{8903} the feast tonight|then drag her back to your hut.
{8907}{8971}My hut's a mess right now,|and what if she struggles?
{8975}{9039}You give her a little tap on the head.|Women respond to that.
{9053}{9088}I still live with my parents.
{9093}{9162}I don't wanna keep them up all night|with my raucous lovemaking.
{9166}{9229}I'd get an earful in the morning.|She only likes hunters.
{9234}{9307}She doesn't like gatherers.|She's a gatherer herself is the irony.
{9311}{9346}She's a self-loathing gatherer.
{9446}{9501}- That's pretty suggestive.|- I wouldn't read too much into that.
{9542}{9597}Okay, now she's just asking|for some splinters.
{9623}{9684}Hey, hey... Squanto.|Give me a break, would you?
{9688}{9740}You got the whole forest.
{9744}{9820}Why does everybody always have|to take a crap right behind my hut?
{9824}{9922}I could be wrong, I think what it is|is that all the poop in the area...
{9926}{10030}...fertilizes the ground and it gives|the leaves a softer feel for wiping.
{10034}{10141}It's not that nobody respects you.|I haven't heard that from everyone.
{10145}{10183}I've had it. Let's go.
{10204}{10264}Where are we going?|We're not supposed to go this far.
{10269}{10328}I'm sick of the whole village|treating me like a joke.
{10333}{10389}- You know what I'm gonna do?|- Change villages.
{10393}{10457}No. I'm gonna change my head.
{10471}{10544}I don't think that's possible.|Your head is attached to your body.
{10549}{10613}Not the whole head.|I mean, my mind.
{10649}{10711}Don't tell me you're thinking|about eating forbidden fruit.
{10715}{10776}That's exactly what I'm thinking.
{10791}{10852}Zed, that's the tree of the knowledge|of good and evil.
{10856}{10913}You don't eat from that one.|It's forbidden.
{10918}{10947}But why is it forbidden?
{10951}{10997}What is it they don't want us|to have?
{11001}{11084}It's not the fruit. It's about the rule.|It's about doing what you're told.
{11088}{11146}We've been doing what we were told|our entire lives.
{11150}{11209}- How's that worked out?|- I like doing what I'm told.
{11214}{11269}It gives my day|some much-needed structure. Wait.
{11274}{11316}Zed. Stop.|It's just a piece of fruit.
{11320}{11369}Eating a fruit|is not gonna change your life.
{11374}{11415}What if it's magic fruit?
{11419}{11511}What if this makes me the smartest|man the village has ever known?
{11515}{11549}That's a pretty low bar.
{11553}{11607}Then all the hunters|would have to bow down to me.
{11611}{11648}Maya would lay with me like that.
{11652}{11700}That's what this is about?|Laying with Maya?
{11704}{11767}I have a great destiny,|I'm about to find out what it is.
{11771}{11820}Put the fruit down.|What if somebody sees us?
{11825}{11894}They'll peel our skin off|and tie us to an anthill.
{11934}{11977}Now you've done it.
{12036}{12077}It's got sort of a knowledge-y taste.
{12082}{12153}Does it have a sort of forbidden taste?|That's what it is.
{12157}{12230}- Oh, I definitely feel something.|- What?
{12234}{12343}Less hungry, for one,|but also more intelligenter.
{12356}{12424}It's like|I feel like maybe I know everything.
{12451}{12550}Ask me something. Anything. Go.|Test me. Go.
{12554}{12608}All right, where does the sun go|at night?
{12631}{12662}Pass. Next question.
{12672}{12747}- Okay, where do babies come from?|- Pass. Next question.
{12786}{12853}- There's a snake on my foot.|- In the form of a question.
{12857}{12900}There's a snake on my foot?
{12946}{12990}- Correct.|- What do I do?
{12994}{13095}I got a lot of ideas. I'm bursting|with ideas on the subject.
{13099}{13183}- It's constricting me.|- You could stick your finger in its hole.
{13187}{13254}You know what, you could eat it|before it eats you. Try that.
{13258}{13323}Eat the snake first.|That's what my new brain tells me.
{13327}{13377}- It's preparing to eat me.|- Go for the eyes.
{13382}{13429}It's big.
{13438}{13485}Zed, please help me.
{13565}{13594}I'm dying a virgin.
{13598}{13653}Wait right here.|I'm gonna go eat more fruit.
{13971}{14075}- This was a bit of a rough day for me.|- Yeah. There's gotta be more to life.
{14079}{14152}This is a lot. I don't think I can handle|too much more than this.
{14157}{14206}No way. Look at these people.
{14210}{14293}They're like animals.|We're way too good for this.
{14297}{14353}Now that I'm smarter|I'm going straight to the top.
{14357}{14411}I'm bringing you.|You're gonna be my right hand.
{14415}{14471}I've seen what you do|with your right hand. No.
{14475}{14540}Don't you wonder what's on|the other side of the mountains?
{14544}{14607}There's nothing on the other side|of the mountains, okay?
{14611}{14689}The world ends. Everybody|knows that. You'd fall right off of it.
{14693}{14722}But what if it doesn't?
{14726}{14792}It makes my stomach go:
{14810}{14877}I've been thinking a lot|ever since I ate that fruit.
{14881}{14939}Why is there fruit? What is fruit?
{14946}{15017}It's a thing that you eat.|Why do we eat?
{15021}{15104}What are we? What are we?|Why do I have these?
{15109}{15154}Everything is weird.
{15158}{15245}When you really stop and look at it,|everything gets very, very strange...
{15249}{15284}Why am I talking? What is this?
{15288}{15341}My lips make a movement|and then a sound...
{15346}{15391}...and you know what I mean.
{15395}{15439}Blows my mind.
{15448}{15538}That just sounds like crazy fruit talk.|I don't wanna hear it right now.
{15555}{15589}Boy, she looks nice tonight.
{15622}{15708}Do it, man. Dance for her.
{15713}{15762}I don't know.|They're doing the jackal dance.
{15766}{15801}It's not my strongest.
{15805}{15886}What, are you kidding me?|You have an amazing jackal dance.
{15890}{15961}Go. Jackal...
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