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Minimalist syntax

T’ theory:

Problems with X’:

Dividing S into 3

What to do with “to”?



Affix hopping : -ed, -s lands in the place of T

When sentence form = dictionary form we write person, number and tense of the verb, but there is no actual constituent written under T



That, if, whether, for (in for…to construction) etc


Every TP is preceded by CP (in single clause affirmative sentences it is empty)

It is overt in questions and some subordinate clauses


Null constituents

-          Subjects: in imperatives, colloquial speech, coordinating sentences of the same subject

Proof of reflective pronouns

-          Complementizers

Overt nullification: I know you love syntax vs I know that you love syntax

Hidden nullification: She wanted him to apologize vs. She wanted more than anything FOR him to apologize

-          T (see above)








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