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How t o bui ld st rength, agi lity,
and cardiovascular f itness using
capoei ra movem ent s
Gerard Taylor
Photography by Anders Kjaergaard
Bt riu:leY7 Cal ifor nia
Copyright 0 2005 by Gct.. rd Tay!()t". All righ ts reserved . No portioo of[hi~ book, except
f or brief review, may be reproduce d , nord in ;l. retri eval system , ur tran smitted In any
form or by m y mca"" ......., It.'Ctmn;", n>e<:h~nical, ph otocopying, r<;c,xding, m· ouierwtse--.
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Publi shed by Blu e Snake Books / Fro g , Ltd .
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Cover and text desig n by Bract Gre ene
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Libr ar y o f Consrc"s Ca laloging -in . Pub lk ation Data
Taylor, Gerar d , 19 60-
Capocira con d itio nin g : how to build str engt h , agility, an d cardiovascular
firness using cap oe ira move me nts / by Gerard Taylo r ; pho tography by Ande rs
Kjaerga ard.
p . em.
ISB,S 1·58 394· 14 1-X ( pbk .)
1. Cepoe ira {Dan cej-e-Trainin g. 2 . Exercise. 1. Titl e.
79 3 .3 ' I 981-dc22
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UNIT f.D 11 10 09 08 07 ne
This book is dedicated to the memory of D erek T aylor, who to
my knowledge never did a single worko ut in his whole life, but
sure as hcU knew how to write.
Acknow ledgme nts
I' d like to th ank T ina, Marit, and Axe , all fo rmados o f O slo Capocira
Klubb, for th eir patien ce and hard wo rk wh ile we we re putting this
book together. H ug e th anks to Sue and Anders for co m mu tin g
betwe en Lo ndon and Oslo with unusual rcgul ariry to take the ph o-
tos , answer bombardment s of e-mails, uncover discrep an cies, and
amazingly, all remain friends at the end o f it .
Acknowled gment to Yvonne Cardenas ofNorth Atlantic Boo ks
for project co o rdina tin g, encourag e me nt, and making the co py -
editing proces s a painle ss experie nce . "Tusen till" to Rud Vid e -
regdende Skole for providing the stud io.
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